Board member position specification– Education New Zealand

Education New Zealand

Education New Zealand (ENZ) is New Zealand’s government agency for building international education. We promote New Zealand as a study destination and support the delivery of education services offshore. We also administer scholarships to support New Zealanders studying overseas particularly in Asia and Latin America.

The Board plays a key role in providing direction and assurance for ENZ’s performance over a range of functions, including:

-attracting international students to study with New Zealand providers – both onshore and offshore

-sending New Zealanders offshore to study to strengthen their understanding of other cultures and build the skills of the New Zealand workforce

-working with education providers and other government agencies so international students have a high quality experience while studying in New Zealand

-encouraging growth in the value of international education across New Zealand so the benefits are more evenly spread across the country

-encouraging former international students to maintain their linkages with New Zealand after they have finished studying – they can open doors for New Zealand exporters and New Zealand’s diplomatic efforts.

Skills/competencies sought

The Board needs a mix of skills, experience and diversity to enable it to be high performing and deliver on the Minister of Education’s expectations.

We are looking for candidates with skills and experience in one of more of the following:

-experience in a sector relevant to ENZ’s purpose and direction



-business/community development – Māori and Pasifika

Generally we also expect candidates to have skills and experience as follows.

Can demonstrate competence in: / Relates to the Board’s role in:
Strategy and governance / -FocusingENZ’s strategic direction
-Driving strategy design and implementation
-Monitoringand ensuringENZ’s effective performance
-Understanding wider operating context
-Proactively meeting the needs of the future education system
Leadership / -Leading organisations through change and financial constraints
-Delivering to current and future learner and stakeholder needs
-Identifying trends, risks and opportunities
Communication and stakeholder management / -Engaging effectively within the Board and across the sector
-Driving collaboration and integration in the sector, where appropriate
-Building robust, collaborative relationships in complex environments

The Minister will in some cases consider applications from candidates who are do not meet this criteria but who are exceptional in other areas.


ENZ Board members are paid an annual fee of $16,000. This is based on an assumed workload of 30 days per annum.

Current board

ENZ is governed by a Board of five to seven members, appointed under Section s272 of the Education Act 1989.

Board member / Appointment date / Term end date / City/town
Philip Broughton / 25 June 2012 / 24 June 2018 / Dunedin
Richard Leggat / 25 June 2012 / 24 June 2018 / Auckland
John Morris / 1 September 2012 / 31 August 2018 / Auckland
Victoria Spackman / 1 July 2015 / 30 June 2018 / Wellington
Charles Finny (Chair) / 1 September 2011 / 28 February 2019 / Wellington
Dr Linda Sissons / 13 October 2016 / 12 October 2019 / Wellington
Karen Rolleston / 13 October 2016 / 12 October 2019 / Auckland

Highlighted rows indicate expired terms or terms expiring in 2018

Incumbent members may seek reappointment.

About ENZ

ENZ is the only New Zealand government agency solely focused on international education. ENZ is a Crown agency which was established in 2011.

ENZ supports the achievement of the government’s priorities for international education, works with the international education industry and brings the international student voice into decision making.

ENZ is funded through three Vote Tertiary Education appropriations – two of which fund scholarships. The main appropriation, international education programmes, funds ENZ’s work to lead international education as well as its marketing, promotion and industry capability development work. In 2017/18 ENZ’s operating budget is $33.978 million and an additional $4.55 million to fund scholarships is administered.