The Teleological Argument of Aquinas

The Teleological Argument. The teleological argument of Aquinas. Aquinas fifth way is known as the Teleological Argument (from the Greek telos meaning purpose). The argument attempts to show that the universe is being directed towards a telos and that.

1.Troy: After the Victory at Troy, Odysseus and His Men Begin Their Journey Home from Here

1.Troy: After the victory at Troy, Odysseus and his men begin their journey home from here. 2.The Island of the Cicones: After leaving Troy, they stop to raid this island for supplies. The Cicones attack on horseback, and Odysseus lost 72 of his men.

Duty Theory, Deontology, Kantian Ethics

DUTY THEORY, DEONTOLOGY, KANTIAN ETHICS.Kant (1724-1804), Deon duty Logic study of or science of.Kant was motivated by the lack of a role for duty in Utilitarianism, something he believed to be the foundation of all morality

Unit 2 Test Study Guide s1

Unit 2 Test Study Guide.Directions: Read each statement. Then, circle the civilization the statement describes. You can circle more than one letter. A - Aztec. I Inca. M Maya.Define the following words.1. Tenochtitlan: The capital city of the Aztec Empire, built upon a lake bed in Central Mexico

Topics in Chinese Political Philosophy

Topics in Chinese Political Philosophy. Instructor: Kang Chan (詹康). Time: 13:10-16:00 Thursdays. This course surveys the literature that makes Chinese political philosophy relevant to modern Western philosophy and to contemporary (esp. post-Tiananmen).

Versailles Treaty Revision

Versailles Treaty Revision. AIMS OF THE BIG THREE. Georges Clemenceau, President of France blamed Germany = punishment/ hard justice / angry = revenge/ wanted to make Germany pay for the Damage/ felt threatened = wanted independent Rhineland/ get.

Vergil and the Aeneid

Vergil and the Aeneid. I. Life and Career of Vergil. 1. Born in Mantua on October 15, 70 BC as Publius Vergilius Maro. 2. Probably his family had money enough to secure for him a good education. a. Associated with an Epicurean group in Naples. 3. The Civil Wars.

1. How Many People Died Because of World War II?

Read Ch. 32 sec. 5 and answer each question using complete sentences on your own paper. 1. How many people died because of World War II? 2. What percent of central Berlin was demolished by Allied bombing? 3. List at least two reasons for the famine that hit much of Europe after WW II.

Reinventing the Civil Religion : Comte, Mill, Tagore

Reinventing the Civil Religion : Comte, Mill, Tagore.I. Toward a Liberal Civil Religion: Beyond Rousseau and Herder.In the aftermath of the French Revolution, as self-governing republics began to emerge across Europe, the search for new forms of fraternity

Greek Contributions to the Arts - Originated the Basic Ideas of Comedy and Tragedy

HIstory 2100 Medieval Europe.Greek Contributions to the arts - originated the basic ideas of comedy and tragedy.Greek Philosophy.the world of ideas - believed that the material world of the senses was like seeing shadows on the walls of a cave. we must

Euthyphro Exercise

Euthyphro Exercise. Background:Socrates and Euthyphro meet at the steps of the city court. Socrates has been indicted on two charges: 1) impiety (unholiness); 2) corruption of the youth. Euthyphro is prosecuting his father for murder. Socrates, like everyone.

Lecture 3 Three Different Types of Ethical Theories

Philosophy 1100 Introduction to Ethics. Lecture 3 Three Different Types of Ethical Theories. The ethical theories that philosophers have advanced fall into three main groups. To understand these different types, one needs to think about the different.