5: Introduction to ethics

Introduction: Student Resource Sheet 10

Planet Healtic

The crew eventually take off from 'Elathic' after saying their farewells. They successfully launch and go into orbit. The captain 'General' explained that he wanted to explore the area of galaxy 'Thelica', but had decided to visit one of 'Elathic's' moons 'Healtic'.

As they drew closer they were worried about how barren and devastated the giant moon appeared to be. There was evidence of some kind of civilisation, massive Eden Project like pods that appeared burnt and decayed. The crew were put on 'red-alert' as they came into land, with battle shields raised and weaponry primed. They landed safely, and Jim and 'MD' were asked to test for atmosphere, radiation and rock


To their surprise there was oxygen present, and a surprising high level of radiation. Jim and 'MD' volunteered to take a moon buggy to explore. They drove towards what appeared to be the enormous derelict pods. Cautiously, they walked into the ruins of what appeared to be a city much of which was burned-out and derelict. There was evidence of exotic flora, just Hiroshima like shadows of the plants left on streets strewn with rubble. MD thought there had been a massive explosion of some sort. Jim entered a building while MD stayed outside on guard. Some time passed…..MD became anxious when radio contact was lost. At last Jim returned with boxes of material. Jim thought they were some kind of records.

They moved on, entering other buildings of what must have been a beautiful city. On returning to the ship from their exploration the crew began to examine the records. Extra-ordinary discoveries were made. There was evidence of an advanced civilisation where they had discovered miracle drugs for cancers caused by high radiation. These beings had grown their own replacement body parts. Microsurgery was possible by sending chemicals through the beings' internals systems. They were able to choose their offspring. A check-list was found asking for requirements in offspring: appearance, intelligence, strength, beauty and so on ….. They had found a way of reproducing their kind in special Healtic cylinders a kind of futuristic IVF.

The crew were amazed at the possibilities and set-out on further exploration. As they analysed their discoveries they found evidence that a group of beings had developed their science to create clones as workers for the city beings, but there were notes about a rebellion. Fanatical rebels from the workers with alien beliefs had brought about some terrorist disaster. Something had gone wrong amidst all this technological wonder and everything had been destroyed.

The crew were excited, but troubled by all this:

  • What could be learned by all this?
  • What should they write-up in their ship’s journal?
  • What ideas might they bring back to planet earth?

Science and Religion in Schools: Unit 5: Introduction