Badger’s Hill (PRU)
Basildon CoE Primary
Beedon CoE Primary
Beenham Primary
Birch Copse County Primary
Bradfield CoE Primary
Brightwalton Primary
Bridgeway PRU
Brimpton CoE Primary
Bucklebury CoE Primary
Burghfield St Mary's CoE Infant
Calcot Infant School & Nursery
Calcot Junior
Chieveley Primary
Hungerford Nursery School
Cold Ash St Mark's
Compton CoE Primary
Curridge Primary
Downsway County Primary
Enborne CoE Primary
Englefield CoE Primary
Falkland Primary
Fir Tree Primary
Francis Bailey Primary
Garland Junior
Greenham Court Primary
Hampstead Norreys Primary
Hermitage Primary
Hungerford Primary
Inkpen Primary
John O'Gaunt
John Rankin Infant & Nursery
John Rankin Junior
Kennet School
Kennet Valley
Kingfisher PRU
Kintbury St Mary's
Lambourn CoE
Little Heath
Long Lane Primary
Mortimer St John's Infant
Mortimer St Mary's Junior
Mrs Bland's Infant
The Oaks
Pangbourne Primary
Park House
Parsons Down Infant & Nursery
Parsons Down Junior
Purley CoE Infant
Robert Sandilands
Shefford CoE Primary
Speenhamland Primary
Springfield Primary
Spurcroft Primary
St Andrew's, Chaddleworth
St Bartholomew's School
St Finian's Catholic School
St John's The Evangelist Infant
St Joseph's Catholic
St Nicholas CE Junior
St Paul's Catholic
Stockcross CoE Primary
Streatley Primary
Sulhamstead & Ufton Nervet
Thatcham Park CE Primary
The Castle School
The Downs School
The Ilsleys Primary School
The Quay PRU
The Willink School
The Winchcombe School
Theale CoE Primary
Theale Green Community
Trinity School
Victoria Park Nursery
Welford & Wickham Primary
Westwood Farm Infant
Westwood Farm Junior
Whitelands Park
Woolhampton CoE Primary
Yattendon CoE Primary
Thames Valley University (TVU), Reading
Newbury College
Queen Mary’s College, BasingstokeEast Berkshire College, (Langley, Windsor and Maidenhead)
Sparsholt College
/ Mrs B M BarkeDiane McDonnell
Miss Margaret Richardson
Mrs Sue Whiting (SENCO)
Mrs M M Sitch (Head)
Mrs Susan Butcher (Head)
Mr E. Peacock (Head)
Mr Andrew How (Head)
Mrs Maggie Morris
Bill Woodhart, Teacher in charge
Mrs Marilyn Reynolds
Mrs Sue Brosnan (Deputy Head)
Mrs M Dollard (Acting Head)
Mrs Nicky Madden (KS1 Co-0rdinator)
Mrs Ann Dee (Head)
Mrs Janet Jarvis (Acting Head)
Linda McCulloch-Smith (Head)
Mrs Heather Broomfield (Head)
Jane Simons (Head)
Mrs Sue Plackett (Head)
Sharon Annetts (SENCO)
Jeremy Spencer (Head)
Ms D Reed (Deputy Head)
Adrian Thomas (Deputy Head)
Mrs Elisabeth Brawn (SENCO)
Mrs Linda Fowler (Head)
Mrs Hankin (Head)
Mr A Askey
Susan Pearson (Head)
Mr J Houghton (Head)
Mrs Hazel Powell (Head)
Mrs H Borley (Acting Head)
Cath Howard (Head)
Mrs Collicot (Head)
Dee Anderson (SENCO)
Mrs Karen Townsin (SENCO)
Mrs Suzanne Fisher (SENCO)
Ms Linda Valenti
Miss S Brown (Head)
Mrs Liz How (SENCO)
Mr Paul German (Deputy Head)
Kathryn Cockar (Head)
Mrs Tracy Davis
Katie Khan (Acting Leading Teacher)
Mrs B. A. O’Dwyer
Mr G Heaton (Acting Head)
Jo Broadhead (Deputy Head)
Michael Lambden (Head)
Mrs N Sumner (Head)
Jane Stone (SENCO)
Barbara Lewis (SENCO)
Miss Faye Holland (Leading Teacher)
Fiona Wilson (Deputy Head)
Mrs C. Robinson-Slater (Deputy Head)
Mrs Janice Schofield (Head)
Mrs Jackie Hicklin (SENCO)
Mr Petrina Winsor (Head)
Jeanette Goddard (Head)
Sue Foster (SENCO)
Keith Watts (Head)
Gaynor Zimmerman (Head)
Mrs Brooks (Head)
Angela Hay (Head)
Mr A Gallagher (Deputy Head)
Mr Ron Parkes (Head)
Mrs M Sims (Deputy Head)
Mrs Bridget Fox (Deputy Head)
Mrs Jan Goodenough (Head)
Mrs Alison Webster (Head)
Mrs Tricia Whiting (Head)
Julia Feeney (Head)
Mr N Hunt (Head)
Mrs Jill P Hopgood
Mrs Beverley Williams (Head)
Mrs M Cornwell (Head)
Ola White (Deputy Head)
Kerry Gray (Headteacher)
Mrs Jenny Smith (Deputy Head)
Mrs Kay Mankin/Mr Felix Rayner
Laura Mann (Lead Teacher)
Mrs Janet Jones, SENCO
Mrs S Varley
Chris Prickett (Deputy Head)
Mr Bertrand (Deputy Head)
Mr Andy Stevens (Assistant Head)
Fiona Bridger-Wilkinson (Head)
Mrs Catherine Morley (Head)
Mrs Sue Deacon (Head)
Mr. P. M. Booth (Head)
Mrs Blofeld (Deputy Head)
Mr Bingham (Head)
Mr Mark Turnham (Head)
Lee Nicholls (Director of Further Ed)
Rosie Gill (Student Services Manager) / 01189 713362
01189 416636
01491 671445
01635 248284
01189 713397
01189 427442
01189 744304
01488 638337
01635 49397
01189 712311
01189 421382
01635 862965
01189 832957
01189 418189
01189 428727
01635 248281
01488 682628
01635 862600
01635 578240
01635 200486
01189 413458
01189 421362
01635 40569
01189 302337
01635 44949
01635 42129
01635 862188
01189 832776
01635 42155
01635 201371
01635 200355
01488 682230
01488 668219
01488 682400
01635 42376
01635 42859
01635 862121
01189 414410
01635 861019
01488 658336
01488 71479
01189 427337
01189 427187
01189 332242
01189 332491
01189 832332
01635 877114
01189 842315
01635 573911
01635 862475
01635 866700
01189 842384
01635 40318
01635 40971
01488 648657
01635 41077
01189 421797
01635 871541
01488 638261
01635 521255
01635 865925
01635 41281
01635 43455
01635 41282
01189 422003
01488 608356
01491 872399
01189 832223
01635 870950
01635 42976
01635 270000
01635 281225
01635 279709
01189 832030
01635 232780
01189 302239
01189 302741
01635 510500
01635 41296
01488 608306
01189 426113
01189 425182
01635 862517
01189 712270
01635 201397
0118 9675306
0118 9675000
01635 845000
01256 417500
01753 793000
01962 776441 /