
Hello, I'm Nick Sharratt. I'm a children's author and illustrator, and I wrote this book, Shark in the Park on a Windy Day! And I'm absolutely delighted that it's been nominated for the Bookbug Picture Book Prize 2017.

It's all about a little boy called Timothy who goes to the park with his favourite toy, a telescope, and he thinks he might have seen a shark! But has he really? Shall we read the book and find out?


It's a wild windy day, and a certain small boy

is out with his dad and his favourite toy.

Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope

tries looking through his telescope.

The wind blows his scarf, the wind blows his hair,

He's blown this way and that way, but Tim doesn't care,

Because this is what he sees!

Tim knows that shape, and he knows what to do!

He shouts, "Shark in the Park!"

Can you shout that out too?

It isn't a shark that Timothy sees,

It's a big black umbrella caught up in the breeze! Eek!

Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope,

Looks again through his telescope.

The wind blows his scarf, the wind blows his hair,

He's blown this way and that way, but Tim doesn't care,

because this is what he sees!

Oh dear me, Tim's got no choice,

He shouts "Shark in the Park!" at the top of his voice!

What a relief! It isn't a shark,

It's a big friendly dog with a big friendly bark! Woof!

Timothy Pope, Timothy Pope,

has one last look through his telescope.

The wind blows his scarf, the wind blows his hair,

he's blown this way and that way, but Tim doesn't care,

because this is what he sees!

Timothy does what he knows he must,

He shouts, "Shark in the park!" till he's fit to bust!

It isn't a shark that Timothy's spied,

It's a runaway pram with a baby inside!

And it's heading for the pond!

But Tim's dad runs fast, he grabs hold of the pram.

The mother says, "Thank you! How grateful I am!"

"Really," says Tim's dad, "you ought to thank Tim.

He spotted your pram, so it's all down to him."

"That was exciting," says Tim. "By the way,

it's a good job there weren't any sharks here today."

Or were there?


In this story, Timothy Pope has a lot of fun with his telescope. Why don't you make yourself a telescope out of an old cardboard tube, go to the park, see what you can spy, and do some drawings of what you find?