GCSE History – Final Supplementary Notes

Ancient Medicine – Arab Medicine

  • As the Roman Empire was collapsing in the West, a new civilisation was developing in the East
  • Islam founded 622AD in Arabia – swept quickly through W. and S. Asia, N. Africa and parts of Europe
  • By 1000AD Arabic main language from Spain to India – Baghdad = centre
  • Islam encouraged its believers to care for the sick, build hospitals and study medicine
  • Doctors at Baghdad well placed to gather Indian and Greek ideas – admired Greeks and Hippocrates & Galen
  • All knowledge written down in Koran
  • Dissection forbidden in Islamic Law. So couldn’t criticise Galen.
  • Key individual: Ibn an-Nafils in Cairo 1242
  • Disagreed with Galen’s theories on blood movement in heart – correctly stated it moved through lungs: based on observations
  • Key individual: Persian doctor Rhazes (c.860-923) described difference between smallpox and measles for first time
  • Drugs and Medicine = another big breakthrough
  • Islamic ‘Alchemists’ looked for ways to turn materials into gold: didn’t succeed but developed new chemical apparatus developed – could purify chemicals e.g. alcohol
  • Key individual: Ibn Sina (Avicenna) d. AD 1037. Wrote ‘Canon of Medicine’ – all aspects if subject. Used across Europe.

Exam Technique – Tips

Read the instructions and questions carefully! There will be either / or questions so check you are answering the right amount

Focus your answer and keep information relevant!

Write a brief plan for longer questions. This will help you write an organised answer and not just anything that comes into your head.

Learn details to support your answer

Look at how much questions are worth as a guide for how long to spend (see also previous sheet as well)

Keep to your timings

Statement, evidence, explanation(SEX) on essay questions to get to highest level

Use connectives to develop your answer and show how ideas are connected

Do not look at size of paper given, look at the marks available. You do not always have to fill the space!

Don’t panic!

Good luck!