Collierville Schools

French II Honors

Scope and Sequence

4th Quarter
Pacing / Standards / Learning Targets / Supporting Text(s) / Assessment Description(s)
1-3 / 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.
2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied.
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one’s own / I can read and understand Chapters 1-2 in Le Voyage
I can use the pronouns y and en (there and some)
I can use multiple pronouns in one sentence.
I can identify specialty food shops and merchants in France and make comparisons to English counterparts. / Bien Dit II Ch. 3.2
Reader Le Voyage / Reader Assessment:
Comprehension Questions with Short Answers.
1.2 100%
Grammar Assessment:
Identify Direct vs Indirect pronouns + y and en in a sentence and replace with correct pronoun.
1.2 :50%
4.1: 50% (making connections with English grammar)
Vocabulary/Culture Assessment:
Match shop names with what food products are sold in the shops. Compare American and French food shopping habits.
1.2 50%
2.1 50%
4 – 6 / 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.
1.3 Present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and one’s own. / I can discuss my morning routine.
I can discuss my bedtime routine.
I can use reflexive verbs in the present and past tenses.
I can read and understand Ch. 3-6 in Le Voyage. / Bien Dit II Ch. 5.1, 5.2
Reader Le Voyage / Extended Writing Assignment:
Write a 12 sentence paragraph describing your morning and evening routine using reflexive verbs.
1.2 40%
1.3 40%
4.1 20% (Comparing reflexive verbs in English and French)
Reader Assessment:
Comprehension Questions with Short Answers.
1.2 100%
7 – 9 / 1.2 Understand and interpret both written and spoken forms of the target language on a variety of topics.
1.3 Present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.
5.1 Use the language both within and beyond the school setting. / I will identify Parisian monuments sites.
I can talk about when I was a child (Imperfect Tense)
I can tell about an event in the past using both past tenses.
I can read and understand Ch. 7-10 in Le Voyage. / Bien Dit II Ch. 6.1
Reader Le Voyage
Teacher made handouts over Passé Composé vs Imparfait
French Digital Scavenger Hunt: Teachers’ Discovery
Les Monuments de Paris / Culture Assessment: Internet Scavenger
Hunt :Identify/Describe Famous Parisian Sites:
5.1 :100%
Extended written assessment: Write a paragraph describing an event that happened when you were a child.
1.1  50%
1.3  50%
Reader Assessment:
Comprehension Questions
1.2 100%