LEAP Team Action Plans

January, 2017Workshop

What concrete actions can your team take to learn more about LEAP, help UW-Whitewater communicate more effectively with students about LEAP, and use LEAP to improve student success?

The possibilities are boundless here. We are looking for commitments toward progress that go above and beyond what would ordinarily occur in your units and would not have been achieved without this workshop and stipend opportunity. By taking this extra time and effort, what can you now achieve? What goals and targets can you set?

  • Ambitious, yet practical.
  • Actions and goals that you can achieve, given real limitations.
  • Assuming resources already available to you, or reasonable to acquire.
  • Using elements of LEAP.

Create a short-term plan for what you can accomplish during Spring Semester 2017 (goals and actions you can achieve by April2017).

Create a long-term plan for what you can accomplish during the 2017-2018 academic year (goals and actions you can achieve by April 2018).

Poster version (due 2:00, January 4, in the workshop)

  • Outline the gist of your team’s Spring 2017 plan and the gist of your AY 2017-2018 plan.
  • Display as a poster, limited to 2 pages of flip-chart paper, using colored markers.
  • Pin your poster to aposter display board,UC 259, by 2:00.
  • Prizes will be awarded!

Continued . . .

Written version (due January 25, 2017)

Email one written action plan per team to the workshop facilitator listed on the next page, by 4:30 pm on Jan. 25. Please include all of the following in your action planso our planning committee can determine what you plan to achieve, when you will achieve it, and how you plan to do it.

  1. For your Spring 2017action plan (from now throughApril, 2017):

GOALS: / What goals do you want to achieve by the end of Spring 2017?
ACTIONS with TIMELINE: / List and describe the actions you will take to achieve these goals, including a timeline for the actions.
MEASURES: / How will you know that your actions have been achieved? How will this be demonstrated? What are your measures?
RESOURCE NEEDS: / Discuss what you need to achieve the goals, e.g., budget, time, additional learning.
BARRIERS/DIFFICULTIES: / Discuss the barriers or difficulties you will need to overcome.
LEAP ELEMENTS: / Discuss how your plan uses elements of LEAP and/or advances the campus LEAP initiative. Be clear about which LEAP elements your plan uses.
  1. Explain your action plan for the 2017-2018 academic year (May 2017 through April 2018):

GOALS: / What goals do you want to achieve by the end of Spring 2018?
ACTIONS with TIMELINE: / List and describe the actions you will take to achieve these goals, including a timeline for the actions.
MEASURES: / How will you know that your actions have been achieved? How will this be demonstrated? What are your measures?
RESOURCE NEEDS: / Discuss what you need to achieve the goals, e.g., budget, time, additional learning.
BARRIERS/DIFFICULTIES: / Discuss the barriers or difficulties you will need to overcome.
LEAP ELEMENTS: / Discuss how your plan uses elements of LEAP and/or advances the campus LEAP initiative. Be clear about which LEAP elements your plan uses.
SUSTAINABILITY: / How will the efforts and benefits from your plan continue onward after Spring 2018? Will your actions be sustainable?

Continued . . .

Progress Checking and Stipend Payments

Afterour planning committee has approved your written plan, a stipend (maximum $200) will be released for each team member. Approval should occur in February 2017.

Each team will meet with the workshop facilitators in April 2017 (or earlier) to check progress and discuss any revisions to the team’s action plan for AY 2017-2018.

Each team submits a poster for Assessment Day, tentatively scheduled for February 2018. Poster proposals will be due a few months before the February event.

Each team will meet with the workshop facilitators in April 2018 (or earlier) to discuss progress and any next steps toward sustaining the LEAP work going forward. After our planning committee has approved your progress, a stipend (maximum $600) will be released for each team member. Approval should occur in May 2018.

Please note that it can take substantial time to process payments and get them to you, and payment schedules vary across employee and student categories. Please contact Becky Pfeifer at with questions about payments.