Contact Information
(Person filling out this Document)
Name / Phone / Email
Server Specifications
Destiny Server / SQL Server (if separate)
Server location
(central or school location)
Server brand/model / Select Server BrandDellHP/CompaqIBMOther / Select Server BrandDellHP/CompaqIBMOther
Operating system
* If using Windows 2008 with Hyper-V, Destiny cannot be installed directly on the core server. / Select Server OSWindows 2003 StandardWindows 2003 EnterpriseWindows 2008 Standard *Windows 2008 Enterprise *
32-bit64-bit / Select Server OSWindows 2003 StandardWindows 2003 EnterpriseWindows 2008 Standard *Windows 2008 Enterprise *
SQL version
*Server Collation must be SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
(may be selected as: Dictionary order, case insensitive, for use with 1252 character set) / Select SQL VersionSQL 2008 ExpressSQL 2005 StandardSQL 2005 EnterpriseSQL 2008 StandardSQL 2008 Enterprise
Planned virtualization?
(VM Ware) / SelectNoYesDiscuss / SelectNoYesDiscuss
If virtualization is planned, what virtualization product and version will be used (i.e. VMWare ESX)?
If virtualized, what is the processor type, core count, and speed on the underlying physical server? / Type:
Qty: @ GHz / Type:
Qty: @ GHz
If virtualized, what is the processor type, core count, and speed allocated to the virtual server? / Type:
Qty: @ GHz / Type:
Qty: @ GHz
If virtualized, what is the amount of RAM on the underlying physical server? / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB
If virtualized, what is the amount of RAM allocated to the virtual server? / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB
If virtualized, what is the logical configuration of the hard drive on the underlying physical server? / Drive / Avail.
Data / GB
Log / GB
/ Drive / Avail.
Data / GB
Log / GB
If virtualized, what is the logical configuration of the hard drive space allocated to the virtual server? / Drive / Avail.
Data / GB
Log / GB
/ Drive / Avail.
Data / GB
Log / GB
If notvirtualized, what is the processor type, core count, and speed? / Type:
Qty: @ GHz / Type:
Qty: @ GHz
If notvirtualized, what is the amount of RAM? / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB / Select RAM Amount468121624324864>64 GB
SAN or external drive array / SelectYesNoDiscuss / SelectYesNoDiscuss
If notvirtualized, hard disk configuration (logical) / Drive / Avail.
App+Log / GB
Data / GB
/ Drive / Avail.
Data / GB
Log / GB
Raid configuration (physical)
(RAID1, RAID0, RAID 10, RAID5) / OS / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
App+Log / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
Data / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
/ OS / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
Data / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
Log / Select Array TypeRAID1RAID0RAID5RAID10 (1+0/0+1)OtherNone
Server Installed? If not, what is the anticipated install date? / SelectYesNo / SelectYesNo
FSC Recommended Upgrades
Will the server(s) housing Destiny be dedicated, as recommended in the white paper? If not, what other applications reside on the server(s)? Please check the white paper for projected bandwidth usage and transaction load.
NOTE 1:The server must be installed, with SQL, and operational within 10 business days prior to your installation date for testing and connection verification.
NOTE 2:If using 2 servers, one (1) for Destiny & one (1) for SQL, then a GB connection is required using either a switch or private interconnect (crossover cable).
Network Infrastructure Overview
Are there any known network or bandwidth issues between the Destiny server and end users that may affect performance?
Firewalls, Proxies and Backup Plans
Describe your firewall security that currently exists for your district
Do you manage your firewall or is it managed by a third party? /
  • SelectManaged LocallyManaged by Third Party

Proxy servers and caching devices
  • Will Destiny server be required to use a proxy server or caching device to access the Internet?
  • Will client workstations be required to access Destiny through a proxy server(s) or caching device?
  • SelectYesNoDiscuss
Address: Port:
Username: Password:
  • SelectYesNoDiscuss

Describe your back-up plans for Destiny
  • 3rd party backup software must be able to backup open files and it will be necessary to have a SQL agent.
  • If you don’t have a SQL agent, then it’s suggested that you use SQL’s backup, which is not a real-time back-up.
/ Backup Software:
SQL Support
Open File Support
Backup White Paper
(Requires customer number to login.)
Ports, Client or Server Configurations, and Optional Services
FSC does require remote access to your Destiny server and the use of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or Virtual private Network (VPN) or both.
  • Remote Desktop Protocol access requires port 3389 inbound to be opened.
  • For added security, you can limit access for this RDP port or VPN access to Follett IP addresses, which will be supplied during the site readiness portion of the project.
Do you foresee any issues with these requirements? / Select Remote Access MethodRemote DesktopVPN + Remote Desktop
NOTE: Follett needs to test RDP/VPN access as soon as possible
Alliance Plus On-Line
  • Will Port 80 outbound be open for the Destiny server?
/ SelectYesNoDiscuss
  • Is there any content filtering devices or software? Can Destiny be excluded?
  • Is there any packet level inspection at the firewall? Can Destiny be excluded?
  • SelectYesNoDiscuss Yes No
  • SelectYesNoDiscuss Yes No

Will the Destiny application be made publicly available when we implement the program (Internet)? / SelectYesNoDiscuss
What methods will be used to access Destiny?
  • Possible options include: shortcuts, DNS entries, or URL
  • If you don’t want the IP address in the URL, then you will need to configure a DNS A-record
/ Select Destiny Access MethodDNSIP
If DNS, please indicate intended name.

HTTPS / SSL – Destiny offers the option to encrypt passwords when logging in or adding/editing patron information
  • Certificates must be created in Destiny, but can be signed by a third party such as Thawte or Verisign
  • Certificates created by a third party will not work with Destiny
  • Port 443 inbound will need to be open
Do you wish to utilize this option? / SelectYesNoDiscuss
If Yes, intended Fully Qualified Domain Name

Do you need to utilize a reverse proxy through an existing IIS (via an ISAPI filter) or Apache Web server for any reason?
Do you wish to utilize ISAPI Filter to do so? / SelectNo, access Destiny DirectlyYes, redirect to an existing IIS serverDiscuss
Does your district currently use an LDAP system? If so, what type (Active Directory, E-directory, other)? Is this system used for students, faculty, or both? / Students Faculty
Workstation Requirements
OS versions used in your district (Mac, Win, Linux)?
Supported browsers are IE 7.0+, Firefox 5.0+, Chrome and Apple Safari 5 / Windows Mac Linux Other
IE 7.0+ Firefox 5.0+ Safari 5
Chrome Other
Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required on all workstations that will be used to access reports and print barcodes.
  • Version 5.05 or higher of Adobe is supported
  • Version 7.0 or higher is recommended
Do you meet this requirement? / SelectYesNoDiscuss

Additional Notes:

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