
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Our goal is for every student to achieve mastery in every standard we teach. In order to reach that goal, this year in Algebra, students will have the opportunity to reassess for every summative assessment (test/quiz). ALL students who earn less than a 70% on the assessment must complete a re-learning process and re-assess the following week. If students did not show mastery on their test/quiz, there will be a reassessment procedure sheet attached to their test which will be coming home with them and makes them aware that they need to complete the procedure. In other words, students receiving D’s and F’s on assessments will re-learn the material and test again.

Students will have to follow a three step process if they are required to reassess.

Step one: analyze and correct their test. They will need to use another color to correct their tests and must show proof or support from their class materials. See the example on the reassessment procedure document attached to their test.

Step two: re-learn the material by filling in the chart documenting what they did to re-learn the material. We have provided a list of ways to re-learn that students can choose from on the back of the reassessment procedure sheet. Students must choose a different study technique for each of the two nights. Each night (for two nights) the re-learning should take 10-15 minutes. You (the parent/guardian) must sign at the bottom as well.

Step three is the signatures of both the student and the parent/guardian to acknowledge that the reassessment process was completely done. If any sections are missing, students will be required to fix it during connections period. Students must attach the work they did to re-learn the information in step two for proof to the front reassessment procedure sheet. If improvement is shown on their reassessment, the higher grade will be recorded in the gradebook. If students do not complete the re-learning process, they will receive an after school detention and will complete their re-learning during the detention.

**Reassessment will take place during connections period one week after the original test/quiz was given. The reassessment takes priority over other obligations during 10th period connections. **

Thank you for taking the time to read this and your support/involvement with this process. Please ask your child after each summative assessment (test/quiz) if they are to reassess and check Power School as well. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions/concerns.

Ms. Salva


Phone Extension: 201