Fulton, Montgomery, and Saratoga Counties

2018 Community Arts Grants Application
-New York State Council on the Arts Decentralization Grants-
Letter of Intent Deadline: September 15, 2017
Application Review Deadline: October 12, 2017
Application Deadline: November 2, 2017
Non-Profit Organization:
Executive Director:
Project Manager:
Project Manager Email:
Project Manager Phone:
Org. Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
NYS Assembly District and Representative/s:
NYS Senate Representative/s:
U.S. Congressional District and Representative/s:
How did you hear about Community Arts Grants?
Applicants can submit up to three requests for funding, not exceeding a total of $5,000.
Total Community Arts Grants Request: $
Total # of projects for which funding is requested:
Project #1 Title:
Project #1 Request: $
Project #1 Project Overview (70 words or less):
Project # 2 Title:
Project # 2 Request: $
Project # 2 Project Overview (70 words or less):
Project # 3 Title:
Project # 3 Request: $
Project # 3 Project Overview (70 words or less):
Organization Mission Statement (original - as stated on tax exempt):
Date of Incorporation:
Organization Fiscal Year:
Lead Applicant Non-Profit or Government Entity Status
___Letter of Determination from the IRS indicating tax-exempt status (NYS Sales Tax Certificate will not be accepted)
___Documentation of charter by the New York State Board of Regents under section 216 of the New York State Education Law
___Documentation of incorporation under Section 402 of the New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law
___Current New York State Bureau of Charities (Office of the Attorney General) filing receipt
___For municipalities and government entities the following documents can be submitted:
Official authorization as an arm of local government (i.e., a formal letter on official stationary signed by the appropriate county, city, town or village executive
Fiscal Sponsorship
If your non-profit organization is fiscally sponsoring an unincorporated organization please complete.
Sponsored Organization:
Sponsored Party Mailing Address:
Sponsored Party Website:
Sponsored Party Email:
Sponsored Party Phone:
Lead Applicant Previous Funding History
Has your organization ever received Community Arts Grants/DEC Funds?
___ Yes ___No
If yes, list year(s) and amounts received:
Year: _____ Amount: _____ $_____
Year: _____ Amount: _____ $_____
Year: _____ Amount: _____ $_____
Year: _____ Amount: _____ $_____
Year: _____ Amount: _____ $_____
Lead Applicant Organization Activities
1. Please highlight your organization’s main activities with a one or two sentence description for each.
2. What are your organization’s goals for the next five years?
If you are requesting funds for more than one project, you must complete Section II. for each project.
Project # (if requesting funds for more than 1 project):
Project Title:
Community Arts Grants Request (This project only): $
Project Location Address:
Arts focus/es: ___Dance ___Visual Art ___Theater ___Music ___Other:______
Please check the Community Arts Grants Funding Priorities and Criteria that apply to this project:
___Participation of rural, minority, or economically disadvantaged populations
___Encourages diverse programming
___Creation of new work
___New approach for bringing the arts to the public
___Includes a timeline that enhances year-round cultural activities
___Encouragement of partnerships between arts and non-arts organizations that will bring the arts to an area with limited access to the arts
___Quality and Artistic Merit
___Feasible Project
___Originality of Project
___Community Benefit and Accessible
___Reasonable and Appropriate Budget
___Effective Outreach and Marketing Plan
Answer the following 7 questions about your organization and proposed project, total page length should not exceed four-typed pages at 11 or 12 Sized Arial Font
1. Project Description: Please explain how the requested funds will be used, referencing the Funding Priorities and Criteria listed above.
Where and when will the event take place?
What will occur at the event?
Who will be involved in the project (please provide specific artist names), etc.
How will your project impact the community?
Who is community that you will be working with?
2. What does your organization hope to accomplish with this project? Groups that have received repeated funding should display indications of organizational development and program growth. Please be specific.
3. Provide information that will illustrate your organization’s ability to successfully carry out the proposed project. (Examples: grant history, administrative personnel, details on events that have taken place in the past three years, etc.
4. Describe your publicity plan to promote this project. This should be a detailed plan including names of publications, websites, press contacts, as well as a timeline for your outreach activities.
5. How do you plan to determine the success of your project? (Example: distribute a written or electronic survey to program attendees. Provide a copy if possible.)
6. What is the most critical element of your project and its estimated dollar value? How will your project change, but maintain it’s artistic integrity, if you receive less than the amount you requested?
7.Please estimate the size and type of audience that will benefit by the project:
•Artists: the total number of artists involved in the funded project
•Youth: the total number of children (pre k - 21 years of age) attending event
•Total Audience Members: includes complete audience, artists, and youths
•Special Constituencies: includes the elderly and individuals with special needs
Total Projected # of:
Artists: ______
Youth: ______
Audience Members: ______
Special Constituencies: ______
Total: ______
The undersigned certifies that he or she:
  1. is a principal officer of the applicant organization with authority to obligate it;
  2. has knowledge of the information presented herein;
  3. has read the guidelines for the Community Arts Grants, incorporated herein by reference, that his/her application complies with and is made subject to said guidelines;
  4. is aware of Federal Regulation 504 relating to the accessibility of the handicapped to programs and facilities;
  5. on behalf of the applicant also releases Saratoga Arts, which is the administrative unit for Community Arts Grants, its employees and agents with respect to damages to property or materials submitted in connection herewith. The applicant further agrees that in the event the applicant commences litigation against Saratoga Arts, and/or the New York State Council on the Arts, then, in that event, the applicant shall be fully liable for any and all costs, including attorneys’ fees incurred by Saratoga Arts and/or the New York State Council on the Arts, their employees and agents in defense of the subject litigation
  6. declares that all statements contained in this application are true and correct;
understands that false or incorrect information in the application may lead Saratoga Arts to request the return of funds awarded through this application and may disqualify the applicant and applying organization from this and future Community Arts Grants opportunities.
Applying Non-Profit Cultural Organization
Executive Director/Board President/Head of Municipality
Executive Director of Fiscally Sponsored Organization (if applicable)
Application COMPLETION Checklist
Do you have everything?
_____Application Form – 1 Copy
_____Budget Form – 1 Copy (If the applicant is submitting requests for more than one project, please submit separate budgets for each.)
_____Financial Statement -1 Copy (most recent, full year)
_____Non-Profit Proof – 1 Copy
___Letter of Determination from IRS granting 501(c)(3) status
___NYS Board of Regents Charter
___Unit of Local Government
___NYS Charities Registration
___Incorporation Certificate under Section S.402 of NYS Not-for-Profit Law
____ Fiscal Sponsorship Memo of Understanding - 1 Copy (if applicable)
____ Support Documents – 1 Copy
If the applicant is submitting requests for more than one project, documentation of the following should be submitted for all projects.
____Artistic/Administrative Personnel List (resumes, bios, names/address/phone/project role)
____Written Memo between organization and hired artists
____Artist/s Resume/s
____Board of Directors List (name/address/phone/occupation/affiliations)
____ Artistic Support Materials – 1 Set for each project request
As the lead applicant, did you attend a grant seminar? ____Yes ___No
Did you submit a letter of intent? ___Yes ____No
  • Type your application and budget
  • Incomplete applications not accepted post November 2 deadline.
  • Keep a copy of your application for your records
  • Submit all materials electronically to