Travelling Information
A. Trains from/to airports
To come to Göttingen you must travel with airoplane and train.
The next airports are Hannover, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Berlin. From there you have to go by train to Göttingen.
We have prepared a list with all trains from these four airports to Göttingen.
There you can find your train to Göttingen and back from Göttingen to your airport.
(link “trains to airports and buses in Göttingen” on the ICP-Forests website)
B. City maps
In the link “city map with meeting places and hotels and bus stops”on the ICP Forests website you will find a city map with city center map and a city map with all hotels from the booking list and all bus stops for the tours from the hotels to the Forest Research Station (NW-FVA) and the city center.
B. Buses within Göttingen
Within Göttingen you can use buses and taxi.
We have prepared a list of the main bus time tables from those hotels, which are listed in the hotel booking link. (link “trains to airports and buses in Göttingen” on the ICP-Forests website)
If you will use the bus during the whole meeting you should buy 4-bus-ride-tickets; they are cheaper.
From Hotel Stresemann and Leine-Hotel you can easily go by feet to the Forest Research Station (NW-FVA). From Central Hotel there is a direct bus to the NW-FVA. From Hotel Rennschuh, Best Western Parkhotel Ropeter, Park Inn by Radisson and Novostar Hotel you have to transfer to a second bus.
To come to the old city center from the Forest Research Station (NW-FVA) you should take bus no. 71/72 (until bus station “Jüdenstraße). From there you can visit the town and also come to the meeting place for the social dinner on Wednesday (Deutsches Theater – Bistro).
From the old city center you can come to Central Hotel by feet. To Hotel Rennschuh, Best Western Parkhotel Ropeter, Park Inn by Radisson, Novostar Hotel and Leine-Hotel you should take bus no. 31/32 starting at the market place behind the old town hall or bus no. 61/62 starting at bus station Jüdenstrasse. To Hotel Stresemann you should take bus no. 71 starting at the market place behind the old town hall (until bus station Adolf-Hoyer-Straße) or bus no. 12 starting at bus station Jüdenstrasse (until bus station Pfalz-Grona-Breite).