NO. 437 Page 2


(J.R.S. 146)

Offered by: Senator Illuzzi of Essex-Orleans County.

Whereas, Germain “Jim” Choiniere of Orleans Village was a respected and beloved personality among hunting and fishing enthusiasts in the Northeast Kingdom, and

Whereas, while Vermont can rightfully boast of many superb anglers, he was a very special member of the fishing fraternity, and

Whereas, for decades, Jim would venture out on the first day of every fishing season, no matter that the thermometer might still announce wintertime temperatures, to be on shore aside the Willoughby River, and

Whereas, while his presence along the Willoughby River was symbolized by his roll-down hip boots and distinctive voice and laugh, his place in the sportsmen’s hall of fame is based as well on his numerous efforts, away from the shoreline, to preserve the local fishing and hunting traditions, and

Whereas, Jim was instrumental in the stocking of rainbow trout in the Willoughby River and in assuring this great fishing waterway remained open to anglers, and

Whereas, he was perhaps most famous for his role as the official emcee of the Orleans’ County Rod & Gun Club’s annual fishermen’s breakfast, a role which he assumed as president of the club and kept long after he gave up that position, where disputes between anglers and state fish and wildlife officials were often aired and resolved, and

Whereas, Jim’s death, in December 2001, will permanently change the character of the season’s opening day on the Willoughby’s banks, and

Whereas, as a lasting memorial to him the Department of Fish and Wildlife has renamed the Willoughby River access area in Orleans Village as the Germain A. Choiniere Willoughby River Access Area, now therefore be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:

That the General Assembly joins with the Department of Fish and Wildlife in recognizing the unique contributions of Germain A. Choiniere to the sporting community in Orleans County, and be it further

Resolved: That the Department of Fish and Wildlife erect and maintain in perpetuity an appropriate sign so identifying the access which shall include the body of this resolution; and be it further

Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to his widow, Ruby Choiniere, and to each of his five children, James, Jean, John, Jacalyn and Janet.