2016Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship

Application Deadline: Monday, May 2, 2016

TheDorothy B. Brothers Scholarship was founded by Ms. Dorothy B. Brothers, a supplier diversity & development professional and WBENC board member from Bank of America. This scholarship is made available only to owners of WBENC-Certified Women Business Enterprises (WBEs). It provides WBE owners access to the same high caliber management education that is available to Fortune 500 Companies and a framework to enable WBEs to formulate and implement business strategies and achieve a competitive advantage in today’s economy.
The Scholarship Selection Committee/administrators awardsannual scholarships of up to $11,000 in tuition to an approved executive level course.

Candidates should meet the following criteria for scholarship consideration:

  • Currently certified and in good standing as a women business enterprise by WBENC
  • Must be the owner of the organization
  • Have at least three years’ experience running a business
  • Employ at least three full-time employees
  • Maintain a minimum annual sales volume of $500,000 (the range is $500,000 to $50,000,000)**
  • Have not recently attended an executive management program (Tuck-WBENC Executive Program graduates are eligible to apply, but preference will be given to WBEs that have not already received a scholarship).
  • Havenot previously been awarded a Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship

**NOTE: Any exceptions to the eligibility criteria should be explained in detail in the essay. While the acceptable range for scholarship eligibility is $500,000 to $50,000,000, businesses outside of this range that believe they have a compelling reason to receive a scholarship are welcome to apply. Please outline your reason(s) in the essay portion.

Scholarship award recipients will be notified in late Augustby phone and mail upon final selection.


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2016Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship Application

Application Deadline:Monday, May 2, 2016

Submit completed application to

Contact Information

Name (First, Last):

Company Name:

Job Title:

Business Address:

City, State, Zip:




Cell Phone Number:

Company Information

WBENC Certification Number:

Regional Partner Organization:

Description of Business:

Industry (as in WBENCLink):

  1. Year business was started:
  2. Number of full-time employees:
  3. Number of part-time employees:
  4. Volume of sales ($) for the past three years: 2013 2014 2015

(Note: While the acceptable range for scholarship eligibility is $500,000 to $50,000,000, businesses with revenues outside this range that believe they have a compelling reason to receive a scholarship are welcome to apply. Please outline your reason(s) in the essay portion of this application).

  1. Provide the estimated percentage growth of your company in the next three years.
  2. Percentage of your revenues that are public clients:
  3. Percentage of your revenues that are private clients:
  4. Which of these describes your ownership structure? (select one)

Partnership Sole Proprietor Corporation

S Corporation Other, please explain

  1. Percentage of the company you own: %
  2. What percentage of your business is:Local% Regional %

National% International%

  1. Who are your top three customers? Please provide company names, the service/product provided and percentage of annual sales.
  2. Total years of business/management experience you have:
  3. Describe your current responsibilities.
  4. List your professional memberships, volunteer board memberships, and volunteer community activities.


  1. Have you ever been awarded the Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship? Yes No
  2. List your involvement/support of WBENC, Regional Partner Organizations (RPOs) and women’s business organizations (local or national).
  3. If applicable, list honors, awards, or other recognition you (or your company) have received. Include granting organization name and year awarded.
  4. Attendance at other professional seminars/conferences (list the following for each: company/organization name, topic, date):
  5. Do you have any additional certifications?

School selection:

If awarded the Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship, I would like to attend the following school:

WBENC’s Executive Program:Tuck- WBENC Executive Program,brought to you by IBM, New York

Berkeley Center for Executive Education, University of California at Berkeley

Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia

Dartmouth Tuck School

HarvardBusiness School

Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University

Kennedy School of Government, HarvardUniversity

Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

University of California at Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management

Essay and Company Overview Section

Your comments will assist our selection committee in evaluating your application. The entire Essay Section should be no more than one page total. Please define acronyms and abbreviations.

What would you like to accomplish for your business as a result of receiving the Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship and participating in an Executive Education program? We would like to know:

  1. Your company’s greatest vulnerability/liability at the present time and how you believe an executive training program will assist you in overcoming/addressing this.
  2. Describe the specific business-related area that is the most challenging for you personally and how an executive training program will address this (i.e., marketing, finance, strategic planning, technology, sales, etc.).
  3. The specific “gap” that you believe an executive education program will fill in your business.

Insert your essay response here (max. one page):

Company Overview:

In addition to this completed form, please email no more than a 2-5 pagecompany overview. The plan should include the following.

  1. Executive Summary that includes a company overview;
  2. Products & Services;
  3. Market Analysis, Strategy & Implementation;
  4. Management Summary;
  5. Financial Plan (optional).

While the financial section is optional, we encourage you to include this information as it will provide information that is relevant to the decision-making process. All financial information will be kept strictly confidential.

Optional Information:

Please indicate your ethnicity (you may choose more than one):


African American

Hispanic American

Asian Indian

Latin American

Asian Pacific

Native American


Other (please specify here):


Application Requirement and Disclaimers:

All information submitted with the Dorothy B. Brothers Scholarship application becomes the property of WBENC. Any material misrepresentation of information in this document is grounds for denial of scholarship consideration.

WBENC actively supports the equality of opportunity for all persons regardless of race or ethnic background, and no candidate shall be denied scholarship or otherwise be discriminated against because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability.

The scholarship award covers up to $11,000 in executive education tuition only and must be used within the 12 month period from the time it was awarded.Other expenses such as airfare/travel will not be covered. Tuition fees are paid directly to the school selected, not the WBE. If the program fee is less than $11,000, the WBE may not receive the difference and will not be able to attend a second program using the remainder.This scholarship is non-transferrable and may not be deferred.

A feedback survey will be provided if applicant is awarded the scholarship. By checking here applicant is agreeing to complete and return the feedback surveyto WBENC within 90 days of participating in the program. We also ask that you please send WBENC a copy of your certificate or proof of graduation from your program after completion.

Applicant must check this box and list name below.


By checking this box, I am stating that all information submitted in this application is true. Furthermore, I agree to be surveyed about my executive education experience andagree to send a copy of my certificate from the program if awarded.

Submitting Your Application:

All applications (this form and company overviews) must be completed and emailed to byMay2, 2016.

For any questions on the scholarship or process, please contact Lindsay Burger at or by phone at 202-872-5515 x 8102