WSU Alumni Society Awards of Distinction Nomination Form
Each year Winona State University honors individuals who have achieved distinction in the following categories:
Distinguished Alumni: Recognizes WSU graduates who have achieved prominence in their chosen field of endeavor and who have made significant contributions to the university, bringing honor to themselves and to their alma mater.
Distinguished Young Alumni: Recognizes WSU graduates who are 45 years old or younger and have distinguished themselves in their work or in their community. Professional achievement, volunteer service and contributions to the university are also considered.
Distinguished Faculty/Staff: Recognizes WSU faculty or staff who have elevated the esteem and prestige of the university through their commitment to the university and all of its constituent groups.
Distinguished Service: Recognizes WSU graduates or non-graduates who have voluntarily rendered significant contributions of time and talent to WSU.
I would like to nominate the following individual for a Winona State University Distinguished Award:
__ Distinguished Alumni Award __ Distinguished Young Alumni Award
__ Distinguished Faculty/Staff __ Distinguished Service Award
Name ______
(Last) (First) (Middle) (Maiden)
Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
Alternate Winter Address ______
Email ______Phone ______
Spouse/Partner ______
Children (ages) ______
Grandchildren (ages) ______
Education ______
(High School) (Year)
(College/University/Other higher education) (Degree) (Year)
(College/University/Other higher education) (Degree) (Year)
(College/University/Other higher education) (Degree) (Year)
Extra-curricular activities the nominee participated in while at WSU (academic clubs, social clubs, student government, honors, etc) ______
Leadership roles the nominee held while at WSU ______
Career Accomplishments: Please describe the career achievements that indicate nominee deserves this award ______
Volunteer Involvement: Please describe volunteer/community involvement that indicate nominee deserves this award: ______
Contributions to Winona State University: Please describe contributions to Winona State University that indicate nominee deserves this award ie: volunteer service to the University, serving on committees, involvement with Alumni Association and/or Foundation Board, Homecoming or any other activities that indicate the nominee has stayed loyal to Winona State ______
Please add any additional information that would support your nominee: ______
Nominator information: ______
(First name) (Last Name)
(Address) (State) (Zip code)
(Email) (Phone)
(Relationship to nominee)
Send nomination form to: Email nomination to:
Distinguished Awards For additional information: 507-457-5027
Alumni Relations
Winona State University Nominations will be considered for up to
PO 5838 Somsen 206 five years from submission.
Winona, MN 55987
Approved 9.21.2013