OIE Reference Laboratory Reports
Activities in 2010
Name of disease (or topic) for which you are a designated OIE Reference Laboratory: / Brucellosis (Brucella abortus)Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis)
Brucellosis (Brucella suis)
Address of laboratory: / Istituto G. Caporale Teramo
Via Campo Boario
64100 Teramo
Tel.: / (+390-861) 33.24.05
Fax: / (+390-861) 33.22.51
e-mail address: /
website: /
Name of Head of Laboratory (Responsible Official): / Vincenzo Caporale
Name of OIE Reference Expert: / Massimo Scacchia
Name of writer of this report
(if different from above): / Manuela Tittarelli
Part I: Summary of general activities related to the disease
1. Test(s) in use/or available for the specified disease/topic at your laboratory
Test / For / Specificity / TotalRBT / Antibody / Group / 302.049
SAL - B. canis / Antibody / Group / 89
CFT / Antibody / Group / 22.530
CFT – RB51 / Antibody / Group / 1212
CFT – B. ovis / Antibody / Group / 115
i-ELISA / Antibody / Group / 349
ELISA B. suis / Antibody / Group / 1
c-ELISA / Antibody / Group / 505
MRT / Antibody / Group / 6
Bacterial isolation / Agent isolation / Group / 495
PCR / Agent identification / Group / 516
PCR-RFLP / Agent identification / Type / 678
2. Production and distribution of diagnostic reagents
Type of reagent / Amount supplied nationally (ml)(including for own use) / Amount supplied to other countries (ml)
RBT antigen / 227.960 / 800 (Eritrea) + 280 (Namibia)
CFT antigen / 0 / -
MRT antigen / 200 / 1 (ANSES)
SAL antigen (for B. canis) / 120 / -
B. ovis antigen / 34 / -
B115 brucellin / 10 / -
RB51 brucellin / 10 / -
Rabbit B. canis positive serum / 12 / -
Rabbit B. canis negative serum / 2 / -
Type of reagent / Amount supplied nationally (ml)
(including for own use) / Amount supplied to other countries (ml)
B. ovis positive serum / 26 / -
National Standard serum
(Bovine B.abortus p.s.) / 166 / -
Bovine B. abortus positive serum / 2000 / -
Freeze-dried strains of brucella / 0 / -
S19 vaccine / 0 / -
B. abortus milk-ELISA / 4 / 1
B. suis ELISA kit / 0 / -
B. abortus water buffalo milk-ELISA / 6 / -
B. abortus antibody test kit ELISA / 4 / -
Part II: Activities specifically related to the mandate
of OIE Reference Laboratories
3. International harmonisation and standardisation of methods for diagnostic testing or the production and testing of vaccines
· Participation to Ring Trial organized by OIE reference laboratory in Argentina (SENASA) to validate available FPA (Fluorescenze Polarization assay) kit (SENASA, DIACHEMIX e Peace River Biotechnology Company)
· Organization of the 11th inter-laboratory serologic proficiency testing among Italian Zooprophylactic Institutes (75 Italian laboratories). Participant OIE Member Countries were Central Laboratories of San Marino Republic, Namibia, Botswana, Eritrea, Tunisia and Argentina. The proficiency test is managed using an on-line INTERNET interface (subscription to the trial, submission of lab results, and download of the final report) (December 2010)
· Organization of the 4rd inter-laboratory microbiologic proficiency testing among Italian Zooprophylactic Institutes (35 Italian laboratories). The proficiency test is managed using an on-line INTERNET interface (subscription to the trial, submission of lab results, and download of the final report) (November 2010)
· Participation to ring trial to evaluate the reliability of the brucellosis serological indirect ELISA test performed throughout the EU (approved by the EU regulations), organized by the ANSES (Maisons-Alfort, Francia)
· Participation to ring trial to evaluate the performance of the laboratory for brucellosis serological methods (RBT and CFT), organized by the ANSES (Maisons-Alfort, Francia).
· Participation to ring trial to evaluate the international harmonisation of complement fixation test for brucellosis, organized by the ANSES (Maisons-Alfort, Francia).
· Participation in the ring trial on Brucella melitensis european standard positive serum validation from goat and sheep, organized by the ANSES (Maisons-Alfort, Francia).
4. Preparation and supply of international reference standards for diagnostic tests or vaccines
· National and international level (see table above): distribution of national reference standards, Rose Bengal antigen (Eritrea and Namibia) and ELISA kit (ANSES).
5. Research and development of new procedures for diagnosis and control
· A project titled "Implementation of surveillance, prophylaxis and contingency plans for brucellosis, tuberculosis, rabies, foot and mouth disease and anthrax in CIS countries” was planned in 2010 in collaboration with OIE Regional Representation for Eastern Europe. The project aims at planning and implementing appropriate surveillance activities in order to define the health status of animal populations and adequate control measures in relation to tuberculosis, brucellosis, FMD, anthrax and rabies in the following countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. An opening Workshop was held in Kiev,Ukraine, March 11-12, 2010.
· The National Veterinary Laboratory (NVL) of Eritrea. This twinning project aimed at improving the diagnosis and control of animal brucellosis. An epidemiologist from the Ministry of Agriculture of Eritrea attended a study visit in Teramo from 7th of June to the 2nd of July. During the training period the criteria for building surveillance systems, the use of risk assessment techniques and of GIS applications were discussed.
· 2 experts from the OIE Reference Laboratory traveled to Eritrea to assess the level of technical competence acquired by the NVL personnel, the implementation of the quality assurance system with reference to the diagnostic procedures. Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: serological, bacteriological and molecular biology diagnosis: Asmara from 21 June to 03 July 2010.
· Research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health: “Epidemiological tools for the relief and management of risks related to the spread of infectious diseases on cattle farms”.
· Research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health: “Development of a diagnostic system for detection, concentration and characterization of Brucella from biological samples”.
· Research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health: “Identification of antigenic protein in bacteriological matrix”.
· Research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health: “Cross-reactivity in brucellosis diagnosis”.
· Research project funded by the Italian Ministry of Health: “Epidemiological study to check the prevalence of Brucella melitensis and B. abortus in dogs”.
6. Collection, analysis and dissemination of epizootiological data relevant to international disease control
7. Provision of consultant expertise to OIE or to OIE Members
As EU expert on Brucellosis, Dr. F. De Massis was member of the European Task Force for monitoring disease eradication in Member States (“bovine brucellosis” subgroup), which met in Santander (Spain) on27-28October2010.
8. Provision of scientific and technical training to personnel from other OIE Members
OIE Twinning Project on Brucellosis between National Veterinary Laboratory of Eritrea and Istituto «G. Caporale» Teramo.
The initial Workshop of OIE Twinning between the National Veterinary Laboratory of Asmara, Eritrea and the Istituto “G.Caporale” in Teramo, Italy, was held between 30 March and 10 April 2009. The Eritrean participant was Dr. Ghebrehiwet Teame OIE Delegate of the country.
The Istituto “G.Caporale” personnel contributing to the Workshop were: Prof. V. Caporale (Director of Istituto) Drs R. Lelli, M. Tittarelli, E. Di Giannatale, A. Di Provvido, B. Bonfini, A. Petrini and M. Di Ventura.
According to the needs of the Eritrean partner, the project has been re-formulated especially in the part regarding the venue where to carry out the training periods.
In particular, for what concerns the staff training in the microbiology, serology and reagents production laboratories, it was agreed to send the staff from Teramo to Asmara laboratory and not the contrary, as previously described in the first project version.
Following the Eritrean needs, officers from Istituto “G.Caporale” have carried out missions to the National Veterinary Laboratory (NVL) in Asmara.
Following there are reports of activities in brief carried on in Asmara and in Teramo.
Work plan 1: Training of NVL personnel
· National Veterinary Laboratory personnel training; Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: serological diagnosis; From 7th to 19th June 2009.
Place: NVL, Asmara Eritrea
Trainer: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Barbara Bonfini, Biologist in charge at the Dipartment of Serology, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory , and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
NVL personnel trained: Tesfu Yemane, Ghebremidehin Tseghay, Tsegha Weldemariam, Luwam Micheal, Tekeste Micheal.
· National Veterinary Laboratory personnel training; Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: bacteriological and molecular biology diagnosis; From 7th to 19th June 2009.
Place: NVL, Asmara, Eritrea
Trainer: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Andrea Di Provvido, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in charge at the Dipartment of Microbiology, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory , and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
NVL personnel trained: Yirgaalem Mehary, Monsur Abdelkadir , Habtom K/yesus Mekonen G/Hiwet, Tsighe Kifleysus, Letebrehan Tesfay.
Work plan 2: Training of NVL personnel
· Training of an Eritrean epidemiologist in the Statistics and GIS Department. From 3rd June to 1st July 2010.
Place: Istituto “G.Caporale”, Teramo, Italy
Trainers: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Fabrizio De Massis and Paolo Calistri, Doctors Veterinary Medicine in charge at the Dipartment of Epidemiology, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory , and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
NVL personnel trained: Dr. Kefle Uqbazghi
· National Veterinary Laboratory personnel training; Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: Rose Brengal Antigen production; From 12 to 24 July 2010.
Place: NVL, Asmara, Eritrea
Trainer: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Gianluca Orsini Doctor Veterinary Medicine in charge at the Dipartment of Antigens Production, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory , and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
Workplan 3: assessment of laboratory standards
· 2 experts from the OIE Reference Laboratory traveled to Eritrea to assess the level of technical competence acquired by the NVL personnel, the implementation of the quality assurance system with reference to the diagnostic procedures.
Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: serological diagnosis: Status of art; From 21 June to 03 July 2010.
Place: NVL, Asmara, Eritrea
Verificator: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Barbara Bonfini, Biologist in charge at the Dipartment of Serology, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory, and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
Laboratory diagnosis of Brucellosis: bacteriological and molecular biology diagnosis:Status of art; From 21 June to 03 July 2010.
Place: NVL, Asmara, Eritrea
Verificator: Istituto “G.Caporale” Officer Dr Andrea Di Provvido, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in charge at the Dipartment of Microbiology, Brucellosis National Reference Laboratory, and Brucellosis OIE Reference Laboratory.
9. Provision of diagnostic testing facilities to other OIE Members
10. Organisation of international scientific meetings on behalf of OIE or other international bodies
11. Participation in international scientific collaborative studies
12. Publication and dissemination of information relevant to the work of OIE (including list of scientific publications, internet publishing activities, presentations at international conferences)
¡ Scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals
Caporale V., Bonfini B., Di Giannatale E., Di Provvido A., Forcella S. , Giovannini A., Tittarelli M.,Scacchia M. “Efficacy of Brucella abortus vaccine strain RB51 compared to the reference vaccine Brucella abortus strain19 in water buffalo”. 2010, Vet It 46(1): 13-19.
J. McGiven1*, A. Taylor1, L. Duncombe1, R. Sayers1, D. Albert2, M. Banai3, J.M. Blasco4, S.Elena5, D. Fretin6, B. Garin-Bastuji2, F. Melzer7, P.M. Muñoz4, K. Nielsen8, A. Nicola5, M.Tittarelli9, I. Travassos Dias10, K. Walravens6, and J. Stack1. “The First International Standard Anti-Brucella melitensis Serum (ISaBmS)”. In print for Sci Tech Review of the OIE.
Tittarelli M., Bonfini B., De Massis F., Giovannini A.and Scacchia M.: Standardization of an indirect ELISA for the detection of Brucella antibodies in milk from water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis).In print for Veterinaria Italiana 2011 47 (1).
¡ Other communications
o Participation to the annual meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Brucellosis, Bruxelles – 12November 2010.
o Participation to the Second Global Conference of OIE reference laboratories. Paris 21-23 June 2010.
13. Inscription of diagnostic kits on the OIE Register
i) Did you participate in expert panels for the validation of candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits?
ii) Did you submit to the OIE candidate kits for inscription on the OIE Register? If yes, for which kits?
Annual reports of OIE Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, 2010 7