CHM 130LL Laboratory Schedule
Summer 2009 (Sections:13549-MW & 13551-TR)
Safety Goggles Must Be Worn
Period / Date1. / June 1, 2 / Lab 1: Safety & Scientific Inquiry. Safety video math review.
Periodic Table, Names and Symbols — Oxidation Numbers.
Lab 6 pages 1-5 [sec. 4.1,4.2, 5.1]
2. / June 3, 4 / Lab 3: Measurement & Significant Figures. [sec. 2.1-5]
Polyatomic Ions. Lab 6, page 6 [sec. 5.4]
Nomenclature — Molecular & Ionic Compounds. Lab 6, pages 7-10 [sec. 5.2, 5.3]
3. / June 8, 9 / This week’s 20 pt quiz will stress names, symbols & oxidation numbers.
Lab 4: Density. [sec. 2.8]
Lab 5: Specific Heat. [sec. 2.6-7, 3.3-5]
Nomenclature – Acids. Lab 6, page 10 [sec. 14.1]
4. / June 10, 11 / This week’s 20 pt quiz will stress polyatomic ions.
Lab 2: Separation of a Mixture. [sec. 3.1]
Nomenclature —complex Compounds . Lab 6, pages 7-12[sec. 5.5]
5. / June 15, 16 / Lab 6: Nomenclature Practice
Nomenclature Exercises. Lab 6, pages 13-21
6. / June 17, 18 / Lab 8: Reaction Types and Chemical Equations. [sec. 7.1-7.5]
Nomenclature Exercises. Lab 6, pages 11-21
7. / June 22, 23 / Lab 9: Decomposition of Potassium Chlorate. [sec. 6.5, 8.1-4]
Major Quiz 1: Nomenclature. Bring a green scantron to lab.
8. / June 24, 25 / Lab 10: Water in Hydrates.
9. / June 29, 30 / Lab 12: Double Replacement Reactions. [sec. 12.2, 12.3, 12.6]
10. / July 1, 2 / Lab 13: Qualitative Analysis of Selected Anions. [sec 7.4, 12.2, 12.3, 12.6, 13.6].
Major Quiz 2: Equation Writing and Balancing
11. / July 6, 7 / No lab. (Celebration of Independence Day)
12. / July 8, 9 / Lab 11: Single Replacement Reactions. [sec 15.1-3]
13. / July 13, 14 / Lab 14: Standardization of a Sodium Hydroxide Solution. [sec. 7.4, 8.1, 8.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12,5]
14. / July 15, 16 / Lab 15: Determining the Concentration of an Unknown Acid. [sec. 14.8]
Major Quiz 3: Stoichiometry.
15. / July 20, 21 / Lab Final.
16. / July 22, 23 / No Lab
WebCT: You are required to register for MyMCC if you are taking for this class. You do not have to use MyMCC nor do you have to use WebCT but I will be using it for my grade book and for the dissemination of class information. To register for MyMCC, (1) go to MCC’s home page, (2) click on MyMCC at the top of the page and (3) then follow the directions.
Important Information
o You must wear goggles during laboratory experiments that involve actual lab work. Repeated violations result in loss of points (5 pts each).
o Each graded report must have an instructor initials. (minus 10 pts if it is not present on the report). Reports are due the next laboratory period. You will lose points for late reports (1 pt per lab period).
o Reading assignments from the lecture textbook, Basic Chemistry, Special Ed. by Timberlake2, are shown [in brackets] .
o You can expect 10 point quizzes if the class in general is not prepared for the experiment. It will cover theory, procedures, math & lab safety for the current experiment.
o There will be three major quizzes worth 50 points each
o All experiments are worth 20 points. The lowest experiment grade and 10 point quiz grade will be dropped.
o All experiments are to be turned in at the beginning of the following laboratory period, unless directed to do otherwise.
o Laboratory experiments may only be conducted during the scheduled laboratory
periods. If you miss a lab it may be possible to make up the lab by attending a
different section that is performing the same experiment. You must get a
Permission to Make-Up Laboratory Work form from the stockroom. Stockroom
personnel can also help to determine when there are sections that will be doing the
same experiment. Have your instructor and the instructor of the section you
attend sign the form and attach it to your lab when you hand it in.
o In order to receive a grade for this class you must attend lab, do the experiments and take all the major quizzes including the lab final. Otherwise you will be dropped from lab with a W.
LABORATORY MANUAL: 130 Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory Manual, 2008/09Ed.
LABORATORY SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Safety Goggles & Laboratory Apron
Goggles will be provided by the Stockroom-
You paid for them with your Lab Fees ($20)
Grading Policy
11 Laboratory Experiments @ 20 pts each (drop 1) 200
3 Major Quizzes @ 50 each 150
8 Minor Quizes & Exercises @ 10 pts each (drop 1) 70
3 Attendance days w/ exercises @ +10 pts each (1, 7, 15) 30
1 Laboratory Final 100
Roughly 495-550 A 440-495 B 385-440 C 330-385 D
Monday, June 1 - First Day of Class
Monday, June 8 – Last day for refund withdrawal for 8-week session
Monday, July 6 – Observance of Independence Day- Campus closed
Thursday, July 23 - Last Day of classes
CLASSROOM HONESTY AND INTEGRITY: Nothing says more about a person than his or her honesty and integrity. Since students compete with one another for grades and positions in degree and training programs, cheating is considered a serious offense. Students should consult with the student handbook or the catalog to review the policies and consequences of cheating. Rather than resort to such tactics, a student should contact the instructor and see if some extra help may resolve any problems in the course.
Contact Disability Resource Services by voice at (480) 461-7447 or (480) 969-5587 tdd or visit Be assured that I am willing to make any reasonable accommodations for limitations due to any professionally diagnosed disability, including diagnosed learning disabilities. However, no special accommodations can be provided until a completed Instructor Notification Form is received from Disability Resource Services. Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to make all necessary arrangements in order for accommodations to be provided.
PHONE QUIZZES: Ringing or noisy cell phones and beeping pagers often disrupt class. If the class is disrupted with one of these devices, a phone quiz will automatically be given at that time and will cover material that is being discussed or over material that should have been read before class. Text messaging during class will be treated in the same manner. Continued abuse will obviously result in more and harder quizzes & ultimately dismissal from class. Text messaging during a test will result in a zero for
the test grade. You are not allowed to talk on your cell phone or text message in the laboratory.
THE DISRUPTIVE STUDENT: Noisy and obnoxious behavior will not be tolerated in this laboratory. If you feel that your learning is compromised by these disruptive students, you need to inform me of the situation. Those disruptive students will first be warned, if necessary removed from the classroom (by security), and ultimately dismissed from the class with a Y.
SYLLABUS: This syllabus is viewed by the administration as a binding contract between you and your instructor. Information included in this syllabus is subject to change. If changes do occur the class will be notified by the instructor of any changes in course requirements and policies by your college email address. It is the students responsibility to be fully aware of the contents of this syllabus. Students are also responsible for the college policies included in the college catalog and student handbook.
MCC Early Alert Program (EARS): Mesa Community College is committed to the success of all our students. Numerous campus support services are available throughout your academic journey to assist you in achieving your educational goals. MCC has adopted an Early Alert Referral System (EARS) as part of a student success initiative to aid students in their educational pursuits. Faculty and Staff participate by alerting and referring students to campus services for added support. Students may receive a follow up call from various campus services as a result of being referred to EARS. Students are encouraged to participate, but these services are optional. Early Alert Web Page with Campus Resource Information can be located at:
CALCULATORS: Students will find calculators to be indispensable tools in this course. A good cheap scientific calculator, capable of all basic math, exponential functions and logarithms should be available for homework and exams. Expensive graphing calculators are not recommended. They have a tendency to disappear. You may not use your cell phone as a calculator nor may you share a calculator.
Official Course Description: MCCCD Approval: 06/23/98
CHM130LL Fundamental Chemistry Laboratory 1 Credit 3 Period(s)
Laboratory experience in support of CHM130. Prerequisites or Co-requisites: CHM130.
MCCCD Official Course Competencies:
1. Record observations accurately, using appropriate chemical terminology.
2. Use scientific measuring devices to obtain chemical data.
3. Apply principles, concepts, and procedures of chemistry to lab experiments.
4. Use the scientific method in interpreting chemical data to arrive at rational
5. Use lab equipment properly and safely to perform a variety of chemical procedures
and techniques.
6. Interpret safety labels.
Instructor: John Weide
Office: PS 215
Web Site:
Work Phone 480-461-7313
Home Phone 480-899-6854
Departmental secretary: 480-461-7015 (Kelli)
Department Chairperson: 480-461-7010 (Dr. Sims)
Home Phone ______Cell Phone______
email address______
Professional Goals______
Where do you work______Hours/wk______
Work Phone______
Class Commitment
Desired grade for this class? ______
How many hours of study/Week for this class?______
When do you plan to study?______
Where do you plan to study? ______
How do you plan to study?______
Activities/Hobbies/Issues/Special Needs or Concerns