Hapeville Charter Schools
Foundation Board Community Representatives Parent Representatives
*Diane Terry, CEO Tracie McCord Ginger Anderson
*Terry Martin, CFO *Irene Munn Krystal Rainey
*Lew Valero, SEC Shondra Evans
*Regina Mincey
Board Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2012 at 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Middle School – 6th/7th Grade Campus
Hapeville Charter Schoolsreceive funding through the Federal Title I Program for economically disadvantaged families. Hapeville Charter Middle School and Hapeville Charter Career Academy have each attained Schoolwide Title I Status.
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."
Diane Terry, CEO, called the Hapeville Charter Board of Directors meeting to order at 5:33 pm.
Those in attendance are marked above with an asterisk.
Absent: Ginger Anderson, Shondra Evans, Tracie McCord, Krystal Rainey
President’s Report:
NOTE: The meeting agenda and supporting documentation were sent via email attachment to the Board members one week prior to the Board meeting.
A motion was made to approve the October 29, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes. The motion was seconded and approved by the Board.
Presentations on November 19, 2012 to the Board:
1. As a result of a request from the Board at the October meeting, the following representatives from Chef Advantage presented an overview of the Hapeville Charter School Nutrition program which included program success and challenges.
i. James Clark – Director of Operations
ii. Kristi Gaillard – Nutritionist
iii. Todd Rossi – Chef Manager (On-Site Manager of all food service operations at Hapeville Charter)
The following two icons include links to the presentation materials which were distributed to attendees of the November 19th Board Meeting:
See Board Action Item #4: a result of the Chef Advantage presentation, a motion was made whichrequested a plan be developed by the staff to implement the recommendations from Chef Advantage for discussion and consideration at the January 2013 meeting.
2. Dr. Latrelle McFarlane provided the Board an update regarding the progress on the School Culture Survey and Data Collection which she is helping to implement. A recommendation was made to extend the data for collecting the school culture data collection from parents until Friday, December 7, 2012.
Board Requests:
1. As a result of the presentation from Chef Advantage, conversation ensued regarding exploring the availability of Federally distributed food for Hapeville. Board requested that Ms. Olsen send contact names and summary of history of her contact efforts to Ms. Martin (next week) for follow-up prior to the Jan meeting. Ms. Martin to follow-up with Ms. Munn once contact names/numbers are received from Ms. Olsen.
Board Actions:
1. Request the Board to discuss and approve a loan of $5,000 from the Georgia Magnet/Charter Schools Foundation, Corp. to the Hapeville Charter After Hours, Inc. as startup funding.
The Board seconded and approved the motion.
2. Request the Board to discuss and approve a revised operating budget for the 2012-2013 school year as a result of the changes to the previous budget received earlier in the year from the Fulton County School System.
The Board approved the revised budget. .
To view the revised Hapeville Charter Operating Budget for the 2012-2013 School Year, click on the following icon:
3. The Board requested that the HCCA Administration and Faculty prepare and present a plan to support 10th Grade Level Geometry instruction. The plan will be presented to the Board at the January 28, 2013 Board Meeting (scheduled at HCCA-Buffington Road.)
The Board seconded and approved the motion.
4. The Board requested that the HCCA Principals and the HCCA School Nutrition Staff prepare and present a plan at the January 28, 2013 Board Meeting (in coordination with Chef Advantage) to implement one, or more, of the recommendations which are included on Page 6 of the Chef Advantage PDF file (found on Page 1 of this document.)
The Board seconded and approved the motion.
NOTE: The HCMS and HCCA plans do not need to be the same.
An update of the benchmark testing results for HCCA were emailed from Stacy Henry, Hapeville Charter IR/Data Analyst, the afternoon of November 19, 2012. Page 4 of this document includes the content of the email.
Other Items:
1. Parent request to address Board (ChelseaGordon) - Ms. Gordon texted Dr.Martin during the November 19th meeting with a 'request to address the board' (no subject provided). Dr. Martin requested approval for Ms. Gordon to address board from Ms. Terry, CEO, and was approved. Ms. Gordon was then provided forum at the end of Board meeting;No board response or action based on Ms. Gordon's comments.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
Submitted by:
Dr. Gary Martin
President, Hapeville Charter Schools
NOTE the following is a listing of the Hapeville Charter Board meeting dates for the 2012-2013 School Year
Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 11:00 am
Hapeville Charter Middle School Sixth/Seventh Grade Building
NOTE: This is the only meeting of the school year that is NOT on a Monday
August 13, 2012 – First Day of Classes
Monday, August 27, 2012, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Career Academy - Building A
Monday, September 24, 2012, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Middle School Sixth/Seventh Grade Building
Monday, October 29, 2012, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Career Academy - Building A
Monday, November 19, 2012, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Middle School Sixth/Seventh Grade Building
Monday, January 28, 2013, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Career Academy - Building A
Monday, February 25, 2013, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Middle School Sixth/Seventh Grade Building
Monday, March 25, 2013, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Career Academy - Building A
Monday, April 29, 2013, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Middle School Sixth/Seventh Grade Building
Monday, May 20, 2013, 5:30 pm
Hapeville Charter Career Academy - Building A
May 23, 2013 – Last Day of Classes
Copy/Paste of email from Stacy Henry regarding HCCA benchmark data results:
Sent: / Mon 11/19/12 4:23 PM
To: / Gary Martin ()
Cc: / Tracy McClure (); Jannard Rainey ()
Hello, I will not be in attendance this evening, below you will see the most recent benchmark results for the Career Academy. The results have been shared with the principal and teachers along with a subject level analysis of questions. I’m in the process of scoring Coordinate Algebra and 11thgrade lit. I’m concerned about Geometry’s overall proficiency of 24% considering the test was over everything that was covered this school year. The professional development for this teacher that was scheduled with Kennesaw State was cancelled but I’m looking for additional resources and support to close the huge gap. Economics will taking their final benchmark this week because the EOCT is scheduled for December. As you can see, economics doesn’t seem to be struggling the students met the overall goal plus 30%.
11th US History B1 Oct 2012 / % / Physical Science B1 Oct 2012 / % / 9th Grade Lit B1 Oct 2012 / %Period 1 / 75 / Period 1 / 85.8 / Period 1 / 61.5
Period 2 / 88.8 / Period 2 / 33.2 / Period 2 / 61.8
Period 3 / 72.7 / Period 3 / 54.8 / Period 3 / 43.6
Period 5 / 64.7 / Period 4 / 50.4 / Period 4 / 60.4
Period 6 / 33.5 / Period 5 / 42.1 / Period 5 / 59.3
Period 7 / 56.6 / Period 6 / 42 / Period 7 / 85.4
Proficiency >=50% / 65% / Proficiency >=50% / 51% / Proficiency >=50% / 62%
12th Economics B1 Oct 2012 / % / Geometry B1 Oct 2012 / % / 9th Grade Biology B1 Oct 2012 / %
Period 1 / 80.4 / Period 1 / 20.1 / Period 1 / 54.5
Period 2 / 89 / Period 2 / 19.9 / Period 2 / 40
Period 4 / 82.9 / Period 3 / 12.5 / Period 3 / 43.5
Period 5 / 83.5 / Period 4 / 21.5 / Period 4 / 59.7
Period 6 / 67 / Period 5 / 47.1 / Period 6 / 78.9
Period 7 / 77.5 / Period 6 / 23 / Period 7 / 47.4
Proficiency >=50% / 80% / Proficiency >=50% / 24% / Proficiency >=50% / 54%
American Lit B1
Oct 2012 / % / 9th Grade Coordinate Alg
Oct 2012 / %
Period 1 / 67.2 / Period 1 / 21.3
Period 2 / 64.8 / Period 2 / 16
Period 3 / 34.5 / Period 3 / 12.1
Period 4 / 91.1 / Period 4 / 13.8
Period 5 / 60.1 / Period 5 / 42.2
Period 7 / 54.8 / Period 6 / 15.6
Proficiency >=50% / 62.1 / Proficiency >=50% / 20.