Our Lady of the Valley Parish
Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes of February 22, 2017
Present: Fr. Doug, Tom Gallivan, Billy Labrie, Joan Marek, Tom Neill, Jay Oelrich, and George Zoltowski.
Absent: Karen Droy, and Peg Graham.
The meeting was opened at 6:35 pm by Chairman Tom Neill.
Father Doug led us in the opening prayer.
Minutes of the January 25th were accepted as written.
Pastor’s Report – Fr. Doug
1. We are in the full throes of the painting project. “Reel to Reel” was here on 2/22 along with the painters, artists, and electricians.
2. The new lighting is in as well as the lanterns from Notre Dame at the rear of the church to provide additional lighting there and in the choir loft.
3. The outriggers have been moved to the south wall.
4. March 15th is the target date to begin the dismantling of the scaffolding.
5. We have some money coming to the parish from the Day Care Center which will be used for building maintenance and improvement projects.
6. We have a cushion of about $15,000.00 in the beautification fund as of now.
Finance Report - Fr. Doug
1. Refer to items #5 and #6 in the pastor’s report.
2. We are still operating at a deficit with regard to the operating budget and collections.
Committee Reports:
Communications: - Jay
1. Had a nice article on the painting project in the Gazette.
2. There should be another in an upcoming edition of the Gazette’s Saturday Living section.
3. Working on getting an article in the Catholic Mirror.
4. The latest version (#5) of the Stations of the Cross video has been submitted to Fr. Doug for release. It will be available on CATV in Easthampton and Southampton during Lent as well as for sale to parishioners.
5. On the subject of altar servers, we are pairing new recruits with veterans to help the new ones learn the ropes.
6. See attached monthly activity report.
Outreach: - Joan
Mission Committee:
1. Voted to restructure the funds allocation schedule at the start of the new fiscal year (7-1-2017) as follows:
A. Divide the proceeds from the Mission envelopes 50/50 between Springfield and Uganda.
B. Proceeds from the sale of Peruvian goods will go to Los Martincitos.
C. All else will remain the same.
2. Working on a flyer insert for the bulletin and script to be read at Masses informing the parishioners of the changes in allocation. The date for this has not yet been determined.
3. The Mission envelopes will be changed to reflect the addition of Uganda as a sister parish.
4. A mailing was sent to vendors for the upcoming Tag/Craft/Bake Sale scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd.
Take & Eat:
1. We are thankful for the generosity of our parishioners who contributed more than $3,600.00 during the Super Bowl weekend special collection.
2. We also got four new volunteers for the meal prep and packaging teams. One of which may be a potential head cook for the third weekend team.
Cot Shelter:
1. Despite some nasty storms this month (February), the volunteer cooks and Soldier-On staff braved the weather and delivered the meals and the guests during the first storm, but had to close the annex during the second storm due to forecasted conditions. This was the only time it closed so far this season.
2. Willie is looking for chess competitors, so any chess players looking for a good game should come to the shelter any nights except Tuesday and give Willie some competition. It is rumored that one our guests is a former chess master, but that has not been verified as yet.
Clubs & Events:
Women’s Club:
1. Thanks to parishioners who supported the diaper/baby wipe donations for Bethlehem House in January. As reported in the bulletin over 2,000 diapers and nearly 5,000 baby wipes were donated.
2. Volunteers continue to work preparing baby baskets at Bethlehem House twice per month.
3. Members will be assisting with pretzel making with REY students at a date to be determined.
Knights of Columbus:
1. Scholarship committee preparing applications for this year’s program. Should be available next month or two.
Holy Rosary Sodality:
1. Will be holding its annual meeting in early June.
Religious Education:
1. At the January 8th meeting of the high school teachers a request was mentioned but the teachers want to develop a proposal to present to Fr. Doug.
2. The February 8th teacher meeting had been postponed to February 12th and that meeting was cancelled due to a snowstorm. Not knowing when they could reschedule the meeting, Carol sent an e-mail to the teachers asking them to advise her of any concerns. She did not receive any input.
3. The First Communion Class will be making banners on February 26th.
4. All seems to be running smoothly with the REY program.
Youth Group: Billy
1. The pre-Super Bowl party went well.
2. Planning a youth retreat at Camp Holy Cross for May 12 -14. They plan to open it up to 8th graders this year.
3. The Venture Crew has plans to go snow-tubing at Berkshire East on March 4th.
Music: - George
1. The Family Choir will be singing at the 7:00 PM Mass on Ash Wednesday.
2. The St. Cecelia Choir will move Bitter Lamentations/Gorzkie Zale from Wednesday evenings to Sunday mornings at 10:30, prior to the 11:00 AM Mass.
3. The “stand pedal” on the keyboard is still an issue as the problem comes and goes. Hopefully is can be repaired prior to moving it back upstairs.
4. A request to have the first Mass on Easter morning entirely in Polish was taken under consideration. It is not known if any Polish speaking priests would be available to say Mass.
Technology: - Fr. Doug
1. We have the bridge for the internet for the REY building, but it has not yet been set up.
Liturgy: -
1. Nothing new to report.
Adult Education:
1. Nothing new to report.
Old Business:
1. No old business.
New Business:
1. No new business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM after the closing prayer.
A post meeting tour of the “upper church” to view the progress of the painting and restoration above the 20’ high platform was conducted by Fr. Doug for interested members of the council.
Next meeting is Wednesday, March 22nd.