Mrs. Standen
10th Grade-1 Semester
1/2 Social Studies Credit
Required for graduation
Course Description
Economics is a general survey course that is designed to present the necessary background to acquire the ability to make informed economic decisions. Students can expect a variety of instruction methods including guest speakers, lectures, group discussions, audiovisual presentation and reports. Students will be expected to do research projects utilizing numerous media resources. Subject matter will be related to current life situations.
Course Intended Outcomes
Students will be able to analyze individual and household choices, evaluate business choices, understand the role of government in the economy, assess different economic systems, and examine the concept of trade and exchange.
1. The textbook students will use is Econ Alive: The Power to Choose.
2. Students should purchase a large notebook of at least 100 pages to be used only for economics.
3. Students should have folders for organizing handouts, homework, etc.
Students are to come to class prepared EVERYDAY to work with writing utensil, NOTEBOOK and book. A small calculator is recommended.
Course Outline (16 chapters)
Unit 1: The Economic Fundamentals
Unit 2: How Markets Work
Unit 3: Economic Institutions and Organizations
Unit 4: Economics of the Public Sector
Unit 5: Measuring and Managing the Economy
Unit 6: Globalization and the Global Economy
Activities that students will participate in are designed to challenge and engage them include but are not limited to lectures, class discussions, cooperative learning, guided reading, hands on activities, etc.
Classroom Policies and Procedures:
1. RESPECT all people. Treat everyone with dignity using manners and kindness at all times.
2. RESPECT THE CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT. Take care of the classroom by picking up after yourself and putting materials away where they belong. Please do not write on the desks and leave trash on the floor.
3. BE PREPARED. Bring your textbook, notebook, writing utensils and any other necessary items to class every day.
4. BE ON TIME. Please be your seat when the bell rings ready to begin class. Failure to do so will result in a tardy. Also, please stay in your seats at the end of class and wait for the bell to ring.
5. PARTICIPATE. Your participation in the class and in class discussions will make a more enriching experience for everyone. Always pay attention and avoid activities like sleeping and working on other work.
6. PLEASE DO NOT bring food, drinks or candy to class. The only exception I will allow is water in a water bottle. Also, do not use cell phones or music players during class. Please make sure these items are turned off if you have them with you. It would be best for you to leave these items in your locker. If you do bring them and I see them, I will confiscate them and turn them into the office per school policy.
7. PASSES: You will be given 5 passes to use for emergencies only during the semester. Please take care of your business before or after school and during passing times. Per administration, passes are only for emergencies. Also please refrain from using your pass at a time that would cause a disruption to the learning environment.
8. BE RESPONSIBLE. Do your part to make your greatest effort everyday. This class will require you to be focused and to work hard. I expect you will do the best you can to succeed, and I will do my best to help prepare you to succeed.
These are simple and reasonable rules to follow. Please adhere to them consistently to make the classroom experience enjoyable for all.
I am reasonably flexible and patient. I enjoy teaching and the company of students. However, I have zero tolerance for students who are rude, interrupt others, disrespectful of others or disrupt the learning environment. Chronic misbehavior will result in:
1. conference between myself and the student
2. a telephone call home
3. referral to the assistant principal’s office
4. gross misconduct-sent immediately to the principal’s office
Assignment guidelines:
1. Homework: short homework assignments may be given.
2. Late work: late work will be accepted up to one week. Only partial credit will be given for late assignments.
3. All make-up tests will be taken before school or after school in my room.
4. Getting assignments after absences: Students should first ask up to 3 students what assignments they missed. Students should also get lecture notes from another student in class. If they still have questions please see me after class, before or after school. I rarely will have time during class to organize this information.
Grading Policies:
Your grade will be determined by dividing the number of points you have earned by the number of points possible. Furthermore, grades will be weighted into categories: 50% homework, class assignments and notebook, 40% quizzes, tests, projects and 10% participation.
Semester grades will be determined by:
80% 1st, 2nd, 3rd Marking Periods
20% - semester exam
Class Participation—A portion of your grade will be class participation. Points will be added to your grade at progress report card time. I will give you a grade of 50 points per marking period. You are expected to come to class prepared and to participate positively.
Positive participation means: following instructions and class rules, treating others with respect, coming to class prepared, staying on task, helping your partner(s), listening, and anything that helps class run smoothly. Participation points will be deducted if you:
· are absent
· distracting behavior, don’t work
· sleep
· do not begin class immediately
· no book, pencil
· tardy
Please take advantage of this opportunity to make 10% of your grade an “A.”
Extra Credit:
I rarely give extra credit. It would not be wise to rely on extra credit to save your grade in any way. Extra credit opportunities may be taken advantage of if students have completed and handed in all assignments.
Tardy and Absence Policy
Attendance in class is essential. The fewer days missed the better your chance of succeeding. Expect me to be very consistent in following the school policies regarding tardies and absences. When the bell rings, sit in your seat and be ready for instructions. If you are not in your seat you may be marked tardy. I will follow school policies strictly in order to be as predictable and consistent as possible. Experience leads me to believe that excessive absences will cause your grade to suffer. You will lose participation points for each tardy. Each time you are excessively late, I must redo attendance, which takes time away from the rest of the class and interrupts instruction. Please make your best effort to be on time.
Academic Integrity
All students have the right to take tests and quizzes in an environment that allows
them to concentrate and do their best work. Students who disrupt the testing process will have their test/quiz score reduced by 10%. Students caught cheating one time will receive a failing grade for that test/quiz or assignment. If you are caught cheating again you will be referred to the office and I will contact your parents.
Technology Usage
All students must have a signed “Acceptable Use Practices” (AUP) on file in the media center. In order to use computers in the media center, students must have their ID cards with an AUP sticker.
Additional Comments:
All students can learn and each day I will do my best to create the conditions
to motivate and help you learn. A non-threatening classroom climate is essential
for all students to have the opportunity to learn. I have a “zero tolerance” for behavior that is demeaning, threatening, or disrespectful to any student or myself and the learning environment. I respect you as a student and young adult and expect that you will act in a mature way at all times.
I look forward to enjoying a great year together!
Please keep this portion of the syllabus and return the following page to me by Friday, September 9th for a grade of 10 points.
Please show and explain this to your parents/guardians and return this page to me.
My (step) son/daughter has shown me this syllabus. He/she has read the entire syllabus and understands it. By returning this signed slip on time, your student will earn 10 points.
Student Name
Parent Signature
Parent cell phone
Parent email
I can be reached at 591-5566 or email at if you have any questions.
Please use the rest of this page to write any questions, concerns or issues of which I should be made aware.