I, ______,as a member of the 2018 graduating class, wish to participate in Graduation practice and Graduation. I agree to comply with the following Code of Conduct and dress regulations.I understand that if I fail to comply with the Code of Conduct I will not be able to participate in the Graduation practice and ceremony and therefore I must attend a meeting between administration and my parent/guardian prior to receiving my diploma.
1. I understand that participation in the Graduation ceremony is voluntary and only students that have met the requirements for a diploma or a certificate of completion are able to participate.
2. I understand it is my responsibility to turn in my completed Senior Check Out / Clearance Cardon Tuesday, June 5th to the counseling office.
3. I understand it is my responsibility to turn in this signed Graduation Contract by the end of school onFriday, April 27th to the ASB office. I will not be allowed to participate in graduation practice or the graduation ceremony if my Graduation Contract is noton file in the main office by the deadline.
4. I understand that the principal may deny my participation in graduation ceremonies and/or activities if all laws and school rulesare not followed. This will prohibit me from participating in senior activities, graduation practice, and the graduation ceremony.
5. I understand that the use, possession, or sales of alcohol and/or other illegal substances or paraphernalia will result in a 42-day activity suspension which will prohibit me from participating in senior activities, graduation practice, and the graduation ceremony.
6. I understand that the graduation ceremony is a respectful, dignified, and memorable ceremony and as a student I will abide by the following dress code for graduation.
- Appropriate clothing for a formal ceremony (ie: dress slacks, dress, skirt, collared shirt, blouse, dress shoes). Any student dressed inappropriately will not participate in the event.
- Unaltered cap andgown - Nothing is to be attached toor drawn on the gown andcap. Nothing can be carried (ie: leis, bouquets of flowers, buttons, boutonnieres, corsages, etc.)
- Tassel: Worn on the right side
- Sunglasses: May be worn. We request that you leave them on your seat when you rise to approach the stage.
- If, at any time, behavior of any participant(s) does not meet acceptable standards of dignity and decorum, the graduate(s) involved in the disruption will be removed.