Computer Presentations
BUS 104
Course Syllabus
Contact Information
Instructor: Betty Glenn, MBA , Associate Professor
Office: Technology Building T301E
Phone: 865 354 3000 Extension 4331
Course Description
Students learn the art of designing, creating, and delivering sophisticated and professional computer presentations using PowerPoint. Presentations will include sound, video, charts, graphics, hyperlinks, and other enhancements that will illustrate their topics.
Course Objectives
You will have mastered the material in this course when you can:
· Create and edit a presentation
· Work with Clip Art
· Enhance a presentation with pictures, shapes, and WordArt
· Reuse presentations
· Add media
· Work with information graphics
· Combine Slide shows
· Collaborate with others to create and deliver presentations
· Work with hyperlinks and action buttons
· Create Self-Running presentations with animations
· Customize templates and use slide masters
· Use content from outside sources
· Create a photo album
Course Requirements
Additional Software: You will need
· Microsoft Office 2010 (comes with PowerPoint 2010)
· Adobe Reader (click here for free download)
All Roane State workstations on all campuses have Office for your use.
Teaching Method
As an online course, all instructional materials except the textbook are either online, on this website, or on other sites. This includes the assignment instructions and Dropboxes, quizzes, grades, calendar, and communication features such as Email, Classlist, and Pager. The responsibility for the following is yours:
· Learn how to work in Momentum and set up your workstation
· Take advantage of Learning Resources
· Purchase your textbook and software
· Complete and submit your assignments on time in the appropriate Dropboxes
I promise to
· Provide instructions for how to do these tasks
· Respond within 24 hours to your emails or phone calls
· Post feedback and scores for assignments as soon as possible
Learning Resources
To supplement what you learn from your textbooks, I have placed several learning resources in Momentum in the Links feature in the NavBar. I’ve posted several links to free on-line tutorials that will help you learn PowerPoint 2010.
I also placed a link to the author’s website (http:\\ This is an interactive learning site with crossword puzzles, flashcards, quizzes, etc. This is also where you will find the data files you will need to complete the assignments. Instructions for downloading the files are later on in this document under Assignments.
You will complete an Orientation Assignment (see Content) and then textbook assignments that cover the 7 PowerPoint chapters. In each textbook assignment, you will:
1. First read through the chapter, completing the exercises as you go. Please pay special attention to any Project Planning Guidelines, Plan Ahead, BTW, and other sidebars.
2. In the Lab, exercise 3 at the end of each chapter.
Some of the exercises may have you start with a file that you download from the author’s website. Here’s how:
How to download the data files:
1. Go to
2. Under Data Files for Students (Windows)
3. Click the PowerPoint Cha 1-3 data files.exe link
4. Click Run
5. Click Run again
6. Click Browse and go to the folder or USB drive you want the data files downloaded to
7. Click Unzip
8. You should get this message back. Click OK and then Close the WinZip Self-Extractor window.
9. Go to the folder you download to, you should see this:
10. Double click Chapter 1, and at the top of the window, click the Extract all files button.
11. When the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders window appears, click Extract.
12. Repeat for the other chapter folders.
HINT: When you download your data files, you get the data files needed for all the exercises, not just what I assigned. Take advantage of this opportunity to get more experience.
There are Dropboxes to correspond with the chapters. You will upload and submit all the files you create in each of the Dropboxes as you complete them. Be sure to name your files exactly what the book says to name them. I will review them and post your score in the space provided by 24 hours after the deadline.
You must complete 8 quizzes for this course. The Orientation Quiz over the orientation assignment and a quiz for each of the 7 chapters. The chapter quizzes focus mainly on presentation concepts found in the Project Planning Guidelines, Plan Ahead, BTW, and other sidebars.
Each of the quizzes are automatically graded by Momentum and posted in Grades as soon as you complete it. I must review each of your assignment submissions individually, so I may need a couple of days to post your assignment grade. You can see your assignment score either in the Dropbox or in Grades. Be sure to check for feedback; it might help you with the next assignment. The evaluations are:
Orientation Assignment & Quiz / 10 points / 10Chapter Quizzes / 5 points each / 30
Assignments / 5 points each / 40
Total / 100
We use the standard RSCC grading scale of 90-100 = A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C, 60-69=D, and < 60 =
Each assignment and quiz has a deadline – see Calendar and/or Dropbox for these dates. All times are Eastern. You may work ahead but you may not fall behind. The Dropboxes are closed to any submission after that. If you miss the deadline, you may email your work to me, but I will penalize you 10 percent. I strongly recommend that as soon as you’ve uploaded one assignment, you begin the next. If you confuse Due Date with Do Date, you will fail the course.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
According to the Roane State catalog under Student Conduct and Discipline (, we recognize that you are an adult and expect you to behave with maturity, respecting the rights and property of others and to perform with honesty in academic work. This includes no plagiarism and no cheating.
Plagiarism: My definition is using other people’s work as if it were your own. I do not want to read your opinions or ideas about a topic (you don’t know enough and neither do it), so you must research the topic before you report it. How do you prevent using your research without plagiarizing it? Click here to see a terrific tutorial on how to avoid plagiarism (or go to the Roane State web site and search for Plagiarism).
Academic Integrity (Cheating): This topic is similar to plagiarism in that violators are guilty of using other people’s work as if it were their own. In my class I want you to seek help from your classmates when you are confused about how to complete an assignment, etc. and I’m not available (see Content/How to Use Classlist to find out which of your classmates are online and how to contact them when you need help). I do not, however, want them to do it for you. This includes having your mother, spouse, or child help you write a report. You must complete your own work. You do it and then have them help you proof it.
If you are in doubt that you might be committing plagiarism or cheating, call or email me and I’ll try to clarify it for you.
If you feel you have a learning disorder or disability that interferes with your ability to succeed in this course, please contact Student Services and they will help you through the process of documenting your condition and find ways to accommodate you. Click here for contact information.
If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with, please let me know right away.
If it’s vital that I get back to you right away, call my office phone and leave a message. Use whichever campus number you like and then extension 4331. We have the VoIP service so it will record your message and email it to me as a sound file. I check my Roane State email regularly on my SmartPhone, so I can get back to you quickly.
If it’s not so much an emergency, you can Email or Page me in Momentum using Classlist (see instructions for that in Content). I check Momentum several times a day and will respond promptly.
If it’s a question you think others in the class can help you with, go to Classlist and see who else is currently online and either email or page them. Again, instructions for How to Use Classlist is in Content.
Prepared by Betty Glenn© 2011Page 6