Bethlehem Steelers Athletic Association

Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2018

Opening Business:

  1. Meeting calledto order: 6:05 PM
  2. Roll Call:

Dave Crim, PresidentPRESENTStacy BrandesPRESENT

Mike Hoffman, VPPRESENTSarah FontanezPRESENT

Gina Kostic, SecretaryPRESENTDaria JohnsonPRESENT

Sandy Yuhasz, TresurerPRESENTTiesha JohnsonPRESENT

Stacey LeibenspergerPRESENT

Additional guests in attendance:Stanley Vincent

  1. Secretary Report (Gina)

Motion to approve minutes:1st: 2nd:

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Sandy)

Motion to approve report:1st: Stacey Leibensperger2nd:Daria Johnson

Topics of Discussion

  1. Went over key calendar dates – add any items that are missing
  2. Dave to send out email for VM to nominate individuals for VP and Secretary
  3. Gina Kostic – Secretary
  4. Sarah Fontanez – new Vice-President
  5. Talked with Mike Oberholzer from the Little Hawks regarding the use of our field this coming season. Gina to send out to the board for a vote
  6. It was agreed to allow them to use our field on Sundays
  7. They will pay us a monetary donation per Sunday, and help with painting and general field maintenance
  8. Sarah went over the first round of votes taken at the league meeting. As a board, we decided to move forward with two divisions for the upcoming season
  9. Arena Football – no go this year; not enough interest
  10. Cheer – Tiesha to contact Coach Gaby at Kids Co-Op to discuss our partnership for this year
  11. Spring/Mother’s Day Flower Sale – Stacy Brandes to take the lead with the help of Stacey L.
  12. Per the board vote, we need to issue a certified letter to the Kaintz family regarding removal from the organization
  13. New Ideas for this year (Dave) – needs to print out suggestions; contact Bishop for their costs
  14. Scoreboard – receiving quotes from various companies

Future Activities, Times and Important Dates:

Next Regular BSAA Board Meeting – February 18, 2018

Next League Meeting– March 28th at 7:30pm

Motion to adjourn (time): 8:09 pm

Motion made by:Sarah FontanezSeconded by:Stacy Brandes