Name______Class ______
Famous Person’s FAKEBOOK
Most of you are familiar with and have utilized facebook in your every day lives. For this activity though, you will be using the online tool of “Fakebook” to complete a personal page for an individual you will be assigned in class from the Industrial Age. The template for this project can be found at you will be required to do the following for this assignment: (Please refer to the rubric for additional details)
Complete a Fakebook Profile on the person you were assigned in class. This profile should be creative, though also touch on many details from the real life experience’s of your individual from the Industrial Age. When looking at your page, someone should be able to tell what your person did to become famous, how their contributions affected society, and any other information necessary to gain a complete understanding of the role this person played in history. You need to include the following items on their Fakebook profile:
- WALL—The Wall should include a minimum of 8 posts with key information about your person,with at least6 replies from others with their feedback on the work of your individual. These posts will be one of the main ways to describe why your person is important to the time period we are studying. (These posts must include photos, which is also a requirement.)
- INFO Box—The Info Box (About section) must include at least 3 biographical pieces of information about your assigned person (Birthday, family, hometown, etc.). Additionally, give information to help understand why your person is famous.
- FRIENDS—You will include the profile pics of at least 6 Fakebookfriendswho are associated in some way with your assigned individual. These friends can be from the person’s time, or even from modern times if it can apply. At least one person must be “Blocked” from the page as well.
- Pictures- As mentioned, your page must include pictures. You can utilize a Google Images search to find pictures. Images cannot be uploaded until your profile is saved (after 5 posts). These are the steps to add pictures.
- After conducting a search, right click on a picture you want to clip. Click “Save image as…”
- Save image to your computer desktop with a name you will recognize
- Click on the place on Fakebook you want to add the picture, choose the file from the desktop to insert the picture
At least 5 posts must be made before the server lets you save the profile. The key to this assignment is to use your notes and sources; but be creative, and HAVE FUN!
My historical figure: ______
(1 Point)
- Includes more than the required number of posts (8) and replies (6)
- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of individual’s life
- Wall includes relevant pictures.
- Includes the required number of posts (8) and replies (6)
- Demonstrates basic understanding of individual’s
- Wall contains pictures.
- Includes less than the required number of posts and/or replies
- Does not clearly demonstrate an understanding of the individual
- No pictures are included.
INFO portion /
- Includes all required information plus some additional information
- Lists a minimum of 3 biographical facts
- Thoroughly explains the importance of the individual to society
- Includes all required information
- Lists 2 biographical facts
- Gives some information to explain person’s importance to society.
- Missing some or all of the info portion information
- Lists 1 biographical fact
- Does not explain person’s significance to society
- Includes more than 6 historically accurate friends with profile pics
- Selections demonstrate a thorough understanding of the individual
- Includes 6 friends with profile pics with some being real and some being fictional
- Selections demonstrate some understanding of the individual
- Includes less than 6 friends with profile pics, most being fictional
- Selections do not demonstrate an understanding of the individual
Creativity and Effort /
- Shows great creativity and goes beyond merely what is required
- Shows some creativity and accomplishes all portions of the task
- Shows little creativity, was not turned in complete and on time
My saved page FakebookURL: ______
______/ 20 Points