John/Theodosia Dodge---Henry Dodge Link?
Notes on Theodosia:
Lydia Dodge (John Dodge & Lydia Rogers, John, Israel, Tristram) (b.18 May 1758)
married Richard Winchester (b.15 Feb 1755, d.14 Oct 1842). They were married 17 Nov 1778
in Canterbury, CT, and moved to Hardin Co, KY. One known son, John Winchester. The
1810 KY census lists 1 daughter under age 26.
Notes for John Dodge:
Rev. Josiah Dodge(John Dodge & Lydia Rogers, John, Isreal, Tristram)(b. 28 Sep 1762)
married Zerviah (Sophia) Willis 24 Sep 1783 in Canterbury, CT. Josiah is a brother to Lydia
mentioned above. John Dodge (b. 26 Jan 1787) is one of Josiah’s sons.
Notes on John & Theodosia:
Marriage bond, Hardin Co, dated 30 Jul 1811, for John Dodge and Theodosia Dodge signed
by John Dodge and Richard Winchester. Document written by minister dated 24 Jul 1812,
states John Dodge and Theodosia Dodge were married 1 Aug 1811. Why was Theodosia’s last
name Dodge before her wedding? Mistake on document, or was she family to Lydia Dodge
and taken in by Richard and Lydia?
Names of some of John and Theodosia’s children are Thomas, John, Lydia, Jordan, Mary,
Elizabeth, Louisa, and Nancy.
John and Theodosia sold all their land in KY in 1832.
1870 IL census-were living with son Jordan in Indian Point Township, Knox Co., IL
John died 18 May 1873, in Abingdon, Knox Co., IL
Notes on Henry Dodge:
Obituary: was born Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., KY, 23 Dec 1813. Left KY and settled at
Beardstown, IL, and there in 1833 married Lourena Jolly. He was the oldest of 4 brothers, and
is survived by the remaining three. Henry died 18 Oct 1894, in Hamilton, IL.
(The obituary could have mistakes or at least be missing some data, like other siblings perhaps
unkown to whoever wrote the obituary.)
Names of Henry’s children are Lucinda, John, Silas, Cermalia, Thomas, Louisa, Mary, and
John and Theodosia sold all their land in 1832 and appear to have left KY. Henry showed up in
Illinois by 1833. Did they all go to Illinois together? Need to locate John and Theodosia for the
years 1832-1970.
Notes written by Barbara Middleton