BPA’s Programmatic Approach to Action Effectiveness Monitoring Workshop
Date & Time: November 7, 2013 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Location: NW Power and Conservation Council, 851 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1100, Portland, OR 97204 (map)
Teleconference Info: 1-800-786-1922; code 17928867; Meeting ID: 785-707-481
GoTo Meeting Info: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/785707481
Workshop Objectives
1. Create a working knowledge of BPA’s Action Effectiveness Monitoring (AEM) programmatic approach including the timeline, high level scope and how it may affect you
2. Deliver support needed to finalize list of candidate sites in BPA’s AEM Roadmap
3. Answer any outstanding questions about BPA’s AEM approach
4. Identify opportunities for partnering with entities not currently involved in BPA’s AEM approach
Background materials:
· Action Effectiveness Monitoring of Tributary Habitat Improvement: a Programmatic Approach for the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (Philip Roni, Russell Scranton and Jennifer O’Neal)
· BPA AEM Project Sponsor Communication _Sept 12, 2013
· Link to protocols in www.MonitoringMethods.org
Workshop Sponsors: Jason Sweet, Russell Scranton and Jason Lewis, Bonneville Power Administration
Facilitator: Jen Bayer, US Geological Survey/PNAMP
Time / Topic / Link to Presentation / Presenter8:30 / Arrive, get settled
9:00 / Welcome and Introductions / No Presentation / Jen Bayer
9:10 / Overview, background and opportunities to participate in AEM approach / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4399http://www.pnamp.org/document/4397 / Jason Sweet
10:00 / AEM study plan / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4398http://www.pnamp.org/document/4397 / Phil Roni
10:30 / Implementation timeline / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4399 / Russell Scranton/ Jason Sweet
10:45 / Break
11:00 / AEM protocols / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4400 / Jennifer O’Neal
11:30 / AEM data management plan / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4401http://www.pnamp.org/document/4398 / Russell Scranton
11:45 / Coordination of pre-monitoring site visits (EPT & MBACI) / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4398Information in the last three slides of / Phil Roni
12:15 / Training for sponsors performing monitoring (MBACI Sites) / http://www.pnamp.org/document/4402 / Jennifer O’Neal
12:30 / Lunch – on your own
1:30 / Identifying and Tracking AEM candidate sites using the AEM Roadmap / No presentation / Russell Scranton
2:00 / Q & A session for project sponsors on the AEM Roadmap / No presentation / Russell Scranton
2:00* / Break out discussion of opportunities for collaboration with partners outside Fish & Wildlife Program / No presentation / Jen Bayer/Jason Sweet
3:00 / Wrap Up & Next Steps / No presentation / Jason Sweet/ Russell Scranton
3:30 – 4:30 / Pre-requested Roadmap or Site Visit coordination work sessions / No presentation / AS NEEDED