Sample letter on PAGE 3 of this document
FS MACKENZIE WEBSITE: http://www.fsmac.com/intro.swf
FS Mackenzie Ltd., Headquarters
Ground Floor, Bowden House,
Luckyn Lane
Essex SS14 3AX, United Kingdom
ph: +44 (0) 1268 275555; fax: +44 (0) 1268 275556; email:
FS Mackenzie Ltd., Dover (Overland)
Room 219 Lord Warden House
Lord Warden Square
Western Docks
Kent CT17 9EQ
ph: +44 (0) 1304 226444; fax: +44 (0) 1304 226555; email:
FS Mackenzie Ltd., London Heathrow (Air freight)
Unit D Court Farm
Northumberland Close
Middlesex TW19 7LN
ph: +44 (0) 1784 240200; fax: +44 (0) 1784 240300; email:
FS Mackenzie Ltd., Liverpool
Court Block
1st Floor East Wing
Alexandra Park
Liverpool WA10 3TT
ph: +44 (1744) 755544; fax: +44 (1744) 755541; email:
FS Mackenzie GmbH
Edisonstrasse 8
59199 Boenen
Near Dortmund, Germany
ph: 0283 919695; fax: 0283 922445
Mr Stephan Uphoff: • Mr Alfred Stienen:
FS Mackenzie OOO
111397 Room 210; 18B Building 1
Alekseya Dikogo S
Moscow, Russia 111397
ph: 007 495 783 2391; fax: 007 495 545 0933
Mr Andrey Soutchkov:
FS Mackenzie, St Petersburg
Office 23
113 B Ligovskiy Prospekt
St Petersburg, Russia
ph: 007 812 575 5302; fax: 007 812 575 5098
Ms Marina Dmitrieva:
FS Mackenzie Ukraine Ltd
Office 805
Zhilijanska Str 97
Kiev, 01135 Ukraine
ph: 00380 4433 10121; fax: 00380 4449 65917
Mr Andrey Gorbatov:
FS Makenzie
Office 424
Business-centre "Suvar-Kazan"
18/75, Dostoevskogo str.
420111 Kazan, Tatarstan, RF
ph: 007 843 526 5153; fax: 007 843 526 5153
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Kinship Circle’s sample letter is on the next page.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am alarmed to learn about FS Mackenzie’s continuing function as a freight forwarder for Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS). As a principal global freight forwarding firm in the UK, FS Mackenzie stands to lose credibility by association with a research facility cited for falsification of data and cruelty to animals.
From 1989 to 2006, HLS has acquired: Multiple breaches of the U.S. Animal Welfare Act, the arrest of workers on animal cruelty charges, more than 520 infringements of Good Laboratory Practice in England, and a $50,000 payoff to the U.S. Agriculture Department for misstated records and animal welfare violations.
If FS Mackenzie no longer imports animals, documents or samples into HLS, please let me know so I may share the good news with others who oppose the lab’s unethical practices.
If, however, FS Mackenzie maintains a working relationship with HLS, I respectfully ask you to join the international list of suppliers, financiers and customers that made a responsible decision to sever ties.
In six investigations HLS was repeatedly exposed for incompetence, fabricated records, and profound animal cruelty. As recently as late 2005, two former employees from the HLS Beagle Unit left their jobs distressed over the animal suffering they witnessed daily for 12 months.
According to tape-recorded testimonial from the two employees, animals are improperly overdosed with test drugs. Dogs are inadequately anesthetized before invasive procedures, such as painful extraction of bone marrow from the chest bone.
Careless workers transfer blood into the wrong tubes. "One license holder I worked with would go in and out about five times with the same needle, not hitting the vein. Some dogs would struggle,” the one-time employee maintains. “I saw co-workers grab them by the scruff, shout and swear at them, swing them by the scruff and slap them."
I was shocked to view substantiated accounts of HLS technicians who nonchalantly kill dogs by flooding their lungs with toxic materials meant for the animals' stomachs. In one investigative video clip, a technician repeatedly punches a screaming 4-month-old beagle pup in the face. During a
supposedly post-mortem dissection, another tech slices into the chest of a convulsing monkey.
Undoubtedly, you find this callous treatment of animals as unacceptable as I do. I urge you to issue a straightforward statement that conveys your refusal to interact with Huntingdon Life Sciences.