Welcome to Technical Theatre!

Spring 2016

Ms. Fleming WJHS

Objective: This class will provide opportunities for you to get to know yourself, to involve yourself with others, to take safe risk, learning Technical Theatre Vocabulary, and to actively participate in activities and projects. Overall, this class is to help you gain an appreciation for Technical Theatre

Tech Theatre Material:

·  Theatre History

·  Script Format

·  Play Analysis

·  Structure & Types of Plays

·  Types of Stages

·  Stage Terminology

·  The Production Process

·  Theatre Safety

·  Production Team

·  Scenery

·  Stage Make-up

·  Props

·  Costumes

·  Lighting

·  Sound

·  Careers in Theatre

·  Group Projects

·  Publicity

·  Storyboarding

·  Theatre Conventions

·  Puppetry

·  Storytelling

·  Film VS. Theatre

·  Evaluation

Technical Theatre Supplies:

·  1 Subject Wide Rule Spiral 70 Sheets or more.

·  1 Folder with Pockets

·  Tissue Boxes (Please bring several if you can.)

·  Old Magazines & Newspaper

Classroom/Theater Rules

1.  Be on time, on task, and prepared to learn!

2.  NO EATING! Personal electronics for educational purposes ONLY!

3.  RESPECT the teacher, classroom, and other students! (Don’t throw supplies or use inappropriate language)

4.  Take care of your personal business BEFORE class starts! (Restroom, Water Fountain, & etc.)

5.  Make a commitment to try! (Do your best.)

Expectations and Guidelines

·  Good behavior is expected and demanded. YOU are responsible for your own actions!

·  You are expected to act maturely, and clean up after yourself.

·  Please bring your supplies and a positive attitude every day to class.

·  Remember to raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking out. It is also important to take turns speaking or chaos can result!

·  If it is not your property, leave it alone! Please demonstrate self-control and remember to keep your hands, feet, etc. to yourself.

·  Use careful listening skills during class! Make sure you listen closely during activities, game rules and presentations so you know what is expected.

·  Please do not sit on, write on, draw on or deface the tables/chairs.

·  Respect the theater space. (Do not put your feet on the seats, touch the light & sound board, or touch the curtain.)

·  Do not crowd or line up at the door. Just remain seated until the bell rings to dismiss.

Please read, sign and return this handout by the end of the first week of school acknowledging that you received:

My child and I have read the Technical Theatre handout and understand the rules and expectations of the class.


Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature

