Lache Health Centre
Patient Participation Group
Wednesday 5th August
Present :Mrs S Shield – Practice Administrator
Mrs E Benson – Patient Representative
Mr L Anderson – Patient Representative
Mrs P Gurney – Patient Representative
Mrs G Carroll - Patient Representative
Mrs L Trevethan –Patient Representative
Mr J Brierley – Patient Representative
Mrs Y Foley – Patient Representative
Apologies: Mrs H Rogers, Mr C Rees, Mrs C Metcalf, Mrs J Ward
In attendance – Pam Smith – PPG Governing Body Member
Minutes of the last meeting – 12th May 2015 approved
Matters Arising
- Disposal of Equipment – e-mail that Mr Benson has sent to S Shield was discussed and further actions will be : Mrs Gurney will try to contact the Red Cross to ascertain if they have a service which will take used crutches etc. – Mrs Shield will double check with the COCH that they do not take equipment back and if this is not the case then it has been suggested that a letter from the PPG Group should be sent to Chester Council.
- Prescriptions changing to 2 monthly – ongoing with the GP’s
- Carer Board in reception – ongoing
- Telephone Problems – 2 members of the group still reported having problems of being cut off when they have been waiting for a period of time for the phone to be answered – SCS to speak to the phone provider again in this regard.
- Newsletter – under review at present
- HCJ Presentation – this will take place at the next meeting
Wellbeing Co-ordinator – Emily Taverner
Details of the new service that will be provided to our patients discussed with the PPG members.
Flu Fun Day – 3rd October 2015
- Members informed that we will be inviting Age UK, Diabetes UK, Asthma UK, COPD Nurse, Carers UK and Smoking Cessation representatives
- PPG members felt that it was a step forward if patients could be given a time rather than just turn up all together – suggestion of inviting patients alphabetically was proposed.
- Assistance will be provided by PPG members on the day as follows:
- Cake stall – Mrs E Benson
- Tombolla – Mrs G Carroll and Mrs P Gurney
- Hospice – Mr D Benson (with assistance by Mr J Brierley)
- Crowd control – Mr L Anderson
- Raffle – Mrs J Ward (Sue to contact)
- Mrs Foley and Mrs Trevethan to help out if they are available
Pam Smith
Mrs Smith gave an overview of her role as a PPG Governing Body Member and has suggested that it would be advantageous if our group attended the Chairs Meetings. These meetings are every 3 months and only the Chair of our PPG can attend. Mrs Shield asked for a volunteer to attend the next meeting which will be on the 16th October in the morning. In the afternoon of the 16th a workshop is also available for any patients or group members to attend. There was some interest in our group - Mrs Shield asked that if anyone is interested then to send an e-mail or speak to her following the minutes of this meeting being sent. If we do not want one specific Chair we can have a shared Chair (two or three members) who alternate attending meetings.
- Locks on Consulting rooms – unfortunately one of our PPG members was in seeing a Doctor when a cleaner walked in. Suggestion that locks on all the consulting room doors be checked and fitted if necessary. I did inform the group that the person who had walked in has been spoken to about this matter.
- Appreciation – the PPG members as a group expressed their appreciation for our staff who they have found to be both helpful and professional in their duties. I will inform staff via e-mail.
Next Meeting – details of next meeting will be forwarded out with the copy minutes in due course.