City of Woodland Hills

City Council Meeting

February 23, 2016


Mayor Lauritzen called to order the City Council meeting at 6:34 p.m.

Notice of time, place and agenda were posted at the City Information Bulletin Board located at 200 South Woodland Hills Drive and the Woodland Hills City Center. Members of the local press were notified. Those present for the meeting were Council Members Kari Malkovich, Jeff Rushton, Lawrence Henry, Wendy Pray and Ray Walker.

Council Member Rushton led the Pledge of Allegiance and Council Member Malkovich the invocation.


No public comment was heard


Minutes of the January 12, 2016 meeting were approved at a previous City Council Meeting.

The City Council minutes from January 26, 2016 were approved by general consent.


·  Review and Accept City Financials for December 2015 and January 2016

Mayor Lauritzen excused the absence of Chris Helvey, Director of Finance and noted that there was an error in the agenda. The Council is only being asked to accept the December 2015 financials.

Council Member Walker MOVED to accept the December 2015 Financials. Council Member Ruston seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Update on Bond Projects

Mayor Lauritzen indicated he hopes to have an update at the next City Council meeting

Council Member Pray MOVED to table the update on bond projects. Council Member Malkovich seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Annual Open Meetings Act Training (moved to after Council Reports)

Mayor Lauritzen mentioned that, per Utah Code, Council Members are to attend training annually on the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.

Mayor Lauritzen reviewed the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act with the Council.

The Council was encouraged to always err on the side of caution and to keep simple meeting minutes of any committee meetings that they preside over.

·  Update on Fiber to Homes

Mayor Lauritzen explained to the Council that the City cannot own its own network. He is of the opinion that the best option for the City would be to for the City to install the conduit and facilitate other companies to put their network in. Century Link has indicated they would be willing to put in their network, with the understanding that they would not necessarily be the sole provider if the City were to install the conduit. The Mayor indicated he has contacted Comcast but at this time he has not heard back from them.

Mayor Lauritzen explained that a design would need to be put together that would be able to work with multiple providers. Once a design is completed the City would put the project out for bid. The cost for the design is around $15,000 and would take a number of weeks to be completed.

Council Member Pray MOVED to authorize the Mayor to spend up to $15,000 for the design. Council Member Walker seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

·  Update on Communications (New Domain, City email addresses and Website)

Mayor Lauritzen got approval for the Council will be getting email addresses. All emails will be stored on the City server.

·  Council Reports

Council Member Pray reported that the Utah Valley Dispatch Special Service District is building a new building. At the last meeting the District approved funds to firm up the ground due to complications that arose because of the weather.

Council Member Malkovich reported that the Utah Lake Commission is still addressing water quality, lake levels and problems with the depth of the lake. The Commission has received Federal and State funding to help with the carp removal with a goal of 75% reduction.

Council Member Rushton reported that the Solid Waste District is deciding what to do with the fee accessed for green waste since it is shutting down that portion of the District.

Council Member Walker reported that the South Utah Municipal Water Association elected a new board at the last meeting. Council Member Walker will also be attending the Nebo Water District Meetings as at this time there is currently not a cost to join.

Council Member Henry reported that the he spoke with Mr. Raymond (Chairman of the CWPP) and was given an update on the meeting that was held in February. The Committee identified areas in the City that the State Hot Shot crew could start clearing brush. The Committee plans to hold a meeting on May 7, 2016.

Mayor Lauritzen reported that, at the recent SESD meeting, the Board discussed solar. The Mayor is working on a proposal that he hopes the Board will consider that will provide more opportunities for residents who want to install solar on their homes.

Mayor Laurtizen indicated that Elk Ridge has an interest once again in adjusting the boundary line between the two cities.

·  Review Previous Assigned Codification Assignments with State Code

Mayor Lauritzen remarked that the Council may want to review the sections that were approved at the previous meeting and determine if there are certain sections that the City may want to adopt something more than just the State Code.


Council Member Malkovich inquired about the loose gravel that was spilled on the lower portion of Woodland Hills Drive and how the City would proceed with cleaning it up.

Council Member Malkovich asked for an update on how the City is handling the animal issues that have been raised recently dealing with excessive barking from dogs and dogs running freely in the City.

Mayor Lauritzen mentioned that neighbors are willing to complain to the City but are not willing to sign a complaint with the Sheriff’s office

Council Member Henry MOVED to cancel March 22, 2016 meeting due to the Caucus. Council Member Malkovich seconded the motion. Motion passed with Council Member Rushton abstaining.


Council Member Rushton MOVED to ADJOURN at 8:42. Council Member Pray seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


Jody Stones, City Recorder