Proclaim Youth Ministry Student/Parent Meeting
Sunday, July 31 - 5PM
Table of Contents
3 Letter to families
4 Mission Statement/Vision/ Weekly Activities
5 Fall/Winter large list
6 Winter/Spring large list
7-11 Monthly Breakdowns
12 Extra’s
Dear families of FBC Sparta students,
This past year I have had an absolute blast getting to walk alongside our students and I am very excited for what God is going to do during the 2016-2017 school year here at FBC. It is a privilege and an honor to be able to preach God’s word to teenagers and I am thankful for the lives that have been changed this past year and can’t wait to see many more this year.
Youth groups won’t work properly if I am the primary person teaching them about the Lord. It starts in the home with parents/guardians. The foundation is laid there and I get to build upon it. I know that every home situation is different, but it’s my goal to make sure that when a student graduates from my youth group that they: experience at least 1 overseas mission trip, have a love for God, know how to clearly articulate the gospel, and are heading off to college ready to be a light on their campus. Like I tell the students, there is a time to have fun and a time to be serious and I like a good mix of the two with everything we do. This is going to be a fun ride and I hope you are ready to jump in!
In Christ,
Marc Hall
Twitter: hallmarc87
Instagram: hallmarc87
FBC Sparta Instagram: fbc_sparta_proclaim
Mission Statement/Vision/ Weekly Activities
The mission statement for Proclaim Youth Ministries is…
PROCLAIM the gospel in everything we do, EQUIP students for ministry, and CHALLENGE students to grow in Christ to make Him known.
It is our vision at FBC to promote a safe atmosphere where a diverse group of students can thrive and be unified together and with the entire church body. There is a place for you!
The theme verse voted on by our students is 1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
Sunday School is from 9:45-10:45 and we are using Lifeway’s Gospel Project curriculum.
Middle School (6-8 grade) meets upstairs and is taught by Brittany Hall, Adam & Tammy Hickey
High School girls (9-12) meet across the hall from the youth room and are taught by Beverly Dronebarger and Logan Lowery and they will be doing a book study.
High School guys (9-12) meet in the youth room and are taught by Marc Hall and Caleb Lowery.
Corporate Worship is at 11 AM and Sunday night service is at 6PM.
Optional church wide dinner is $3 per person and is served in the fellowship hall from 5-5:45.
Proclaim worship starts at 6PM and we encourage students to come early and fellowship, play some games, or grab a snack. During our worship time, we do a large group game, sing songs led by our student band, and a gospel-centered message is presented. Afterwards, we break off into small groups to discuss the lesson.
Proclaim Fall/Winter Calendar
EQUIP students for ministry
PROCLAIM the gospel in everything we do
CHALLENGE students to grow in Christ to make Him known.
1- Hike #4
3- Back 2 school bash
14-Haiti Interest Mtg.
21-SNIFF @ Bohannon’s
24-Kids Connect water night
25- Hands and Feet
27-Lookouts Game
4-Church Labor Day Fellowship
16-18- Middle School Fall Retreat
10-14- White Co. Fall Break
13-15- UBA wide Fall Retreat
19- Proclaim After-party
5-The Happening @ WCHS
19- Nashville Rescue Mission
21-Christmas Party
2-4 Passion in ATL –(HS Seniors)
8-Youth parents meeting
15-Bridging the Gap
27-29 HS Winter Retreat
Proclaim Winter/Spring Calendar
EQUIP students for ministry
PROCLAIM the gospel in everything we do
CHALLENGE students to grow in Christ to make Him known.
5-Super Bowl Party
11- Valentine’s Banquet
16- WCHS Graduation
22- Proclaim After-party
??- Winter Jam
10-11 YEC
20-24 White Co. Spring Break
20-24 Spring Break mission trip
19- Proclaim After-party
14-Graduate Recognition service
14- Baccalaureate Service
15- WCHS Graduation
29-Hike #1
1-Hike #4
Cost: free, bring a sack lunch. This will be our last hike of the summer at Edgar Evins State Park. 10-3
3- Back to School Bash
Cost: Free
Time: 6-8 PM
We will join with our UBA churches and come together for our annual back to school bash with an awesome night of food, games, and worship.
14-Haiti Interest Meeting
Time: 5PM in youth room
This summer, our High School will have the chance to serve in Haiti at My Life Speaks orphanage. Any HS or adults interested in going need to be at the meeting. We will discuss cost, incentives, schedule, etc.
Cost: Free
Time 7:15-8:30
Our last SNIFF of the summer will be at the Bohannon’s house. Come and enjoy some soup and fellowship.
24-Kids Connect Water Night/Proclaim After-party
Cost: free/$ for dinner if desired
We will be helping out our Kids Connect crew in doing some fun water games mixed with Bible stories. After we are done and dried off, we will go and hang out for dinner somewhere.
25- Hands and Feet
Cost: free
Lots of random projects to do around the church: touch up paint in youth room, youth bulletin board, build gaga ball court, etc.
27-Chattanooga Lookouts
Cost: $5 ticket plus food
The Lookouts will be hosting the Braves AA team. Tickets are only $5 a piece plus dinner at the game.
4-Church Labor Day Fellowship
Cost: free
Time: 5-7 PM
Come out for our annual church fellowship celebrating Labor Day. We will have inflatables, games, and food.
16-18- Middle School Fall Retreat
Cost: $75
Time: Leave church at 5 PM
All middle schoolers are invited to come out to New Frontier’s for our Middle School Fall Retreat
13-15 UBA wide Fall Retreat
Cost: $50 per person
Time: Leave church Thursday at 4:45 and return Saturday around noon
We will combine with the UBA churches in town and head up to Latimer retreat where we will do small/large group games, music by a mix of students from different churches, great food and fellowship.
5-The Happening for WCHS
Cost: free
Time: 3-11 PM
It’s a WCHS tradition and it is back for 2016! All WCHS students are invited to come and enjoy a night full of hanging out with friends doing all kinds of activities as well as an awesome worship service.
19 – Nashville Rescue Mission + mystery trip after
Cost: $ for dinner, $ for mystery trip tbd but no more than $20
Time: Leaving church at
We will be going to Nashville and assisting with the Nashville Rescue Mission. They serve meals there 3 times a day, 7 days a week. We will have the opportunity to serve and assist some with food. We will go grab dinner afterwards and then head out to a mystery location and then come back home
21- Proclaim Christmas Party
Cost: free – bring your favorite holiday treat to share with others
Time: 6 PM
Oh come all ye faithful to our annual Christmas party extravaganza. We will open presents, laugh, eat, and more!
2-4 - Passion
Cost: Ticket is bought by students, hotel by church plus meal money
Time: Depart from church at 12:30 on Saturday. Return Monday at 5pm.
A gathering of high school seniors and college students united for one weekend in 3 locations learning about the vast love that God has for us. Passion has some of the most talented speakers and worship leaders of our generation leading us to the throne in worship. There is also small group time with other students.
8- Youth Parent Meeting
Cost: $ Free
Time: 7:15-8 PM
The meeting will be immediately following our Proclaim Worship that is from 6-7 in the youth room.
15- Bridging the Gap
Cost: Free
Time: Noon
The first annual Bridging the Gap is a luncheon that will bring our youth and senior adults together in one room where we will sing songs, play games, and learn about each other and how we can co-exist to make our church unified.
5- Super Bowl Party
Cost: Free (guys brink drinks, girls bring desserts, parents bring soup)
Time: 6 PM – When you want to leave
Join us for our annual Super Bowl Party. This year it will be hosted at the Bohannon’s house!
? – Winter Jam in Knoxville (only 37 spots available)
Cost: $25 plus meal money for lunch and dinner
Time: Leave church at 11:00 and will stop for lunch on the way. Return around 12
Winter Jam is an annual Christian concert hosted by Newsong and they travel all over the U.S. The bands for this year are:
22-Proclaim After-Party
Cost: $ for food if desired
Time: 7PM
After Proclaim worship we will head out to a dinner locale here in Sparta.
11/12 – YEC in Nashville
Cost: $50 plus 2 travel meals
Time: We will leave the church at 4PM. Friday night’s session is from 7:30-10 and Saturday is 10:15-12:30. We will stop for lunch on the way home and shoot to return around 3PM.
20-24 Spring Break Mission Trip
Cost: no more than $50/person
We will be combining with other churches in the area to head up to Big Creek to do mission work. It will be a fun time that you will enjoy and grow deeper in the Lord.
19- Proclaim After-Party
Cost: $ for food if desired
Time: 7PM
After Proclaim worship we will head out to a dinner locale here in Sparta.
15-WCHS graduation
Come celebrate with our graduates at the football field!
Cost: free, bring a sack lunch
Our first hike of the summer!
Proclaim After Party’s
Cost: free to hang out, but bring a few bucks to grab something to eat with us!
Time: 7:15-8:30
Proclaim After Party is a time for youth to go and hang out after we are done with worship at various eating locales in Sparta.
Cost: free, bring a sack lunch
Time: leave church at 10 AM, return around 3 PM
We will go hiking 4 times this summer to different locations within a 45-minute radius from church. We stop about halfway into our hike for lunch and a student led devotional time.
Drive-In Movie
Cost: $5 per person. Lawn chair to sit in.
Time: 6 PM until completion of movie
The movie date will be determined based on ratings and plot.
Hands and Feet
Cost: free
Time: TBD per event
Hands and Feet is an opportunity for our students to serve here in our community showing the love of Christ through work projects, visiting people, meeting needs, etc.
Cost: free
Time: Immediately following the Sunday night service. Locations are at church members homes. SNIFF stands for Sunday Night Intense Food and Fellowship. It will be at a few of our church members houses and we will always have something great to eat as well as some games and fellowshipping with each other.
Discount for Summer Camp and HS Haiti trip
Summer Camp
Who: Any rising 6th grader through high school senior
Where: Centrifuge at Union University
When: July 17-22
Cost: $300
How to earn $40 off… Each line item is worth $5
Winter Jam
Bridging the Gap
Spring Mission Trip
Middle School Fall Retreat/ High School Winter Retreat
Parent’s meeting
80% Attendance for Sunday School (Sep. – April)
80% Attendance for Life Groups on Sunday Nights
Serve the church at least twice (nursery, children's church)
High School Haiti Mission trip
*Interest meeting will be Sunday August 14 at 5PM in the youth room with more details. *
How to earn $200 off… Each line item is $10 towards your trip
One Time Events
Summer Yard Sale
Spaghetti lunch/Auction
Winter jam
Bridging the gap
Spring missions trip
High School Winter Retreat
UBA wide Fall Retreat
Parents meeting in July
Parents meeting in January
August Hands and Feet
Nashville Rescue Mission
Valentine’s Banquet
Multiple Time Events
80% Attendance for Sunday School (Sep. – April)
80% Attendance for Life Groups on Sunday Nights
Serve the church at least twice (nursery, children's church)
80% Attendance Wednesday nights
Share testimony at Proclaim Worship, SNIFF, or hike
Help with announcements at least twice
Share devotion (SNIFF, hike, Wed night)
Coming to SNIFF & bring a non churched friend