Scholarship Fund

Youngstown Class B Baseball established a scholarship fund to be awarded to graduating seniors who have participated in the league and will be continuing their education.

A Scholarship Committee will handle all applications, questions, and disputes. This committee will consist of the YCBB Board. All committee decisions must be unanimous. A Committee member may not preside in a year when his/her child may be eligible for the scholarship.

The Scholarship will be used to defray expenses to any two or four year college or university.

There shall be two scholarships awarded annually, each in the amount of $500, to be funded by the general treasury of the YCBB.

A scholarship shall be awarded only upon receipt of proper application. No deviation or altering of the amount(s) shall be authorized or approved under this Scholarship Fund.

The scholarship(s) will be announced at the Connie Mack Tournament Banquet. All judgment and decisions will be the responsibility of the YCBB Scholarship Committee.

The payment of said scholarship will be issued at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting, and mailed directly to the winner’s home address.

Scholarship – Policies

1)The Scholarship Committee will determine the eligibility of each applicant.

2)Each Applicant must have played in the YCBB league for a minimum of two years.

3)Players eligible to receive the scholarship must make application by drafting a letter to the YCBB, enclosing written verification of acceptance to an accredited college or university.

4)Application for this scholarship must be received by July 1st of the year which the player is applying.

5)In the event where a Scholarship Committee member has a child applying for one of the awards, he/she must be replaced for that particular year of his/her term.

6)Any amendments to this Scholarship Fund or its Policies must follow the amendment procedures as outlined in the YCBB by-laws.

Scholarship – Award Procedures

A point system will allow each applicant to be evaluated against other applicants. The scoring shall be as follows:

1)Applicants must have a minimum of 2.5 grade point average to be eligible.

2)5 points will be awarded for each full year of participation in Youngstown Class B Baseball (Little b and Big B).

3)A point value will be determined by multiplying by 3 the applicant’s grade point average.

4)5 points will be awarded for each year the applicant lettered in grades 9-11 in high school baseball.

5)All-Conference Selections in grades 9-11:

1st Team – 5 points

2nd Team – 3 points

Honorable Mention – 1 point

6)Points will be awarded based on need of the individual.

7)10 points will be awarded to the best essay, written in response to the question: What has Youngstown Class B Baseball meant to me?

8)In the event of a tie, a random selection will be made by the Scholarship Committee

Scholarship – Application

1)Years Played in the Youngstown Class B Baseball League

2)Copy of transcript verifying grade point average. (Item #3)

3)Verification of years lettered in high school. (Item #4)

4)Verification of selection to all conference team. (Item #5)

5)Copy of the Parent(s)/Legal Guardians most recent Federal Tax Return. (Item #6)

6)Completed essay. (Item #7)

7)Mail Completed application to:

Youngstown Class B Baseball League

65 Main Street

Struthers, OH 44471

Scholarship – Score Sheet

Application No. ______

#1 Appicant’s G.P.A. ______

#2 Years Played in YCBBL (5pts. Per year) ______points

#3 Grade Point Average X 3 ______points

#4 Number of years letter in baseball ______X 5 ______points

#5 All Conference Selections

9th grade ______points

10th grade ______points

11th grade ______points

#6 Best Essay ______points

#7 Need ______points

Total Points:______points