/ SA

Progress Report–Mentor Exemplar

Trainee teacher: / Date:
School: / Subject: / Joint review: Yes No
1. Progress- Please include trainee impact on pupil progress over time, reference to marking and feedback, planning and subject knowledge
Trainee progress from previous targets (TS8)
  • In your e-portfolio you are setting SMART targets and clear actions against the Teachers’ Standards that are being reviewed and met.
  • In discussion with you; from lesson evaluations; through your e-Portfolio and pupil work I can see that good progress is being made on the three targets that you have been focussing on this week with professional development having taken place.
  • Your lesson plans are using the reflective cycle well, as evidenced in the completion of box A.
  • In the lesson observed you are making progress with the targets identified in box A.
  • Your evaluations of lessons and targets/action plans in your e-portfolio demonstrate you have acted upon feedback and progress documented over a series of lessons.
  • You are demonstrating that you are a critically reflective practitioner through evaluations of lessons, completion of Boxes A and B in lesson plans, critical reflections and in target/action plan setting in your e-portfolio.
Pupil Progress (TS2)
  • A sound tracking system is in place that works for you. You are using data to inform planning and to aid pupil progress (TS5 / 6)
  • Your tracking system shows that pupils are indeed making expected progress in your care. (TS2).
  • In the lessons observed pupils are clearly making progress with AfL systems in place to monitor this. To progress develop your depth of questioning further (TS 5 / 6).
  • In the lessons observed differentiation / inclusion strategies are in place to support pupil progress but specify these and place greater focus on the progress of the most able (TS5 & 6).
  • Your lesson plans in Box B are drawing upon previous lesson evaluations to support pupil progress and targeting individual pupils (TS2).
  • You have marked the work in exercise books, making positive comments, challenging misconceptions and suggesting ways forward and the work reviewed shows that pupils are making progress (TS6).

2. Lesson Feedback - Focus on TS2, pupil progress, with reference to how this is supported by all Teachers Standards
Pupils made good progress in this lesson (TS2a). They developed their understanding of factors and multiples, developed fluency in aspects of calculation and developed their multiplicative reasoning (TS2d).
Several factors contributed to this:
TS1 Like it that you welcome pupils at the door of the classroom and direct them to the starter so that high expectations are set immediately. You create a calm supportive environment where learning is the focus. You support school policy in your uniform check too. Good use of praise and achievement points to encourage positive learning.
TS2 Sound use of questions to promote progress but try to develop the depth of understanding further by using these. Box B is used well to support whole class and individual pupil progress with strategies in place and used to good effect.
TS3 A good grasp of subject knowledge in your delivery of material, activities and questioning. You and the pupils use terminology well. In the whiteboard task you challenge misconceptions really well.
TS4 I like the visual starter and the challenge that this offers, as well as its recapping of previous knowledge. Volunteer questioning is in use but I would like to see conscripts too with a ‘no hands-up’ rule. A very detailed and full plan that pays close attention to a range of areas but needs closer attention to the specifics of differentiation and inclusion. A range of creative activities but make sure you contextualise these to pupils before they do them and make the links between phases of learning clear.
TS5 Box B is used well in terms of naming individuals but make it clear in the plan what strategies are being used to support them and also clarify what is being done for gifted and talented as they deserve to make progress.
TS6 Learning objectives are shared which is good and these are revisited to some extent – ensure they are so that progress can be measured. A range of assessment for learning strategies are in place that show pupils are progressing well.
TS7 Behaviour management is good with a number of strategies in place such as naming individuals; clear expectations; reasserting expectations; finger across lips and positive comments. Your command of the room is very encouraging and all is managed well.
TS8 You work within the policies of the school and show awareness specifically of uniform and behaviour management policies. Good relationships with pupils, high expectations and a calm approach. You display much initiative in the lesson and a commitment to self-directed professional development is evident in Box A of your plan.
This lesson was consistent with those that I have observed previously.
Taking into account boxes 1 and 2 you are a high grade 2 overall.
Grade for trainee at this point taking into account 1 and 2 above (best fit against the grading descriptors and relative to the expectations of the school-based training)
Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4 (need for enhanced support)
In discussion with the trainee teacher comment upon:
  • Part 2 of the Standards and the Code of Personal and Professional Conduct
  • You consistently observe the proper boundaries in relation to a teacher’s professional position.
  • You form good relationships of mutual trust and respect with those in your care and particularly your form group.
  • You create a safe, purposeful and inclusive learning environment in your classroom.
  • Your attendance and punctuality for this first placement are excellent.
  • You respond well to advice given by your colleagues.
  • You work well with the others in your department team and support them in a professional manner, creating resources that can be used by others.
  • You are taking an active part in the extra-curricular life of the school having organised a form trip and taken part in cooking and meditation club.
  • You are familiar with school policies and implement these effectively in your practice.
With reference to the Partnership’s Code of Conduct and Part Two of the Teachers’ Standards (2012), the personal and professional conduct demonstrated by the trainee :
Is consistently high Needs enhanced support (Please complete form SD)
In discussion with the trainee teacher, identify targets with actions
TS4 Target - To develop the use of questioning strategies to deepen understanding and enhance pupil progress.
-create a bank of strategies
-revisit lecture / seminar notes and materials
-plan questions in lesson plan
-carry out a focussed observation of a colleague who is strong in this area
-a focussed observation of your lesson by mentor on questioning
-a greater use of conscript questioning and the ‘no hands up’ rule
TS2 Target -To develop consistent and varied levels of challenge for most able pupils to enhance pupil progress.
-name individuals in lesson plan with actions
-revisit gifted and talented subject specific materials
-a focussed observation on support and challenge re the most able pupils
-read recommended theory / literature on supporting the needs of most able pupils
-create a bank of strategies that show a range of approaches – not just extension tasks!
-review your tracking of the progress of the most able pupils over a series of lessons to assess the impact of your work
TS5 Target -Todevelop competence in theuse of a range of differentiation strategies to support the progress of all pupils.
-create a bank of differentiation strategies
-revisit lecture / seminar notes and materials
-carry out a focussed observation of a colleague who is strong in this area
-a focussed observation by mentor on differentiation
-identify differentiation in lesson plan using the differentiation phrases i.e. by outcome; resource; grouping; task; questioning; interest.
-create a differentiation toolkit for use in each lesson

As seen and discussed:

Signed (trainee teacher): / Date:
Signed (mentor): / Date:
Signed (university tutor): / Date:
TRAINEE ACTION: (1) Upload to e-Portfolio (PebblePad)(2) Distribute to school mentor/subject tutor as necessary