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We have Luis MunozandJim Mammarella!!


To:High School Theatre Director

From:SJCC Artistic Team

RE:Twentieth Annual U.I.L. One-Act Play Workshop/Clinic

One-Act Play Directors:

Once again, we are pleased to bring two of the most sought after clinicians in the state, Luis Munoz and Jim Mammarella! Jim has judged State numerous times, and Luis…well…he is the State Theatre Director of UIL!! Both arehighly sought after every year to respond at clinics throughout the State!

To Participate:

  1. Go to
  2. Read the information
  3. Decide on which option is best for you
  4. Click on the 2018 SJCC One Act Play Clinic Schedule file and determine which slots you would like (The schedule will be updated periodically).
  5. Send an email to , requesting the slot or slots you would like (multiple days and/or slots are encouraged).
  6. Once you have received a an email confirming your slot
  7. Download the invoice
  8. Make sure the invoice is completely filled out (Your classification, Region, Area, Bi-District, District and Zone

must be completed for processing)

  1. Submit to your Business Office for payment
  2. Check back periodically and look at the schedule for a “paid” update.

Once again, we have three options for you to choose at our One-Act Play Clinic.

Option #1:

You would receive a critique from a UIL Adjudicator from SJCC, Richard Turner, Brian Hamlin, or Jay Thomas, which ever you request. This will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, Feb. 26 – 28 and/or Mar. 01. Note: This Option has one clinician and no rehearsal.

  1. You will have 30 minutes to load into a holding room
  2. You will have one hour to bring your set to the stage, set-up, perform, and strike to your bus.(Note: There is norehearsal period)
  3. You will have a 50 minute critique.
  4. The cost will be $275.
  5. We can create a double session for you with two of the three clinicians and an hour rehearsal for a cost of $550

Option #2:

This optionwill offer a critiquefrom Luis or Jimand will take place on Friday and Saturday, Mar. 2 and/or 3. Specifics:

  1. You will have 30 minutes to load into a holding room
  2. You will have one hour to bring your set to the stage, set-up, perform, and strike to your bus.(note: this option does not have a rehearsal period)
  3. You will have a 50 minute critique from one of these three professionals.
  4. The cost will be $325.

Option #3:

This option will offer a joint critique from Luis and Jim and will take place onThursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 1, 2 and/or 3, but on a very limited basis. Specifics:

  1. You will have 50 minutes to load in and rehearse.
  2. You will have one hour to bring your set to the stage, set-up, perform, and strike to your bus.
  3. You will have a 50 minute critique from BOTH of these two professionals.
  4. The cost will be $650.

The benefits of attending a workshop are obvious, but permit me to list a few:

  1. Perform on the stage that will host four Region III contests: 6A Areas (I and II), Regional 6-A, and Regional 5-A.
  2. Allow new actors a chance to travel, perform and be evaluated in a non-competitive environment.
  3. Receive suggestions for your play right before the actual One-Act Play competition takes place.
  4. Discuss possible elements of your play that may cause One-Act disqualification with an experienced Contest Manager.

To secure your spot, you must pay byOct. 13. Due to “no-shows” last year, after this date, slots will be opened back up for other schools.

Hope you can join us!