Palgrave School Council Meeting Minutes

December 5, 2013

  1. Welcome and Introductions

There were 9 people in attendance.


  • Laurie Johnson, Principal
  • Jane Fogarty, Co-Chair
  • Mr. Patton, Teacher Representative
  • Christina Bruce, Secretary
  • Christine Hackett-Czar
  • Mandy Zarifopoulos
  • Debbie Lam
  • Shannon Brillinger
  • Heather Patterson


  1. Review and Approval of Agenda
  • Approved.
  1. Review and Approval of Minutes
  • Approved. They will be made available on the website at
  1. Report from Co-Chairs
  • There was nothing to report from the co-chair.
  1. Business Arising


  • The online Calendar available at the School Website is updated and being used to communicate main school events. It is available at:
  • An automated voice message reminder is up and running. A message was sent out on the last snow day to the phone numbers of all students. This message was created last minute to communicate to the students at home immediately following the notification of school bus cancellations. The office will work at customizing the voice – creating a message by a familiar voice (i.e. Secretary or Principal). This process will be reviewed prior to the next bus cancellation message.
  • Reminders are up and running on the website, including email blasts on ‘ next week’ events. This message is generated by the calendar events and sent out Thursday evenings. Parents can register for these updates by subscribing on the website:

School Green Initiatives

  • Palgrave was notified that we were successful in our eco-school grant. Recently received the message that we would receive $2953.21.
  • As part of the eco-school recognition, we will participate in a litterless lunch program. We will begin this program after Christmas. A message will be sent home to parents. A litterless lunch entails students being encouraged to put their garbage in their lunch bag and bring it home with them. We will explore school options for organics to see how we can handle it.
  • To measure and manage the littlerless program, lunch bins are usually removed from the rooms – won’t do that but will keep the small ones in the classrooms and encourage students to bring home all waste.
  • The waste generated will be measured. The Green Team will manage this initiative of weighing of the garbage. It will be weighed after a 24 hour period.

Math Manipulatives

  • A note will be sent home with students indicating the availability of the math manipulative library resources. Parents will be notified that this is a resource that can be made available for students use upon their need or desire for further math assistance. The resources may be sent home at the discretion of the teacher and approval of parents or guardians.

Parent Resource Library

  • The materials are made available in the parent room. Parents are encouraged to sign out the materials (Books and CDs) and take advantage of the materials.

Healthy Schools Family Evening

  • A Healthy Schools Family Evening Sub Committee has been established to assist with planning the evening.
  • The teachers have been notified of the event and are very receptive to the idea. Humberview also indicated they are very interested – principal indicated that he is interested but the teacher that would be responsible for the event is absent until after this term. The Principal is on-board and will contact the teacher upon their return next term. Many staff members think this is a great idea. Quite thrilled about it.
  • There were many ideas generated at the sub-committee meetings. Ideas will be discussed further at the next meeting scheduled for 11 am. on Tuesday, December 10th. An update will be provided at the next School Council Meeting (January)
  • The Committee is looking for a speaker for mental health / mental wellness – how it touches people. There was a guest speaker at Humberview last year – these resources are likely free.
  • The event is tentatively scheduled for February 27th. The event will include an Olympic theme. This will coincide with the launch by Bell of the Lets Talk Campaign.

Career Day

  • Career Day has been tentatively set for April (April 25th).
  • We will discuss striking a committee in the New Year. Ms. Maw will continue to run the event
  • A message will be sent out early in the New Year to ensure interested speakers can reserve the date and commit to attend.
  • Usually are successful in securing 20 to 25 speakers.
  1. Other Business
  • None
  1. Principal’s Report

Regrets were sent by Vice-Principal, Jennifer George. Unfortunately unable to attend.

  • The Primary Choir is being led by Mrs. Piercey with the assistance of Mr. Patton
  • Wednesday is the Kindergarten Concert at 12:30, with a dress rehearsal day Monday.
  • Monday. Dec. 16th is dress rehearsal for the Holiday Concert. The concert will include Grade 3s, Primary choir (1-3), Mr. Lolley (Grade 3s to 5s as the recorder ensemble), Grade 7 guitar ensemble, all the grade 8s instrumental performer, 7 and 8 drama,
  • In the middle of the concert there will be the draws for the gift baskets – initiated by the grade 8s. The response was amazing – a lot of the baskets are displayed. Kids can buy tickets starting next next week at the cost of $1 or 6 tickets for $5.
  • The concert will be approximately 1 hr and 40 mins. This will be a break in the middle. The concert is December 17th – 5:30.
  • This Friday is sleeping children.
  • The following Friday is a designated day off for students and teachers.
  • During the last week of school before the holidays the student council has dedicated each day as something holiday related (elf day, red and white day, etc). The last day (Thursday) will be a carol sing day.
  • Return to school on Monday, Jan. 6th
  • There are Ski and Skate days scheduled for January. Notices will be sent home prior to the Holidays.
  • Grade 8 grads photos are scheduled for 21st of January.
  • January 20this the scheduled report card writing day.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, January 16th, 2014

These minutes have been prepared by Christina Bruce. Please provide any comments, additions or errors to . Thank-you.