Provision of Support to the Communication Activities of the European Defence Agency

Lot No(s)….

Prices should be all-inclusive; the Agency will not pay expenses for any additional costs incurred from the execution of the contract.Incomplete submission of the financial offer or any alteration of the present form may result in the rejection of the tender.

Name of Tenderer:
Lot 1: Graphic design, publication & event support
Type of services required / Unit / Unit Price in Euro (without VAT) / Quantity*
1 / Account & Project Management: Senior Consultant (min. 10 years’ experience) / man/day / A / 50
2 / Account & Project Management: Junior Consultant (min. 5 years’ experience) / man/day / B / 100
3 / Copywriter / man/day / C / 10
4 / Art Director / man/day / D / 30
5 / Senior Graphic Designer (min. 10 years’ experience) / man/day / E / 100
6 / Junior Graphic designer (min. 5 years’ experience) / man/day / F / 25
7 / Creation of a specific event logo / Per item / G / 2
8 / Layout of a 12 pages event programme (DIN A4, including right for 5 new pictures from image bank) / Per item / H / 3
9 / Conference folder – A4
Folder to put material in it (factsheets, brochure, etc), A4 max 1.5cm thickness / Per item / I / 2
10 / External building decoration (example: outside entrance of Albert Hall Brussels) – layout & production
Outside Banner- Dimension: 1.50*40cm / Per item / J / 2
11 / Inside banner / Roll up: layout & production / Per item / K / 6
12 / Preparation of 500 conference folders including folding, filling with CVs & programmes / Per task / L / 1
13 / Printing of EDA’s ANNUAL REPORT 2013
-A4 format 210 x 297 mm, output cut and folded, with an estimation of 24 pages (including cover), with 2000 characters per page, C/M/Y/K,1 language version English
-Includingweb quality PDF files, InDesign source files and all royalty free imports;
-Place of Delivery: EDA Premises / Per item / M / 1000
14 / Printing of Annual Conference Programme
-A4 format 210 x 297 mm, output cut and folded, with an estimation of 12 pages (including cover) with 1000 characters per page, C/M/Y/K,1 language version English;
-Includingweb quality PDF files, InDesign source files and all royalty free imports;
-Place of Delivery: EDA Premises / Per item / N / 550
15 / Printing of EDA’s Corporate Brochure
-B5 format landscape 250 x 176 mm, output cut and folded, with an estimation of 24 pages (including cover) with 1500 characters per page, C/M/Y/K, 1 language version English;
-Includingweb quality PDF files, InDesign source files and all royalty free imports;
-Place of Delivery: EDA Premises / Per item / O / 2000
16 / Printing of Leaflet On “Military Airworthiness Certification”
-Square format 180 x 180 mm (identical to the EDA European Satellite leaflet), output cut and folded, with an estimation of 8 or 12 pages (including cover) with 1500 characters per page, C/M/Y/K, 1 language version English;
-Includingweb quality PDF files, InDesign source files and all royalty free imports;
-Place of Delivery: EDA Premises / Per item / P / 1500
17 / Stage decoration production: 1 panel Quadri (two of 2 * 1 m & one of 3 * 1 m) with transport mantling / dismantling
See example under the link:
Place of Delivery:Brussels / Per item / Q / 1
18 / Event Hostess / man/day / R / 3
19 / Delegate Microphone (on desks) / Per item/day / S / 2
20 / Wireless microphone (to be used in audience, portable or on stand) / Per item/day / T / 10
21 / Microphone system (including amplifiers, loudspeakers, mixer, equalizer, etc.) / Per item/day / U / 21
22 / Monitor for video/DVD player / Per item/day / V / 1
23 / DVD player / Per item/day / W / 1
24 / 42’’ flat screen, to be connected to PC or video/DVD player / Per item/day / X / 2
Total Price= A*50+B*100+C*10+D*30+E*100+F*25+G*2+H*3+I*2+J*2+K*6+L*1+M*1000+N*550+
Lot 2: Web services & digital communication
Type of services required / Unit / Unit Price in Euro (without VAT) / Quantity*
1 / Account & Project Management: Senior Consultant (min. 10 years’ experience) / man/day / A / 30
2 / Account & Project Management: Junior Consultant (min. 5 years’ experience) / man/day / B / 50
3 / Web Designer / man/day / C / 20
4 / Web Developer / expert / flash dvp / man/day / D / 20
5 / E-invitation / Per item / E / 2
6 / Monthly e-newsletter / Per item / F / 1
7 / Event website for a conference (eg. Intro / programme / register module / Partners) / Per item / G / 1
Total Price= A*30+B*50+C*20+D*20+E*2+F*1+G*1
Lot 3: Video & multimedia products
Type of services required / Unit / Unit Price in Euro (without VAT) / Quantity*
1 / Account & Project Management: Senior Consultant (min. 10 years’ experience) / man/day / A / 20
2 / Account & Project Management: Junior Consultant (min. 5 years’ experience) / man/day / B / 20
3 / Video producer / man/day / C / 40
4 / Camera crew / man/day / D / 10
5 / 30 seconds video animation introducing a panel debate at the EDA annual conference / Per item / E / 3
6 / Video interview in Brussels for the EDA video series: 'EU Defence Views' / Per item / F / 5
Total Price= A*20+B*20+C*40+D*10+E*3+F*5

*NOTA BENE: The above quantities are indicative and they are used for the purpose of establishing the total price for the financial evaluation (par. 4.4 of tender specifications)


The tenderer’s financial offer must consist of a single rate (fixed, not a range[1]).The above amounts must not be broken down further.

The price must be quoted in EURO and include all expenses necessary to perform the contract.

Price shall be fixed and not subject to revision for the first year of performance of the Contract. From the beginning of the second year of performance of the Contract prices may be subject to revision. The revision shall be done as stipulated in the draft contract (Annex I)

Price must be quoted free of all duties, taxes (such as VAT) and other charges, as EDA is exempt from such charges.

(of the Tenderer or authorised representative) / Signature: / Date:

14.TT.OP.002– Provision of Support to the Communication Activities of the European Defence Agency

[1]In case a price range is indicated in the financial offer, the upper limit only shall be taken into consideration for the financial evaluation