Massachusetts Tiered System of Support (MTSS):
Tiered Mathematics Academy
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE), in collaboration with US Math Recovery Council®, is pleased to offer an intensive professional development opportunity designed to train school and district teams in their development and implementation of school and district-wide tiered systems of mathematics support. This process begins with analyzing your current program/curriculum framework, assessment framework, leadership routines and professional development. The Tiered Math Academy aligns to the Massachusetts Turnaround Practices Research, particularly supporting (1) Leadership, Shared Responsibility and Professional Collaboration (2) High Quality Core Instruction and (3) Student-Specific Supports and Instruction to All Students.
MTSS: Tiered Academic Instruction— Mathematics Academy
The content of the Mathematics Academy coursework and meetings will focus on establishing routines and structures that support continued improvement in instructional practices, increased capacity at the school and district level, distributed leadership, and improved student outcomes. District and school leaders will be given the necessary tools to evaluate current mathematics practices, build a multi-tiered instructional and assessment model utilizing scientifically-research based methods, embedded professional development plan and systems for measuring fidelity of implementation and effectiveness of instruction. It will be expected that participants will take the tools and training delivered during the courses and implement with their district and school-based teams. Courseswill be delivered in two tracks: Elementary Academy and Middle School Academy. Middle School Academy will begin with Add+VantageMR® Fractions Course in Year 1 followed by Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and 2 in Year 2.
Team Composition:
Elementary School Members
- At least one district and/or school level administrator/individual responsible for Numeracywith decision making authority
- At least one coach/lead teachers/interventionists identified as a Mathematics Leader***
- At least one coach identified as a Mathematics Leader chosen to support and facilitate AVMR courses in-district**
- At least one Special Educator*
- Two to five General Education Educators*
Middle School Members
- At least one district and/or school level administrator/individual responsible for Numeracywith decision making authority
- Department Head or Cluster Leader (optional)
- At least One coach identified as Mathematics Leader chosen to support and facilitate AVMR courses in-district**
- At least one lead teacher identified as Numeracy Leader*
- At least one special educator (with authority to represent the special education programs in the school) ***
- At least one mathematics educator*
Small districts may send one district level leader to represent multiple teams. Larger districts are encouraged to send multiple leaders. School administrators are encouraged to attend all or part of AMVR courses.
*Participates in AVMR Course 1, 2 and Fractions
** Participates in MR Intervention Specialist, AVMR Course 1, 2 and Fractions and AVMR Champion
*** Participates in MR Intervention Specialist
Year 1: Fall 2018 - Spring 2019 / Year 2: Fall 2019 - Spring 2020 / Year 3: Fall 2020 - Spring 2021Cohort 2 / Cohort 2 / Cohort 2
8 days: face-to-face team trainings
(Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and 2)
12-week blended learning training (Add+VantageMR® Fractions Course) / 8 days: face-to-face team trainings
(Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and 2)
12-week blended learning training (Add+VantageMR® Fractions Course)
10 days face-to-face training for Interventionists / coaches / leaders (MR Intervention Specialist Course)
6 One-on-one coaching for Interventionists / coaches / leaders
4 Interventionists / coaches / leaders meetings / 5 days: Leadership course for facilitating AVMR courses in-district / Virtual technical support for in-district leadership to facilitate AVMR courses
Responsive technical assistance / Responsive technical assistance / Responsive technical assistance with a maximum of 7 virtual coaching meetings
Regional Networking Meeting / Regional Networking Meeting
Administrator Networking Meeting / Administrator Networking Meeting
Expected training and meetings outcomes are as follows: (a) establishing effective district and school level leadership teams; (b) developing and implementing a multi-year strategic mathematics plan based on needs assessment and student data; (c) organizing and utilizing formative assessment data to inform decision making related to professional development activities, resource allocation, and coaching; (d) building multi-tiered systems of support utilizing research-based instructional tools and approaches; (e) creating consistent teacher knowledge base on the core components of mathematics and principles of effective instruction; (f) creating master schedules that support academics as the top priority and resource allocation to deliver differentiated instruction; and (g) identifying the activities and routines of effective leaders that are most critical to leading successful numeracy change.
Course Descriptions
Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist
Commitment is as follows: (a) 10 days face-to-face training delivered in three sessions (4 days, 3 days and 3 days); (b) one-on-one intervention instruction 30 min per day, per student, for one year with a minimum of 4 students (to be certified as a MR Specialist requires 100 hours or more total time commitment of instruction with an additional 100 hours or more for appropriate reflection, planning and preparation); (c) completion of an assessment portfolio; and (d) capstone project communicating the year of student and participant learning.
Add+VantageMR® Course 1
Commitment is as follows: (a) 4 days face-to-face training;and (b) time to administer AVMR Course 1 assessments
Add+VantageMR® Course 2
Commitment is as follows: (a) 4 days face-to-face training; and (b) time to administer AVMR Course 2 assessments
Add+VantageMR® Fractions Course
Commitment is as follows: (a) 90-minute virtual meetings near weekly; (b) independent learning each week; (c) time to administer assessments and apply instructional techniques; and (d) virtual collaboration
Funds for this multi-year training and technical assistance are providedthe Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Schools and districts will be responsible for the cost of stipends, travel, substitutes, etc.
To Apply:
New schools and districts can apply using the following Application Link. The application contains two rounds. Upon review and approval of Round 1 application, pending space, districts/schools will be asked to complete Round 2.
For more information about the MTSS: Tiered Academic Instruction-Mathematics Academy, please visit the website, or contact:
- Ms. PeteyMacCarty, US Math Recovery Council® Director of Professional Development,
- Rebecca Shor, Director of Systems for Student Success Office,
Course Descriptions
Math Recovery Intervention Specialist Course
The Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist Course is a yearlong professional development experience that begins with 4 days of face-to-face instruction. Additional face-to-face days take place over two, 3-day sessions during the school year. The course also includes virtual one-on-one coaching and virtual cohort meetings. To participate in the course and to certify as a Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist, participants complete a minimum of 100 hours of video recorded, one-on-one Math Recovery® intervention teaching with students. Math Recovery® intervention teaching requires one hour per day per student (30 minutes teaching with 30 minutes of reviewing video recorded lesson for planning, preparation, and reflection), 4 to 5 days per week. Participants complete an assessment portfolio and a capstone project and must demonstrate competencies with Math Recovery® assessments and teaching.
Each Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist Course will include 8-12 participants. Certified instructors provide virtual, one-on-one coaching and facilitate collegial video sharingmeetings specific to participants’ needs. Course materials include2 texts, Early Numeracy: Assessment for teaching and intervention and Teaching Number: Advancing children’s skills & strategies by Robert Wright, et al. Provided course materials include all necessary items to administer and analyze assessments, research articles and instructional materials for delivering Tier 3 Math Recovery® intervention. This course is also a required course for teacher leaders planning to teach Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and 2.
Add+VantageMR® (AVMR) Course 1 and 2
Add+VantageMR® Courses 1 and 2 will be offered for general educators, special education educators, educators with expertise working with English language learners and instructional leaders. These courses focus on core instruction of number concepts taught in grades K-5. These courses are foundational for grades K-8 teachers working with students requiring Tier 2 research-based academic interventions. Each course provides educators with one-on-one dynamic and diagnostic assessments for each topic covered.
This course will be offered for up to 8 participants from each team. Teacher leaders are required to take this course as part of the training preparing each leader to teach this course within their own district. AVMR Course 1 is a pre-requisite for AVMR Course 2. Depending on school and district need, participants can begin in year 1 with Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and 2 or Add+VantageMR® Fractions course.
Implementation support includes working with school and district administrators and educators to implement a multi-tiered system of support for mathematics. One-on-one dynamic and diagnostic assessments in each course topic provide necessary tools for implementing universal screening and progress-monitoring practices. Pedagogical tools shared during and after the course address core and supplemental instruction. These tools include forms and resources to use data to design instruction and research-based instructional practices specifically aimed to advance students’ mathematical knowledge.
AVMR Course 1 and 2 are each four face-to-face instructional days totaling 48 hours of contact time. Topics addressed in each course are as follows:
Whole number topics discussed in AVMR course 1
- Number words and numerals
- Addition and Subtraction to 20
- Structuring numbers
Whole number topics discussion in AVMR course 2
- Place value concepts
- Addition and Subtraction to 100
- Multiplication and Division
Courses and virtual meetings are facilitated by expert Math Recovery® Instructional coaches. Instructional coaches are responsive to school and district needs during and after a course to support implementation of a multi-tiered system of support. Virtual coaching sessions focus on supporting teachers as they implement Add+VantageMR® assessment and instructional practices. Each course will include 18-28 participants. Course materials include course texts Teaching Number in the Classroom with 4-8 year-olds and Developing Number Knowledge by Robert Wright, et al. and all required materials to administer and analyze assessments and select materials to work with small groups of students.
Add+VantageMR Fractions
Add+VantageMR® Fractions will be offered for general educators, special education educators, educators with expertise working with English language learners and instructional leaders. This course focuses on rational number concepts taught in grades 3-6. Math content and pedagogy addressed throughout the course is essential foundational knowledge for the development of proportional reasoning in the middle school. The course is critical for grades 4-8 teachers working with students requiring research-based academic interventions.
The Add+VantageMR® Fractions Course contains two assessments: a written-based assessment to assess units coordination and an interview-based assessment to provide diagnostic information on a child’s understanding of fractions. Working together, these assessments provide a comprehensive student profile used to inform instruction. AVMR Fractions is a blended course spanning 12 weeks with nine virtual sessions of 90 minutes each. This format allows participants to engage in independent learning modules & virtual meetings online. Course materials include Developing Fractions Knowledge by Amy Hackenberg, Anderson Norton, & Robert Wright and assessment and instructional materials.
All educators delivering Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction will have an opportunity to take the AVMR Fractions course. Teachers starting with Add+VantageMR® Course 1 & 2 in year 1 have an opportunity to take this course in year 2. This course will be offered for up to 8 participants from each team. Course instructors are available for team coaching sessions during and after the course to support implementation of assessment and teaching practices. Each course will include 8-12 participants.
Add+VantageMR® Champion Course
Prerequisites: Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist designation and completion of Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and Add+VantageMR® Course 2.
This course provides the knowledge and resources required to facilitate Add+VantageMR® Course 1 and Add+VantageMR® Course 2, thus fulfilling a train the trainer component. Participants receive a course facilitation guide as well as materials and videos needed to facilitate and support implementation of each professional development course. This training is essential in creating professional development sustainability for Math Recovery® programs at the building and district level. Add+VantageMR® Champion includes 5 days of face-to-face professional development, 3 virtual sessions, and participation in regularly scheduled virtual, collegial meetings.