Meeting Venue: Union Street Restaurant
Date: 4/6/2017
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Presiding: Valerie Machinist
Recording: Renee Reynolds
Present: Alison Gerber,Cassandra Johnson, Christina Ypsilantis, Cynthia Tafts Bayerl, Ellen Kramer, Daniel Camerota, Frances Scarlata, Gisele LeBlanc, Kara Kelly, Katy MacQueen, Katie Shruhan, Kelley Bradshaw, Kristen Schreck, Mara Sansevero, Mary Harrity, Maureen Gonsalves, Melanie Mott, Meri Luoko, Michael DeAngelis, Peggy Leung-Strle, Renee Reynolds, Sarah Conca, Valerie Machinist
Strategic Plan:VISION
Optimize the health of Massachusetts residents through food and nutrition
Empower MDA members to be Massachusetts food and nutrition experts and leaders
Member-centeredExceed members expectations, foster a sense of community, cohesion and connectedness
AccountabilityEnsure organization is fiscally and socially responsible, organizationally aligned and adheres to the highest standard of integrity
InnovationEmbrace change with creativity and strategic thinking
Social ResponsibilityMake decisions with consideration for inclusivity as well as environmental, economic and social implications
Goal 1: Members and prospective members view MDA as key to professional success
Strategy 1: Provide and support a variety of innovative professional development opportunities for career success
Strategy 2: Provide a range of leadership and volunteer opportunities to enhance knowledge and skills for success in practice, workplace and communities
Strategy 3: Recruit, engage, and maintain a diverse member base
Goal 2: The public looks to and chooses registered dietitians as leaders and experts in food and nutrition
Strategy 1: Build upon and strengthen organizational identity
Strategy 2: Empower members to enhance the visibility of registered dietitians to both the general public and other health professionals
Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnerships to further MDA and ADA initiatives
Goal 3: Empower members to positively impact the health of Massachusetts residents
Strategy 1: Impact food and nutrition policies and programs
Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for members to participate in the legislative process
Strategy 3: Establish and strengthen strategic partnership to further MDA and ADA initiatives
Consent Agenda Items:Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (2):
Name: Valerie Machinist
Board Position: President
Agenda Items: Elections
Background information: MAND elections are slightly delayed this year. We are aiming to post the ballot the first week of April and keep elections open for two weeks.
Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (1, 2):
Name: Valerie Machinist
Board Position: President
Agenda Items: Website Update
Background information: The new MAND website is almost done and ready to be posted.
The design is complete, we just need to migrate the content over and test it.
We will be asking for volunteers in the coming weeks to assist with review and testing to ensure everything is working properly.
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All):
Name: Meredith Louko
Board Position: Treasurer
Agenda Items: Financial Reports
Background information: MAND is in good financial standing with excellent reserves in the investment account and operating money in the Bank of America account. We are still on track to meet this year’s budget.
See the attachedProfit & Loss statement and Current Assets report for details of MAND’s current financial status.
Please remember to submit your Financial Committee Updates for each meeting. It helps us track the work plan and budget to date.
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All):
Name: Meredith Louko
Board Position: Treasurer
Agenda Items: Budget Process
The Finance Committee is working on updating the work plan and budget document and instructions. Please note that all positions will now be asked to complete a work plan, even if they are not requesting funding, to help us keep on task for the year. More details to follow.
The timeline for work plan submission is as follows:
- 4/19/17: Work plans due to secretary– this date is not flexible!
- The Executive Committee will meet on May 4 to do the budget and we need to give the secretary (Julia) time to compile all the information, and we need to give the Board ample time to review the budget before we vote on it at our June BOD meeting.
In order to continue providing services to the degree that we do, MAND appreciates that you minimize expenses and aim to bring in more income when possible. Please keep this in mind as you create your work plan and budget.
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (All):
Name: Meredith Louko
Board Position: Treasurer
Agenda Items: Reminder aboutExpenses
Please remember that all expenses should be submitted with an itemized receipt (including restaurant and bar bills).
Strategic Goal 1, Strategy 1:
Name: Laura Andromalos
Board Position: Director of Education
Agenda Item: Education Committee Update
Budget progress, as of 3/12/2017
Budgeted Income$ 350
YTD Income$ 465
Budgeted Expenses $ 2625
YTD Expenses$ 869.76
Work plan progress (since last report):
ANCE Speaker Committee
Collecting slides from speakers and designated moderators for all sessions
Spring Education Event
Collaboration with the Worksite Wellness Council for a panel on “Building a Career in Worksite Wellness.” Date: Wednesday, April 12, 207. Time: 5:00-7:30pm. Location: Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Zinner Breakout Room, 70 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115. Cost: $15
FSU Spring Event
Work in progress to provide food for the MAND/FSU MNT event
Tentative Date: Wednesday, April 26th5:30-8:00pm
Location: Framingham State University
McCarthy Center Alumni Room 309
Strategic Goal 1, Strategy 1:
Name: Mary Harrity, MS, RD, LDN
Board Position: MDEF President
Agenda Item: MDEF Update
Background information:
MDEF is a 501c3 corporation that was founded to support education for dietitians and prospective dietitians.
Workplan progress (since last board meeting):
Will be raising scholarship funds at ANCE on 3/31.
- Will be accepting applications for scholarships up through May 1, announcing successful applicants in June. We welcome applicants for undergraduate, graduate, and Dietetic Internship scholarships.
- Seeking volunteers: If you have fundraising experience, please consider joining our team. If you have sales experience, or would like to develop some experience, we’d love to have you to help us identify potential sponsors for our scholarships. If you are able to sponsor a scholarship or fund-raising event, even better! Please contact Mary Harrity for more information by email , or 978-562-3015.
Strategic Goal (1, 2, 3), Strategy (1, 2, 3):
Name: Cynthia Taft Bayerl
Board Position: Delegate
Agenda Item: Academy’s New Vision, Mission and Principles
A. New Academy Vision, Mission and Principles
Academy President, Lucille Beseler, announced theAcademy’s New Vision, Mission and Principles.
New Vision
A world where all people thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition
New Mission
Accelerate improvements in global health and well-being through food and nutrition
New Principles
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and our members:
- Integrate research, professional development and practice to stimulate innovation and discovery
- Collaborate to solve the greatest food and nutrition challenges now and in the future
- Focus on system-wide impact across the food, wellness and health care sectors
- Have a global impact in eliminating all forms of malnutrition
- Amplify the contribution of nutrition practitioners and expand workforce capacity and capability.
B. Member Comment Periods
The member comment period is open until April 9 for the two proposed bylaws amendments.
The public comment period for ACEND’s revised draft of the Future Education Model Accreditation Standards closes on April 28.
C. Results of MAND Prevention and Wellness Survey Monkey
Background: AND requested 2 actions from all affiliates (e.g. states).
- Conduct “Open Space” meetings using a new management process “Appreciative Inquiry” (AI). This would provide all affiliates the opportunity to conduct state & local meetings to offer members the opportunity to submit their “Best Stories” which would describe their experience providing P & W
- Conduct “Open Space” Meetings in spring 2017 to offer members the opportunity to discuss their interests in both their own and the Academy’s future as pertains to working in innovative settings and with new partners especially as pertains to P & W
Information from the meetings would be summarized and shared with affiliates and The Academy for potential use by the affiliate, DPGs. AND also requested that when possible the Open Space meetings be conducted and a draft implementation plan be submitted by all affiliates, prior to the HOD Virtual Meeting (April 22-23, 2017).
With input from Delegates including MAND, AND has recently acknowledged the challenges to the short timeline and the ability of states to include this new work into current work plans (including budgets) which had been approved at the beginning of the fiscal year. AND has agreed that the findings from the Open Space meeting are a work in progress and can be used going forward.
MAND Action on Best Stories and Open Space Meetings: Social media was used to invite members of MAND to submit their “Best Stories” focused on prevention and wellness (P & W). Only three stories were submitted from MA. MAND BOD therefore requested the delegate develop & implement a Survey Monkey to solicit feedback on current practices and needs re: P & W needs of MA RDNs; the findings would be shared with BOD for consideration during upcoming work plan development. The survey tool was reviewed by MAND Pres, Admin Dir and PPP.
Survey results: 81 of 2200 MAND members responded within a three-day period. (60%) of respondents work with the adult population. (89%) already use tools and resources which focus on (P & W). (75%) see individual patient’s vs in groups or through activities in community settings. (37%) indicated that current P & W resources meet their needs, while (35%) indicated that they would like more.
Regarding future P & W training needs: (37%) felt that current training was adequate; while (35%) felt training at this time was not adequate; (77%) indicated a preference for local settings for their future training; while (14%) would prefer state level training. An overwhelming number indicated their preference for interactive web-based training and tools.
To offer an additional opportunity for MAND members to provide input on P & W an invitation was included for a quick 1:1 personal phone interview. (64%) turned down the invitation (37%) indicated that they did not want to participate in future round table discussion on this topic, while (21%) said they would participate but did not include their contact information. Responses on future round table discussions on P & W, all respondents indicated a preference for meetings to being held within current MAND meetings, not an additional meeting. (51%) said they would prefer the discussions to be held during ANCE while (11%) preferred district meetings, (17%) preferred a discussion on P & W to be held during DPG meetings and (10%) indicated they would prefer a discussion during current organized meeting such as district, BOD, socials for success or other educational meetings).
These findings were then used to organize two open space mini meetings the first during ANCE (3/31) and the present MAND BOD meetings. For discussion see agenda item below.
Strategic Goal (1, 2, 3), Strategy (1, 2, 3):
Name: Cynthia Taft Bayerl
Board Position: Delegate
Agenda Item: Committee Update
Budget progress, as of 3/27/17:
Budgeted Income$ 00
YTD Income$ 00
Budgeted Expenses $ 850.00
YTD Expenses$ 195.70
Work plan progress (since last board meeting):
Survey Monkey developed & implemented, social message invite. Results summarized and shared with PPP, Pres. Adm. Dir.
Several MDA Today Delegate Quick Pick Updates
“Open Meeting: session planning for ANCE. Arrangements with MGK
MDA Spring Newsletter Delegates Update
Participation in monthly PPP meetings.
Participation in HOD PPP Task Force monthly meeting
Participate in AND Member Sponsorship Review Work group- monthly
Participation in HOD Delegate discussion board on P & W Open Mtg.
TA call to HOD re: challenges of P & W open meetings timeline and potential budget.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (1,2,3):
Name: Julia Brucker, Linh Vu, Ashley St. Amand
Board Position: MSDA Co-Presidents and Vice President
Agenda Item: Committee Update
Budget progress, as of 3/27/17:
Budgeted Income$ 1770
YTD Income$ 1892
Budgeted Expenses $ 330
YTD Expenses$ 707.31
Work plan progress (since last board meeting):
Member Events Planned
- January 14, Rosie’s Place (10 students attended, $350 fee)
- February 11, Tour of Taza Chocolate Factory (8 students, $150 fee)
- March 11, Yoga Class
- April (date TBD), Red Cross Food Pantry
- May 7, Walk for Hunger
- May 20, Community Servings
Keystone Event: May 8, Career Development Workshop
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3):
Name: Jennifer Heinen
Board Position: State Professional Recruitment Coordinator (SPRC), Diversity Liaison
Agenda Item: Update to SPRC position, MAND Diversity Outreach
Budget progress, as of March 19, 2017
Budgeted Expenses $ 1110.00
YTD Expenses$ 325.78
Work plan progress (since last board meeting):
Submitted diversity mini-grant from the Academy on March 1st. We should hear back from the Academy in May.
Created a new Student Membership Award which provides $50 to up to three students from diverse backgrounds for Academy Membership. Four students applied for the award and three students were recipients: Enjely Mora (Framingham State), Anson Lai (DI from Tufts Medical Center) and Elizabeth Odvarka (Graduate Student, Simmons College).
Event at Community Academy of Science and Health on February 13th was canceled due to a snowstorm closing BPS.
Outreach event at Watertown High School on March 3rd. Engaged a new volunteer to cover this event.
Upcoming event at Community Academy of Science and Health for their Empowerment Day on April 13th. One volunteer will be conducting two back-to-back workshops with approximately 50 students.
Ongoing participation with Simmons College Diversity advisory committee.
Ongoing: looking for speaking opportunities and volunteers for events targeting students, such as career fairs, to present on the profession and the Academy. Email for more information.
Have not received any requests for information through MAND website so far this year.
Strategic Goal (1), Strategy (3):
Name: Joy Galloway Shen & Elissa Goldman
Board Position: Socials for Success Co-Chairs
Agenda Item: SFS Winter Quarter Update & Spring Quarter Plans
Background information:
oWe have had 3 events in the winter quarter:
●Dec 1: Holiday Cookie Gala in Back Bay. Cookie decorating, holiday crafts, cookie swapping, BYOB, games. Had 10 attendees.
●Jan 22: Inclement weather cancelled our ice skating plans, but 2 attendees came to Tatte bakery in Cambridge for hot cocoa.
●Mar 7: Pizza & Bowling at Sacco’s in Somerville. Had 9 attendees.
oSpring events planned:
●April: No SFS events.
●May 7: 2pm hike, location TBD
●June: Year-end rooftop Happy Hour
Budget progress, as of March 16, 2017
oBudgeted Income$ 0
oYTD Income$ 0
oBudgeted Expenses $ 1,200.00
oYTD Expenses$ 708.03 ($491.97)
Strategic Goal (1,2,3), Strategy (1,2,3):
Name: Sarah Conca
Board Position: Public Policy Research Assistant
Agenda Item: Day on the Hill 2017
Background information: Another successful Day on the Hill was held on Monday, March 20th. A hearty thank you to MAND President Val Machinist, SPR Amy Branham, PPC-Elect Michael DeAngelis, SPRC Jenn Heinen, other past and present BOD and PPP members Ali Kaufman, Kristen Schreck, Erin Wholey, Adriene Worthington, among others, for their participation and support!
Special thanks to Alison Gerber for getting the event approved for 1.5 CPE units.
A full house of dietetic interns, community partners and legislators and their staff heard an impactful speaking program centered around caring and creative solutions to food insecurity and partnerships between RDNs and outside organizations, such as Jewish Family & Children’s Service, The Greater Boston Food Bank, Food For Free.
Photos, background materials and final versions of handouts are available on the PPP’s Dropbox account, and Sarah would be happy to send documents to anyone wishing to forward them to those outside the organization. Email her at .
Strategic Goal (3), Strategy (1,2,3):
Name: Sarah Conca
Board Position: Public Policy Research Assistant
Agenda Item: ANCE 2017 – PPP Table
Background information: The PPP will have a table at ANCE on March 31st. Thanks to all those who will volunteer their time or will stop by the PPP table, where the focus will be on increasing our membership’s engagement in “taking action” by taking a minute to complete the current open action alerts related to ACA repeal and the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act..
Strategic Goal (1,3), Strategy (1,2,3):
Name: Sarah Conca
Board Position: Public Policy Research Assistant
Agenda Item: PPW 2017
Background information: The Academy will be holding PPW in Washington, DC, on June 25-26, 2017 (Sunday and Monday). Please contact PPC-elect Michael DeAngelis at for further information, or Sarah at if you are looking to share a room at the PPW hotel, the Grand Hyatt.
Strategic Goal (#), Strategy (#):
Name: Amy Branham
Board Position: State Policy Representative/Director, Public Policy Panel
Agenda Item: Public Policy Panel update
Budget progress, as of [Insert date]:
Budgeted Income$ 0
YTD Income$ 0
Budgeted Expenses $ 19,890.00
YTD Expenses$ 1,525.00 (Day on the Hill final expenses)
Work plan progress (since last board meeting):
We are monitoring six bills currently proposed in the Massachusetts legislature. The 190th session of the Massachusetts General Court began in January 2017
Continue to host our monthly conference call (3rd Wednesdays)
Submitted DPL meeting article and quarterly PPP update to Newsletter for Spring 2017 edition
PPP website updates are in progress
PPP table at ANCE
Strategic Goal (2), Strategy (2)
Name: Amy Branham
Board Position: State Policy Representative/Director, Public Policy Panel
Agenda Item: MAND PPP meeting with Division of Professional Licensure