Delaware 9-1-1 Board
Business Meeting
November 17, 2006
Members present:
Secretary David Mitchell
Jamie Turner
Tucker Kokjohn
Michael Metcalf
Art Lewis
Staff present:
Patty Murphy – Legal Staff
Terry Whitham – Board Facilitator
Meeting called to order by Secretary Mitchell at 12:14 hours.
Motion to approve minutes of August 17, 2006 Meeting Minutes by Mr. Metcalf. Motion passed.
Motion to approve minutes of August 31, 2006 Special Meeting Minutes by Mr. Lewis. Motion passed.
The 9-1-1 Call Stats have been provided to the Board in printed form. In the interest of time, Terry recommended dispensing with an oral report and entertained questions on the reports. No questions from the Board at this time.
Users and Technology Committee Report – Tom Steele
The group met on November 15, 2006 and discussed a number of issues including funding for the CAD Maintenance agreements for New Castle County and Sussex County; server upgrades for the New World CAD systems; review of the 9-1-1 Surcharge amount to fund Next-Gen 9-1-1; Geo Systems in 9-1-1 and for other applications; PSAP Standards; and PSAP funding. The group recommends that the Board fund $27,245 for upgrades to the CAD servers for the redundancy solution (more information on the proposal will be forthcoming in Capt. Papili’s report).
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November 17, 2006
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NWS CAD Project Update – Maryann Papili
The project plan has been updated with a goal of completing the implementation by March/February 2007. At this time all agencies are live with the exception of Kent County, Kentcom, and Newark. The project continues to progress with a number of pieces coming into fruition in recent weeks. We have established a shared network in Kent County that allows Kentcom and Kent County Fire/EMS to share applications. We have installed and tested a redundancy application using a third party software. She noted for the new members of the Board that the original contract called for Redundancy, but that New World was unable to implement in a stable manner. We were issued a credit from New World and then negotiated through New World to implement a 3rd party solution. In order to implement the solution the New World credit was applied to the cost of the Double Take software; a purchase order was obtained from DTI to pay for a server software upgrade to allow the use of a clustering solution; and a purchase order was obtained from DSP to purchase lantronics boxes (although the boxes that were purchased are going to be exchanged for a boxes with different connectors) to allow continued operation after a failure. Outside of this part of the project, DSP is looking at a disaster recovery project with New World and Double Take to institute a hot swap system in addition to the redundancy. Mr. Lewis asked about the amount of the credit from New World. Capt. Papili reported that it was about $57,000 and paid for Double Take software and travel to install the solution. Capt. Papili reported that at this time the project is under 10% in cost overruns. Capt. Papili has met with DTI and Mike McDonald to ensure that the architecture is within state guidelines and that we are being fiscally responsible with the progress of the project. Capt. Papili reported that the LEISS interface is in testing phase at Dover PD and we still have DAMS training and other parts of the project pending. She also reported that her group is working with DELDOT on their implementation of the New World System and CAD to CAD interfaces to share information with them. She also commended all the agencies for the patience and diligence in implementing this project. The next major phase for the project is to work with New World as a member of the Networking Working Group and Geo Decisions on ESRI Implementation and auto-push of mapping updates to the centers. The CAD Group would like to request reimbursement in the amount of $27,345.00 to DTI for the Server Upgrades and $1600.00 to DSP for the Lantronics boxes. Questions from Mr. Kokjohn and Mr. Turner to clarify that these requests are in addition to the amount of funding in the credit. Secretary Mitchell commented that server upgrades are to be expected and they are within the expected maintenance requirements of the Board. Capt. Papili commented that she has had several meetings with Lynn Hersey Miller at DTI and the project is staying fiscally responsible and cost overruns are less than 10% which is to be expected in this type of project. She clarified for the Board that the
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November 17, 2006
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New World Credit will cover the cost of the Double Take software, but that the additional funds were needed for server upgrades to allow the use of the Double Take Software.
Motion by Tucker Kokjohn to reimburse DTI $27,345.60 for the server software upgrades and DSP $1,600 for the Lantronics boxes for the New World CAD System Project. Second by Michael Metcalf. Motion carried.
Question from Mr. Turner concerning any other changes to the contract that the Board needs to be aware of. Capt. Papili is not aware of any at this time. Mr. Turner also asked if this was a performance based contract with any issues that need to be addresses. Capt. Papili reported that New World has been unable to meet some items, but no change orders have been issued. New World did issue us a credit, but they are actually the entity that contracted with Double Take to provide us with a redundancy solution as required by the contract.
Discussion on creating Trunk Diversity for the New Castle site. The intention is to bring trunks through the Delaware City CO to prevent a single point of failure in the Wilmington CO. The Board was originally given a cost estimate of $188,000 based on determining certain factors associated with conduit. A study of the project has been completed and Verizon has found that certain facilities will need to be upgraded to complete the project and they now have a firm figure of $214,801.14 to present to the Board. The increase of approximately $26,000 is a firm number based on a full study of the needs to complete the project. The original motion passed by the Board was to fund the full amount contingent on Verizon coming back with a final plan. Questions from the Board on the conduit expenses discussed at the previous meeting. This updated price covers all of those expenses and is a firm price to complete the project. Question from Mr. Turner confirming that no one else will be using the Conduit and other items being funded by the Board. Mr. Arthin confirmed that 9-1-1 will be the only ones using them. Motion by Jamie Turner to approve the adjusted amount. Second by Mike Metcalf. Motion carried with Art Lewis recusing himself.
Secretary Mitchell and the Members of the Board made a special recognition to those who have served the Board in the past. A special thanks goes to them for the work, support, and spirit of teamwork to approve projects and support the personnel in the centers who are answering the 9-1-1 call. Proclamations and Gifts of Appreciation were presented to Debra Puglisi-Sharp, Craig Harrington, and Patty Murphy on behalf of the Board.
Mr. Steele amended his report to include discussion at the Technology Meeting for a Tot-Board enhancement to the ACD system for New Castle County. This system provides a visual display of call stats for the center and includes licenses to allow the supervisors and managers to
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November 17, 2006
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see a real time display of calls stats at their desks. The Technology Committee voted to support the request in the amount of $61,000 to the 9-1-1 Board. Question from Ms. Murphy on the need to bid the system. Mr. Cole reported that it is covered by the Verizon contracts. Motion to approve the project in an amount not to exceed $61,000 subject to a procurement code review by legal counsel. Second by Tucker Kokjohn after a clarification on the need for the system at the other centers. The other centers do not use ACD at this time although it may be an enhancement to be looked at in the future. Motion carried with Art Lewis recusing himself.
Capt. Papili also asked that another item be considered for the Board to discuss during their retreat. She has been tasked by her superiors to look into the feasibility of consolidating the State Police Dispatch Operations. Would the Board consider engaging a company like L.R. Kimball to evaluate how dispatch operations are handled for the State Police throughout the state? Secretary Mitchell commented that it is not the place of the 9-1-1 Board to evaluate and plan for the State Police, however the Superintendent is welcome to make a proposal and request to the Board.
Question from Bill Streets on discussion for the reimbursement for CAD Maintenance expenses to New Castle County. It was reported that it is an item on the retreat agenda. Ms. Murphy raised a concern about the Board discussing certain issues in a Non-Public Retreat. She recommended to the Chair that the Board go into executive session for the purpose of obtaining legal counsel on potential litigation issues.
Motion by Mr. Turner that the Board go into Executive Session to seek legal counsel on potential litigation issues. Second by Mr. Metcalf. Motion carried and the Board went into executive session at 12:59 pm.
Board returned to regular session at 1:29 pm.
Secretary Mitchell made closing comments to remember those not with their families during this Holiday Season and wished everyone a safe Holiday.
Motion to Adjourn by Mr. Turner and Second by Mr. Metcalf at 1:45 pm.