ACP “Compost Water Conservation” DWR Water-Energy grant ProposalLast Update: 12/11/14

“Monitor”-Attachment 6. Proposal Monitoring

Water conservation using composted mulch (layered on top of the soil) and/or compost amendment (incorporated into the soil), has been well documented in the literature (see “WEGHG-2-Estimate Basis Discussion & References.“ Monitoring of each of the project sites will depend on the type of compost water conservation best management practices (BMP) being used at that site. The eight project sites, and their monitoring processes are contained both in this document as well as in the “Work Plan – ACP Compost Water Conservation.” The monitoring plan for each of the 8 project sites will begin with a final determination of the plot size that’s being amended. There are two types of water monitoring in these project sites:

  1. Not irrigated: Four(4) project sties receive rain water only, and infiltrating that water into the more porous composted soil and, if excess rain, into the underlying aquifer. All sites have underlying aquifers, and the amount of water conserved is equivalent to the water infiltrated compared to that which runs off in the non-organic soil site. These will be measured between composted and non-composted plots (Meadowview HOA, Temecula, CA, average rainfall 11 “/year). The rangeland sites will be calculated using existing data.
  2. Irrigated: Four (4) project sites use irrigation water. This water use, and conservation,will be measured in the amended vs. non-amended plots either by sub-metering (garden & farm plots) or irrigation timers (landscape timers where water delivered in each zone has, or will be, been measured).

Elmer Paseo: Not irrigated: Run-on water measured and calculated from rainfall data and spot monitors in the Elmer Ave. block immediately above the Elmer Paseo constructed bioswale.

Great Park Farm:Irrigated Urban Farm: The three plots (2-1acre row crop plots, and 1.5 acre GardenSoxx plot) will be sub-metered and compared: organic amended vs. non-amended.

EnrichLA (5 separate school sites):Irrigated Garden Plots: All garden plots will be sub-metered and organic amended vs. non-amended will be compared for their water use efficiency.

Meadowview HOA:Not irrigated:This site will have three weirs set up at the base of three mini five(5)acre valleys on the site; with oversight by our experienced scientist advisors. This is measured from samples made by locally trained stormwater runoff technicians, during each significant (>1 “) storm event, and then modeled using existing site data.

Chino Basin Park:IrrigatedTurfgrass:The amount of water conserved is measured as the difference per square foot of irrigation water metered to each of two plots: Control, with no top dressing, and Project area, containing 1/2” of compost top dressing.

Kendall Jackson Wineries:IrrigatedVinyard:The amount of water conserved is measured as the difference per square foot of irrigation water metered to each of the one acre plot of grapes: divided into 4- ¼ acre sectors each.

Corda RanchStemple Creek Ranch:The amount of water conserved is equivalent to the amount of water infiltrated vs. running off. This is measured visually based by experienced stormwater runoff observers during each significant (>1 “) storm event, and them modeled using existing site data. The baseline is the amount of rain falling during wet season, August through July.

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