Everything Goes Hollywood 2015
ORDER YOUR DVD: on sale for $40.00 until May 31st. After May 31st, $45
T-SHIRT: order deadline is May 14
******PLEASE NO FLASH CAMERAS during rehearsal or performance
***MATINEE PROGRAM. Pre-K, K-1st, Intro, Classes, and Companies
Rehearsal and Performance will be held at the Rose State College Performing Arts Center, MWC
*Take I-40 eastbound as if going to Tinker AFB. Exit at Hudiburg Drive. Turn left at the stop sign & cross the expressway bridge. The Performing Arts Center is a large, round-ish building, the 2nd left turn. Park in the lot * Free.
Sat. May 30th - Rehearsal at Rose State in FULL COSTUME and Make up.
Arrive at least 30 minutes before your designated time to be ready.
Dances 1-7 9am-10am
Dances 8-14 10am-11am
Dances 15-21 11am-Noon
Dances 22-27 Noon-1pm
Break for Rose State Crew 1pm-2pm
This is a closed rehearsal; please do not invite family and friends.
Sun. May 31st, 2:00pm SHOWTIME! Dancers do not arrive later than 1:30pm. You can arrive as early as 1pm. Auditorium opens to the public at 1:30pm. DO NOT WEAR YOUR COSTUME TO THE SHOW or in the audience after your dance, bring a nice change of clothes and change in the dressing room.
*Note: We will have one Father/daughter and one Boy’s dressing room.
Matinee FULL DRESS Rehearsal: Sat. May 30th. Bring Your COSTUME, make up,ETC
Refer to “order of show” for times, please do not hold me to these times. This is our very special day, and I want the show to be awesome for the dancers and audience. I will do everything necessary in rehearsal to make sure things run smoothly for the production.
Arrive on time, check “order of shows” for details, and yes bring your full costume, make up and have your hair fixed properly. The same adult must assist the dancer during rehearsal and performance. One adult per child in dressing room. Do not forget to wear your VIP backstage pass, hang it on your rearview mirror so you do not lose track of it. Pick up your VIP pass at the front when you arrive for rehearsal Sat.
During rehearsal dancers are able to leave after all of their dances are rehearsed, (please note the times on the order of show). Please stay for the entire show on Sunday. Dancers that have an Everything Goes Hollywood t-shirt are encouraged to wear it and participate in the final bows. Start lining up back stage during #23 on performance day, (no rehearsal necessary). All of the students have worked very hard and deserve a big audience. Believe me you want to stay for the finale!
Matinee PERFORMANCE: Sunday, June 31st. 2pm. The show will start on time. All dancers must arrive no later than 1:30 pm. You can arrive as early as 1pm. The auditorium will open to the public at 1:30 pm. This show is FREE, invite everyone you know!!! Let’s pack the theatre! DO NOT WEAR YOUR COSTUME TO THE SHOW, WE WANT IT TO BE A SURPRISE!
If your child is not properly ready they will not go onstage.
Students must arrive no later than 1:30 p.m. They will report directly to their designated dressing rooms to prepare and /or drop off their costume. Do not wear your costume in the audience. If you are in the first 5 numbers, you will need to get ready and stay backstage. Parents do not leave your child unattended backstage. The stage assistant will call each group and take the dancers to the waiting room it is then when you may return to the audience to watch. Two numbers prior to their dance the assistants will line then up by the stage with their instructor. Return immediately for your child after his/her number.
* NOTE: Dancers start lining up back stage in “Everything Goes Hollywood” for final bows during dance #23
Please, DO NOT EAT OR DRINK WHILE WEARING COSTUMES. Be careful not to get make up on the costumes.
ONLY ONE GUARDIAN PER CHILD BACKSTAGE. Remember, be ready at least 5 numbers before yours.
PARENTS, IMMEDIATELY RETURN FOR YOUR CHILD AFTER THEIR DANCE. Please make sure you sit in an aisle seat. This will make it more convenient for everyone. Please exit between numbers, because opening doors can distract dancers and audience. Dancers CANNOT wear their costume in the audience (it looks very unprofessional). Wear your “Sunday Best” to our performance since this is a special occasion.
P.S. Parents, bring cameras and flowers for backstage/after show pictures. These are truly great memories!
MAKEUP Another important thing to remember is that dancers must have heavy make-up applied for the show. The powerful stage lights tend to wash out most make-up making the performers look like ghosts. Make sure to bring clean dance tights, leotards, dance shoes and costumes. Please keep them together neatly. No gum, jewelry, fingernail polish or panties onstage. You are responsible for your own items. Make sure you write your name on all of shoes and costume pieces. Also, make sure all head pieces are secured, as well as costumes, shoes, or anything else that may come undone. Bring plenty of bobby pins and safety pins (YOU NEVER KNOW). Thank you.
Guests are asked to wait in the lobby for auditorium doors to open (approx. 1:30 pm day of show). No guests allowed during rehearsal or backstage. No Exceptions!!
Do Don’t
1. Must arrive to rehearsal on time. 1. Arrive on an empty stomach, light and healthy
2. Bring all costume/makeup/hair items 2. Go swimming, or exert yourself day of show.
3. Conduct yourself properly backstage 3. Lose patience with rehearsals, this takes time
4. Bring light snacks and water 4. Wear your costume in the audience
5. Invite everyone you know 5. Leave trash or items behind in dressing rooms
6. Have fun and do your best 6. Forget WE are proud of you!!
7. Get a good night’s sleep 7. Don’t Forget to SMILE!
Order of Show for 2pm Matinee: Pre-K, K-1st, Intro, Companies, Selected dances
Sat. May 30th - Rehearsal at Rose State in FULL COSTUME and Make up.
Arrive 30 minutes before your designated time. Be ready by the following times. / Dances 1-7 9am-10amDances 8-14 10am-11am / Dances 15-21 11am-Noon
Dances 22-27 Noon-1pm
Break for Rose State Crew 1pm-2pm
Sun. May 31st, 2pm –Performance. Arrive no later than 1:30,and as early as 1pm. Do not arrive in costume.
1. OPENING NUMBER: HOLLYWOOD- Irandy Reyes, Breanna Troutman, Sophia Reyes, Rocio Bazan, Halee Harder, Nola Powell, Zoe Schneider, Annie Brown, Isabella Armstrong *Madaya Eakins
2. HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD- Trinity Petchprom, Zoë Martin, Sophie Rodriguez, Madison Muñiz, Valeria Herrera-Cruz, Alexa Combs, Lucia Markey, Tess Buckmaster, Chelsea Acosta *Shannon Primeau
3. SCOOBY DOO- Xavier Avery, Isha Simmons, Milena Zieba, Adrian Montgomery, Aaliyah Herron*Ernesto Calderon
4. LILO AND STITICH- Naylia Velasco, Falyn Mackey, Jurnee Gatewood, Giselle Williams, Miriah Holcomb, Mackenzie Metcalf, Leslie Marinlarena, Zhandra Moore, Zoe Harris, Adamary Lopez, Evelyn Stockton *Jessica Landry
5. ROYAL TENANBAUMS- Breanna Troutman, Josie Lynn Gentry, Vanessa Rodriguez, Zoe Schneider, Crystal Torres, Jacy Oliver, Roxanne Martinez, Kelly Zuniga, Halee Harder, Goretti Barrios *Lynna Schneider
6. CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY- Quinn Catalfu, Shawntell Black, Kloey Perez, Sophia Najera, Holland Starr, Riley Slatev, Elias Simmons, Nora Cheek, Zoe Gleason, Lissandra Aguiñaga, Eleanor Ariyeh, Skylar Barkett, Laila Ellison *Shannon Primeau
7. SPY KIDS- Kate Shipley, Juliana Hill, Amy Martinez, Ashlee Harder, Isabella Mendoza, Amira Newsom, Sisi Simmons, Kiara Simmons *Jessica Landry
8. SELENA-Victoria Alexander, Isha Simmons, Maya Abdo, Yaslene Velazquez *Angela Barraza
9. THE HUNGER GAMES- Allie Mercer, Breanna Troutman, Robin Troutman, Jennifer Powell, Justine Rogers, Halee Harder, Jim McCown, Kelsey Faulk, Nadia Cook, Irandy Reyes, Sheralyn Faulk, Zoe Schneider, Kelly Armstrong, NolaPowell *Lynna Schneider
10. IT’S HOLLYWOOD- Brianna Muzquiz, Theophany Jessup-May, Eralen Nones, Mia Jacobs, Poppy Green, Anahi De Los Santos, Valeria De Los Santos, Danna Holguin * Shannon Primeau
11. OKLAHOMA!- Valerie Martinez, Jenifer Diotte, Gemma Schwimmer, Imani Espinoza, Daniella Loera, Sydney Corbett, Allison Santillan, Salayah Taylor, Natalie Bourn, Anna Nava, Sarah Jimenez, Sophia Estrada, Katherine Castelo, Elise Grim, Mayanna Narconey *Shannon Primeau
12. YOU GOT SERVED- Ashlee Harder, Chris Pratt, Sabrina Marban, Antonia Grigsby, Juliana Hill, Annie Brown, Gracie Burdette, Maxwell Hill, Marcela Valles *Ernesto Calderon
13. KILL BILL- Irandy Reyes and Breanna Troutman *Stephanie Pitts
14. DANCE WITH ME- Sophia Reyes, Rocio Bazan, Irandy Reyes, Lily Baumgardner, Brittany Anderson, Dulce Lopez, Azul Alvarado, Kaylan Roach, Dominique Harris, Lexi Choate *Danni Kelly
15. AN AMERICAN TAIL- Natalyee Orquiz, Allison Chacon, Andrea Gonzalez, Yennie Ayala, Alondra Sosa, Yajaira Estrada, Tiffany Bryant, Emily Love, Colleen Perez, Ariana Velasco, Ingrid Carrillo, Sophie Hedglen, Natalie Bui, Eisley Collins, Isha Simmons, Adrian Montgomery *Shannon Primeau
16. KEEP ‘EM FLYING Isabella Armstrong, Nola Powell, Halee Harder, Zoe Schneider,Annie Brown *Choreography by Erika Reyes
17. GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY- Randy DeLeon-Lopez, Asher Reed-White, Jose Bazan, Ciara Patterson, Samuel Konda *Ernesto Calderon
18. RETORNO A AZTLAN- Rocio Bazan, Irandy Reyes, Sophia Reyes *Jose Muñoz
19. BACK TO THE FUTURE- Gemma Schwimmer, Andrea Barrios, Linda Ochoa, Isha Simmons, Julia Young, Eleanor Gray, Lupita Davis Emily Love, Scarlett Brown-Trammel, Zoe Harris *Shannon Primeau
20. WIZARD OF OZ- Hazel Cashion, Emily Avina, Harper Mossman, Malli Zeaman, Brecklyn Davison, Larkin Simon, Annaleigh Jordan *Shannon Primeau
21. STEP UP- Mason Fair, Jonathon Millender, Halee Harder, Diana Valle, Madison Lankford, Sha'Mia Morrison, Micaela Holiday, Kamron Martin, Malissa Carrasco, Johanna Dunkel, Nadia Cook *Ernesto Calderon
22. CAN’T BUY ME LOVE- Nola Powell, Milo Powell, Justine Rogers, Annie Brown, Rocio Bazan *Makenna Rogers
23. OJOS NEGROS- Martha and David Wells *Choreography by Hugo Patyn and Celina Rotundo
24. PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN- Linda Ochoa, Yennie Ayala, Valerie Martinez, Giselle Williams, Isha Simmons, Amy Martinez
*Shannon Primeau
25. GOOD SHIP LOLLIPOP- Cali Mayo, Nala Collins, Valencia Cardenas, Natalie Hunt, Kennedy Pettus, Josie Mesa, Alesana Rodriguez, MarLee Reed, Kamya Haynes, Alexis Muñiz, Aubrie Muñiz, Charli Boyd, Madison Muñiz *Shannon Primeau
26. MALAGUENA- Rocio Bazan, Sophia Reyes, Irandy reyes *Shannon Primeau
27. GOLDEN AGE OF HOLLYWOOD- Martha Wells, Arika Bowles, Emily Brown, Justine Rogers, Mekhi Ndiba *Tomma Lou Brown
28. BOWS * NOTE: Dancers start lining up back stage in “Everything Goes Hollywood” t-shirts for final bows during dance #23