The Meeting of Takeley Parish Council
held on Wednesday, 6th June 2007, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.
Present: / Clr. Richard CheethamClr. Trevor Allen
Clr. Carol Pratt
Clr Brian Baldwin
Clr. Mike Garrick
Clr. John Gregory / Clr. David Daykin
Clr. John Orpin
Clr. Patricia Barber
Clr Iain Brown (7.35pm)
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr. John Green, Clr. Susan Barker (ECC), Mr. Martin Peachey
In Attendance: / District Councillor Derek Jones
Mr. Mike Mew / District Clr. Jackie Cheetham
Welcome and apologies: Chairman Richard Cheetham opened the meeting and received apologies from Cllr. John Green, Cllr Sue Barker and Mr. Martin Peachey.
Clr. Cheetham welcomed Clr. Iain Brown to his first meeting.
07/98 Declarations of Interest: Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.
It was noted that Clr. Daykin was required to declare an interest in a planning application for ‘St Omer’ reviewed at the April 2007 meeting. This declaration confirms that Clr. Daykin ‘lives at’ this address. The vote to support the application was unaffected.07/99 Minutes: The minutes of the May 2007 Annual General meeting, which had been circulated previously, were agreed & signed as a true record by the Chairman.
07/100 Matters Arising: Members agreed that a letter be sent to the residents at 1 Hawthorn Close regarding parking on the green.
Open Forum:
- In discussion with the District Councillors, TPC agreed to list ‘Planning’ as the first report on future agenda.
- Cllr. Derek Jones has been appointed Chairman of the SW Area Panel.
- Cllr. Jackie Cheetham has been appointed Chairman of UDC Development Control Committee.
07/101 / Appointment of Responsibilities/Representatives
Members reviewed and approved the following appointments:
FINANCE COMMITTEE / Richard Cheetham, Carol Pratt, John Orpin
PLANNING COMMITTEE / Carol Pratt, Mike Garrick, Tricia Barber, John Orpin
& Mike Mew (resident - appointed for 6mth handover)
HIGHWAYS & TRANSPORT / Brian Baldwin & John Gregory
SPORTS FIELD / Trevor Allen & John Gregory
RIGHTS OF WAY/FOOTPATHS/LAND / Trevor Allen & John Green.
POLICE LIASON/PUBLIC SAFETY / John Gregory & Mike Garrick
PUBLICITY / David Daykin
Essex Assoc. Of Local Councils / Richard Cheetham, Carol Pratt
Parish Passenger Transport / Brian Baldwin , John Gregory, Martin Peachey,
Margaret Underwood
Local Council Liaison committee / Richard Cheetham, Carol Pratt
Alexia Wilson trust / David Daykin
Silver Jubilee Hall / Trevor Allen
Village Records/History Society / Trevor Allen
07/102 / The Local Authorities Model Code of Conduct Order 2007- (SI.2007/1159)
TPC reviewed recent communication from UDC and the Standards Board regarding the new Code of Conduct. Cllr. Richard Cheetham communicated highlights from a recent UDC training session.
Each member received a document published by UDC clarifying declarations of interest.
In view of this clarification members agreed to update Registers of Interest where necessary.
6 members of the council are required to write to the Standards Board requesting dispensation for membership to SSE/NWEEPHA
The Code of Conduct: Guide for Members is to be circulated, read and signed by each member of the council. / All note
07/103 / Review of Standing Orders
TPC agreed to appoint a committee to review Standing Orders (Cllrs Richard Cheetham, Carol Pratt, David Daykin, Tricia Barber). A meeting will be called following instructions on a new ‘model’ in line with the revised Code of Conduct.
It was agreed that the procedures in the revised Code of Conduct supersede those in the current Standing Orders. Members with a prejudicial interest are entitled to the same rights to represent, question and comment on matters as the public (Standing Order 22). Members are then required to leave the meeting prior to debate and voting.
The Clerk will seek timescales for the revised model. / All note
07/104 / May Finance Report (previously circulated)
Financial transactions for May 2007 were tabled & agreed. / All note
07/105 / Silver Jubilee Hall Development
Cllr David Daykin declared a prejudicial interest in this matter (member of SJH Committee)
The Council received a letter from Mr. G. Coleman - Chairman of Silver Jubilee Hall Committee outlining proposals to develop the hall at an approximate cost of £100k. The Committee requests financial support from the Parish Council.
TPC agreed that the project should be supported in principle and that following receipt of further information the Council would assess the most appropriate way of supporting its delivery. The Clerk will write to Mr. Coleman:-
- requesting a copy of the project plan with details of costings and timescales. - Offering advice re funding bodies and community organisations that will assist with progression of the project plans and financing. / All note
07/106 / Takeley Primary School
TPC approved a donation of £150 to support the Summer Fete and to permit the school to advertise the event around the village on TPC land/property. / All note
07/107 / Takeley British Legion - 85th Anniversary
Cllrs Brian Baldwin & Trevor Allen declared an interest in this matter (as members)
TPC agreed a donation of £100 towards the cost of subsidising the celebration dinner. / All note
07/108 / Finance Committee Meeting
TPC approved the report and recommendations of the Finance Committee meeting 16th May 2007 including:-
- Expediting the Station House tenancy agreement with ECC
- Approval of (i) Receipts & Payments v Budgets 2006/07 - 12mths actual
(ii) TPC Budgets 2007/08 (v4)
- Signatories on a new bank mandate (Cllrs Cheetham, Pratt, Allen, Orpin & Clerk)
- Cheques require 2 signatures (previously 3) & the introduction of a monthly bank reconciliation to be presented to the Council.
- £500 donation to Molehill Green Cricket Club
- Renewal of EALC/NALC affiliation (£419.48)
- Revisions to Financial Regulations (including enhancing requirements for quotations) / All note
07 /109 / TPC approved the report & recommendation from the Planning Committee meeting (Wed., 23rd May 2007).
Summary of comments:
/OP / ‘ Woodview’,
Warren Close
New dwelling / Outline planning permission for a new dwelling (chalet bungalow) on a plot
to be formed from part of ‘Woodview’ garden. / OBJECTION
/FUL / 107 Takeley Park / Erection of side extension / NO OBJECTION
/FUL / 43 Takeley Park / Single storey side extension / NO OBJECTION
/FUL / Land adjacent to ‘Cherups’
Smiths Green / Erection of detached dwelling / OBJECTION
ESS/15 & 16/07/UTT / Crumps Farm / Undertake ‘in-vessel’ composting of source separated waste consisting of garden waste, kitchen waste including meat, together with packaging and paper waste. It is envisaged that the process would continue until 31/12/20. Green waste and wood waste to be composted. / OBJECTION
/AV / McDonalds Site 4A, South Gate Stansted Airport / Pole mounted signage / NO OBJECTION
Subject to conds
/FUL / Willow Cottage,
Mill End / Demolition of existing cottages and erection of an office building / OBJECTION
/ Clerk
has reported using delegated authority to meet UDC deadlines
07/110 / Public Inquiry BAA G1 v UDC
The Inquiry opened on 30th May 2007. Cllr. Richard Cheetham presented the Proof of Evidence on behalf of TPC.
Members acknowledged a vote of thanks. / All note
07/111 / Highways
TPC has received no response to the list of issues discussed and submitted to ECC Highways.
Members agreed that the list of outstanding issues be escalated with particular reference to ongoing ‘fly parking’ problems. / All note
07/112 / Consultation on BAA G2 Surface Access Proposals
TPC agreed to submit a letter to BAA outlining the council’s objections to these proposals which do not reflect Government policy (a copy will be appended to these minutes).
Faber Maunsell have invited TPC to a meeting, along with surrounding parish councils, to discuss the ‘link road’ options and Rights of way proposals further (21/6/07) / All note
07/113 / ECC Proposed Changes to Grass Cutting Procedures
TPC agreed to submit a list of ‘hotspots’ as requested to ECC / Clerk
07/115 / Aklowa - announcing the death of Felix Cobbson
TPC agreed to send a letter of condolence to Felix Cobbson’s brother and to
arrange for a memorial tree to be planted in the Churchyard. / Clerk/
Cllr Allen
07/114 / The Following items were deferred until the July meeting:
§ National Express/ HGV & Community Speed Watch
§ Recreation Ground Report
§ Sports Field Report
§ Local Policing & Public Safety Issues
§ Takeley Youth Initiatives
§ Four Ashes Bus Shelter / All note
The meeting finished at 11.30pm.
THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on
Wednesday, 4th July at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.
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