Project Grant Evaluation Form

In order for us to assess the value of the contribution the charity makes to the community your feedback is essential. Please therefore complete and return this evaluation form to:

West Hackney Parochial Charity

6 Trull Farm Buildings




T: 01285 841900


Please Print In Black Ink

Name of organisation:

Name of person completing the evaluation form:

Post held in organisation:


Telephone (including area code):

Fax Number (including area code):


To be completed by the applicant:

Date & amount of original grant:


Date evaluation to be returned:

Who specifically benefited from the grant?

Please tell us the ages of the beneficiaries

From West Hackney area / Total from project
Male / Female / Male / Female
PreSchool Children
Primary School Children
Secondary School Children
Youth 19 - 25
Adults 25 – 60
Older 60+

Please tell us the ethnic origins of the beneficiaries

From West Hackney area / Total from project
White / British
Other White
Mixed / White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other Mixed
Asian / Indian
Other Asian
Black / Caribbean
Other Black
Other ethnic group

Please tell us how many people with disabilities were involved in your project as participants, audience or visitors?

What steps did you take to cater for people with disabilities?


Funding from other sources: Please tell us who else donated to this project and how much they donated

Organisation / Amount

Did your organisation do any fundraising its self? Please tell us what you did and how much you raised?

How does the project plan to sustain itself once the funding from West Hackney Parochial Charity has ended?


Did you stick to your forecasted budget? If not please tell us what changed? And how much you overspent.

Did you spend the grant in its entirety?
If not why not and by how much?

Do you have any ideas for this under spend?

Your Project

What impact did your project/program have in the community?

What were the highlights of the project for you?

What results did you get from the evaluation methods outlined in your application (please attach a summary/illustrations if appropriate)

If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?

Did your project complete on time?
If not why not?

What help/support/advice would you need to develop community work in your area? Is there any help/support/advice that you would like to have received during the project?

How useful was the grant? Would you have started the project if there had been no grant from West Hackney Parochial Charity?

How was the West Hackney Parochial Charity recognised as a donor?

Other Comments

Declaration on behalf of the organisation to be completed by named official.

To the best of my knowledge, all the information that I have provided in this evaluation form is correct:



Please attach:

  • Financial records showing the grant expenditure.
  • Copy of your annual report if you have one.
  • Copies of any printed matter directly related to the project,e.g. brochures, leaflets etc.

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