Lesson Plans

Unit: Communities--Professions Lesson 15

Targeted Language Progress Indicators

Students use focus vocabulary to identify places in the community.

Students use the cardinal directions to give information in Spanish on the location of specific places within the community.

Students use the focus vocabulary to identify professions and various activities performed in the professions.

Targeted Wyoming Content Strands for Other Disciplines

Social studies

CULTURE/ CULTURAL DIVERSITY: Through the study of the Western Hemisphere, students demonstrate an understanding of different cultures and how these cultures have contributed and continue to contribute to the world in which they live.

2.2 Students describe cultural diversity and the interdependence of cultures.


5.1 Students use charts, maps, and graphs to answer questions dealing with people, places, events, or environments.

5.3 Students demonstrate an ability to organize and process spatial information.

Language Structures to


¿Quién eres?
¿Qué haces?
¿Dónde trabajas?
¿Para cuál departamento trabajas? /

Culture to Teach/Review

Products, practices, and perspectives associated with professions in the United States and the target country.

Focus Vocabulary for This Lesson:

El bombero (fireman)

El policía (policeman)

La Estación de Policía (Police Station)

La Estación de Bomberos (Fire Station)

Verbs—Apagar (to put out), rescatar (to rescue), salvar (to save), prevenir (to prevent), controlar (to control), cuidar (to take care of), ayudar (to help).

Materials Needed for This Lesson

ü  City Map (Obtain from your local Chamber of Commerce)

ü  Description of Professions (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-Handout1)

ü  Professions/ Verbs Flash Cards (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-PP1)

ü  Professions Flash Cards (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-PP2)

ü  Community Places Flash Cards (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-PP3)

ü  Question Cue Cards (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-PP1)

ü  Fill in the Blank Handout (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout1)

ü  ¿Quién eres? Handout (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout2)

ü  Mixed Words (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout3)

Lesson Steps

Warm-up: Review with students the traditional way to greet people in Spanish-speaking countries. Tell students to greet 2-3 other people with a handshake.

Activity 1: Begin with a review of the professions: El Bombero/ La Policía (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-PP2) and the verbs (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-PP1) that describe activities for each profession.

Verbs—apagar, rescatar, salvar, prevenir, controlar, cuidar, ayudar.

Read the professions description document (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-Handout1) from the previous lesson. As you read the descriptions ask students to identify the words that describe some activities for each profession. As the words are identified have the students underline or highlight them on the document: apagar, rescatar, salvar, cuidar, ayudar, y controlar. Have the students review TPR for each verb.

Activity 2: Refer to the community map and have the students locate: Estación de Bomberos, Estación de Policía. Ask the students the following questions:

T: ¿La estación de bomberos esta al N, S, E, O, de la escuela?

S: La estación de bomberos esta al _____ de la escuela.

T: ¿La estación de policía esta al N, S, E, O, de la escuela?

S: La estación de bomberos esta al _____ de la escuela.

T: ¿Dónde trabaja el bombero?

S: El bombero trabaja en la estación de bomberos.

T: ¿Dónde trabaja el policía?

S: El policía trabaja en la estación de policía.

Activity 3: Use TPR to review the verbs. The students will need Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout1. Explain to the students that you will read the document, pausing a few seconds at each blank. The students should fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs.

Reread the document as a class and have the students say the verbs that belong in the appropriate places. Pause and review vocabulary as needed, or discuss why one verb is better suited in some places.

Activity 4: Students will need handout (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout2) and the handout with the description of the professions. As a class fill in the information for el bombero and el policía.

¿Quién eres?

¿Qué haces?

¿Dónde trabajas?

¿Para cuál departamento trabaja usted? (This is covered in Lesson 16.)

Choose one of the professions and write a short paragraph using the information.


Soy el bombero. Ayudo a rescatar personas en

accidentes de transito. Salvo personas y animales

en situaciones de emergencia. Parte de mi trabajo

es educar a las personas en la prevención de incendios.

Trabajo en la Estación de Bomberos. Utilizo un carro

con equipos especiales para apagar el fuego.

Read the paragraph as a class.

Closure: Pair students together and designate who will be Student A and Student B. Student A will ask the questions (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-PP1) used in Activity 4 and student B will respond with an appropriate answer.

Extension Activities


Read the document that describes el Bombero Voluntario. Compare between the United States and the target country. Use handout Grade6-Unit2.Lesson14-Handout1.

Mixed words (Game)

Students will need Handout (Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15-Handout3). Tell students to take the handout home with them, cut out the squares and write their names on the backside of each card. Students should return the letters in a baggie.

This game can be played with 2-4 players. More advanced students can be paired together. New students or resource students may need to be paired with more experienced students. Review the alphabet.

Game 1: Using one bag of letters, the students mix the cards together. Cards are face up. Students take turns pulling out cards to spell a focus verb. Once the student spells the verb he/she must say the word.

Game 2--More challenging: Mix two bags of letters together. Pass out the cards. Students try to spell as many of the focus verbs as they can with the cards that they have. Student with the most words is the winner.

Lesson Plans: Grade6-Unit2.Lesson15

Unit: Communities—Professions