FIA Law & Compliance
The Futures Industry Association Law & Compliance Division is an accredited provider of CLE credits in Illinois and Virginia.
A table with the CLE sign-in sheets is located by the registration desk. You must sign in and out each day to receive CLE credit for the sessions that you attend. There will be a new sign-in sheet each day.
The sign-in sheet is listed alphabetically by last name with columns for Illinois, New York, Virginia and “Other” CLE. If you are not practicing in Illinois, New York or Virginia please check “Other”. Please make sure to check off the ONE appropriate column.
Those practicing law in other states please see the requirements and contact information listed further down in this document.
On the final day of the Workshop FIA staff will be present to hand out CLE certificates for both Virginia and Illinois. New York CLE recipients should collect the Virginia certificate. Please remember to pick up your certificates. If you do not pick them up you may contact Beth Thompson at and she will provide you with the appropriate certificate via e-mail.
Virginia CLE attendees must fill out the Form 2 which will be distributed with their certificate and return to FIA.
(Note: FIA is an accredited provider of CLE credits in Illinois)
All Illinois attorneys are required to report compliance, non- Compliance or exemptions at the end of the attorney's two-year reporting period. The MCLE Board will mail a Certification Form to each attorney at the preferred mailing address on file with the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. The Certification Form must be completed and returned to the MCLE Board by the Due Date on the form.
Attorneys must report their compliance with CLE requirements on a certification form that will be mailed to the attorney by the MCLE Director (“MCLE certification”), or they may Report On-line. The MCLE Board must receive the Certification Form by July 31 following the last day of their reporting period, or attorneys can report on-line by 11:59 p.m. on July 31 following the last day of their two year reporting period. The MCLE certification requires that the attorney state whether, with respect to the reporting period, the attorney: (1) has complied with the CLE requirements; (2) has not complied with them; or (3) is exempt.
Each attorney subject to the CLE requirements must maintain certificates of attendance received for CLE courses and activities and other sufficient documentation necessary to corroborate CLE hours earned.
Records corroborating CLE hours earned must be kept by the attorney for three years after the end of the relevant reporting period.
(Note: New York has a reciprocal agreement with Virginia and will accept Virginia CLE credits. FIA is an approved provider of CLE credits in Virginia)
An attorney registration form will be mailed to you. You must file your attorney registration form and complete your CLE requirement within 30 days after your birthday on alternate years. If you were admitted before January 1, 1982 or in an even-numbered year (e.g., 1998), then you will register in even-numbered years. If you were admitted in an odd-numbered year after 1982, then you will register in odd-numbered years. All attorneys must certify, at the time of their biennial registration, that they have satisfactorily completed their CLE requirement for that reporting cycle and that they have retained the proper documentation. (If, when you register, you have completed your required CLE credits but have not received all of your certificates of attendance, you may edit the relevant sentence on the attorney registration form to indicate that you are "awaiting documentation" of your compliance.
The New York State CLE program is a self-reporting system. Certificates of attendance, and/or other documentation of compliance with, or exemption from, the CLE requirement, must be retained by the attorney, for a period of at least four years from the date of the course or program, in case of audit.
(Note: FIA is an accredited provider of CLE credits in Virginia)
Where a sponsor makes copies of the Certification of Attendance and the Certification of Teaching available at a course or program, each active member who wishes credit may complete the form and turn it in to the sponsor or its representative.
Where a member attends a course or program, and for any reason the member does not return to a sponsor the Certification of Attendance or the Certification of Teaching on the day of a course or program, the member who wishes the Board to record credit may obtain a copy of the form from the Board or a sponsor, complete it and forward it to the Board.
Each active member shall submit on or before October 31 of each year Certification of Attendance or Certification of Teaching at an approved course(s) for the minimum educational requirement.
Following the end of each completion period, the Board shall advise each active member of his or her status respecting completion of the annual educational requirement. Such notice shall indicate the hours forwarded from the previous year, the hours earned during the current completion period and the total. This notice shall be entitled the “MCLE END OF YEAR REPORT.”
If the active member accepts the MCLE END OF YEAR REPORT as accurately reflecting his or her credit hours for the period, including any teaching credits or carryover hours from the previous reporting period, and the form lists 12.0 or more CLE credits of which 2.0 or more are ethics or professionalism credits the member does not need to file his form with the MCLE Board. If a member believes that the information reflected on the Board’s records is in error or incomplete, then the corrected MCLE END OF YEAR REPORT must be filed and received by the MCLE office no later than December 15.
Certifications of Attendance at an Approved Course or Program filed for credit for the previous completion period after October 31 are accepted for credit only when accompanied by the “MCLE END OF YEAR REPORT.”
After December 15, a member who wishes to receive credit for credit hours earned during the previous completion period may forward to the Board a certification on the appropriate forms together with remittance of the late filing fee. Any credits approved shall be recorded for the previous completion period and shall be eligible for the one year carryover into the current completion period in the same fashion as other credits. A member may not apply for credits earned earlier than the next preceding completion period.
California State Requirements: California accepts Illinois and Virginia CLE credits. You may collect an Illinois or a Virginia certificate.
25 hrs. over 3-year period including 4 hrs. of legal ethics; 1 hr. substance abuse and 1 hr. elimination of bias in the profession. Reporting date: January 31.
Contact Information
Office of Certification
The State Bar of California
180 Howard Street, 8th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Currently Does Not Require Lawyers to Take Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.
Washington D.C.
Currently Does Not Require Lawyers to Take Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.
Georgia State Requirements
12 hrs. per year including 1 hr. legal ethics, professionalism, basic skills within 1st 2 yrs., ADR 3 hrs. one time only. Reporting date: January 31.
Contact Information
Georgia Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency
104 Marietta Street, NW Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404)527-8717 Fax#
20 hrs. of CLE activity during the initial two-year reporting period. Increases to 24 hrs. for the subsequent reporting period. 4 of the total hours required for any two-year period must be in the area of professionalism, diversity issues, mental illness and addiction issues, civility, or legal ethics. Reporting date: June 30.
Contact Information
MCLE Board of the Supreme Court of Illinois
200 West Madison Street, Suite 3420
Chicago, IL 60606
e-mail: E-mail:
Currently Does Not Require Lawyers to Take Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.
Minnesota State Requirements
45 hrs. over 3-year period, 3 hrs. legal ethics, 2 hrs. elimination of bias required, maximum of 6hrs. law office management.. Reporting date: August 30.
Contact Information
Minnesota Board of CLE
Galtier Plaza
380 Jackson Street, Suite 201
St. Paul, MN 55101
(651)296-5866 Fax#
Minnesota does not have reciprocal approval. Courses approved for CLE in other states will be considered for Minnesota CLE credit after the sponsor or attending attorney submits the required information.
Missouri State Requirements
15 hours per year including 3 hrs. ethics every 3 years, new admittees 3 hrs. professionalism, legal/judicial ethics within 12 mos. Reporting date: July 31.
Contact Information
The Missouri Bar Center
P. O. Box 119
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0119
(573)659-8931 Fax#
New Jersey
Currently Does Not Require Lawyers to Take Mandatory Continuing Legal Education.
New York State Requirements: New York accepts Virginia CLE credits. Please collect a Virginia certificate.
Newly Admitted Attorneys: Practicing less than 2 years in NY (or less than 5 years in another jurisdiction immediately preceding admission to the NY State Bar.)
32 hours "transitional" education within the first two years admission to the Bar. 16 hrs. completed each year including 3 hrs ethics/professionalism, 6 hrs. practical skills, 7 hrs. practice management and areas of professional practice.
Experienced Attorneys
24 hrs. over two year period including 4 hrs. ethics/professionalism.
All Attorneys
Reporting period: every two years from the time admitted to the bar.
Contact Information
New York State Continuing Legal Education Board
25 Beaver Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10004
(212)428-2188 Fax#
Pennsylvania State Requirements
12 hrs. per year for all 3 compliance groups. 1 hr. ethics, professionalism, or substance abuse and a minimum of 11 hrs. of substantive law, practice and procedure, CLE crs. for ethics, professionalism, or substance abuse may be applied to any substantive law, practice and procedure requirement, no more than two times the current annual CLE requirement may be carried forward into the two succeeding years. Reporting date: 30 days after program.
Contact Information
PA Continuing Legal Education Board
5035 Ritter Road
Suite 500
P.O Box 869
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
(717)795-2120 Fax#
Texas State Requirements
15 hrs. per year including 3 ethics. 1 hr. of the 3 hrs. of legal ethics may be completed through self-study. 5 hrs. of the total 15 hrs. may be completed through self-study. Reporting date: last day of birth month each year.
Out-of-state CLE courses (not including teleconference, Internet, satellite or other electronic delivery programs) that do not have advance accreditation in Texas, you can file an individual request to have such a course accredited for MCLE. A completed State Bar Application for Accreditation of CLE Activity along with the required $15 accreditation fee should be submitted for each such out-of-state course.
Contact Information
State Bar of Texas
P.O. Box 13007
Austin, TX 78711-3007
(800)204-2222 Ext. 2106
(512)463-1463 Ext 2106
(512)463-1498 Fax#
Washington State Requirements
45 hrs. over 3 yrs. including 6 hrs. ethics, professional responsibility, professionalism, anti-bias and diversity. At least 30 credits must be earned by attendance at live CLEs, and up to 15 may be earned by self-study. Reporting date: January 31.
Contact Information
Washington State Board of CLE
Washington State Bar Association
4th Floor
2101 Fourth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98121-2330
(206)727-8320 Fax#
Virginia State Requirements
12 hrs. per year including 2 hrs. ethics each reporting period. CLE compliance deadline October 31, reporting date: December 15.
Contact Information
Virginia State Bar
8th and Main Bldg.
707 E. Main Street, Suite 1500
Richmond, VA 23219-2803
(804)775-0501 Fax#