Minutes June 11, 2010

Attendees: ABrose, BGC; KPelling, ELDI; AHorovitz, FDA; KGraziani, MO; Ryan, UPP; BStrauss, MO; MPasula, EACC; CJordan PHCC; JJennings, BBI; CKeenan, DHS; BDamewood RHLS, MLe, RHLS, JLawrence, CNNC; EGill, FCC; JHuck, NSLC; CPhelan, FDA; PJohnson, CNNC; BDavidson, PCRG


BDavidson gave an update on Action items. Minutes passed without revision. MP/AH

Treasurer’s Sale:

BDavidson gave the overview on 2010 sales, including upcoming deadlines and property tracking.

Property Reserve Admin:

BDavidson gave the overview of the status report and groups that have parcels that are due out/coming due out.


ACTION: BDavidson will coordinate with Mary Lou Tenenbaum on the Future TSale Buyback list and setting up a meeting with the County Executive’s office

Guest Speaker:

John Jennings, Interim Chief, Bureau of Building Inspections [BBI]

Topic: Demolitions

See addendum to Minutes for further detail on discussion.

Question: Can VPWG be an information hub –like with T/Sale and Property Reserve lists?

ACTION: BDavidson to work with JJennings and KGraziani to coordinate communication of condemnation / demolitions process and VPWG as central recipient of info to distribute to community groups

ACTION: community groups to take surveys of their structures and communicate that to BBI

Land Recycling Task Force

KGraziani gave the overview of the LRTF Quarterly Meeting

All presentations and documents have been uploaded to the Task Force website

ACTION: BDavidson will distribute the URL to VPWG members

HB712 to-be introduced at press conference on 6/22

Analysis of Bill: Does not hurt us, but does not help us with the financial structure yet

This will not be the only state legislative piece-anticipate changes to tax foreclosure law

Next Steps:

· Meeting between City, County, School Taxing Bodies

· Financial Analysis by Q3 meeting

· Needed: Due Diligence around the issues that the LRTF reps are facing to really understand how to best resolve them

K.Graziani introduced Becky Strauss, Intern, Mayor’s Office to help with the Task Force through the end of Q3 2010

Open Space, Parks and Rec Comprehensive Plan

BDavidson gave the update on launch of the open space comp plan chapter and the consultants/initial focus groups/advisory team meetings

Policy Update:

Freddie Mac Disposition Policy/Procedures

JHuck gave background and update on the conversations with Freddie Mac that have been started. Programs that currently exist

· Fannie: Homesteps

· Freddie: HomePath

· National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST): 14 national banks/lenders with REO portfolios, which compile REO lists and make accessible to recipients of NSPII funds

· HUD portfolio disposition.

ACTION: BDavidson and JHuck to coordinate on furthering the conversation. Must also work to understand how/where best to spend our time and resources?


· Troy Hill Citizens Council training held 6/3

· Training with City Council held 6/3

· NVPC conference 10/13-15 in Cleveland –interested groups should communicate with Bdavidson to determine if scholarships are available through VPWG

The next monthly meeting will be July 9th, 2010

There was no more business and the meeting adjourned at 10:47am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bethany E. Davidson

Staff person, VPWG