School of Information Sciences

University of Tennessee

Research, Teaching & Consulting Specialties:

  • Knowledge/Information Audit Procedures in Organizations
  • Knowledge Management Practices
  • Organizational Communication & Network Analysis
  • Diffusion of Technological Innovation
  • Organizational IT Policy Development
  • System’s Analysis, Design, Usability Testing and Implementation
  • Organization of Information & Management of IT
  • Information Storage and Retrieval
  • Specialized Information Centers (Medical, Corporate, Legal, etc.)

Formal Education:

B.A.Wagner College`Staten Island, NY 1973

M.L.S.University of ArizonaTucson, AZ1974

Ph.D.University of Southern CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 1980

Academic Employment:

2005-Director & Professor, School of Information Sciences University of Tennessee

1996-2005 Professor, School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin- Madison

1988-96Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison.

1987-88Acting Dean, School of Library and Information Science

Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

1985-87Associate Professor, School of Library and Information Science

Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.

1983-85Associate Professor, Graduate School of Library and Information

Science Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York

1979-83Assistant Professor, School of Library Science,

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI


Books and Monographs:

Cortez, Edwin M. and Epstein Susan Baerg. A Study of Future Directions for the California Library Services Act: Bibliographic Database Program. (California State Library: Sacramento, 1982).

Cortez, Edwin M. and Kazlauskas, Edward J. Managing Information Systems and Technologies. (Neal-Schuman, 1986).

Cortez, Edwin M. RFP’s and Contracts for Library Automation: Guidelines for Evaluation and Preparation. (America Library Association, 1987).

Cortez, Edwin M. and Smorch, Tom. Second Generation Automated Library Systems: A Practical Guide. (Greenwood Press, 1993).

Book Chapters:

Garten, Edward. Using Consultants in the Library: A Management Handbook “The Use of Consultants in the Development of RFP.” (Greenwood Press, 1991).

Refereed Articles and Proceedings:

Allard, Suzie, Cortez, Edwin M. “Key Issues in STEM Specific Information Education:

Lessons Learned at the University of Tennessee”. IFLA 79th General Conference and Council, August 17-12, 2013. Singapore.

Allard, Suzie, Cortez, Edwin M. “La SCALA Development of a Cross-cultural Mentoring Toolkit”. 2013 Mentoring Conference, October 29-Feburary 2, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Nichols, Frances, Cortez, Edwin M. “Breaking Down the Barriers: Creating empathic ontologies for LAMBDA initiative. Tennessee Libraries 63 (1) 2013.

Anderson, Rebecca L., Cortez, Edwin M. “Social Media Research Methodology: New Methods for LIS Research’s Toolkit.” 20th BOBCATSSS Symposium, January 23-25, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Cortez, Edwin M., Britz, Johannes, Mullins, Piper. “Applying Knowledge Management Strategies to Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa.” Inkanyiso, Jnl Hum & Soc Sci 2011, 3(2).

Douglass, Kimberly, Cortez, Edwin M. “Library and Information Science Education in Latin America and the Caribbean: Opportunities and Challenges.” IFLA 76th General Conference and Council, August 10-12, 2011. San Juan Puerto Rico.

Winkelstein, Julie Ann., Malone, Jim Cortez, Edwin M. “Homeless LGBTQ Teens: Public Libraries as Allies.”19th BOBCATSSS Symposium, January 31 – February 2, 2011 Szombathely, Hungary.

Cortez, Edwin M., Anderson, Rebecca Lynn “In the Field: A Critical Analysis of Ethnographic Approaches to Information Systems Design, Development and Inplementation.”19th BOBCATSSS Symposium, January 31 – February 2, 2011 Szombathely, Hungary.

Winkelstein, Julie Ann., Cortez, Edwin M. “How and Why Public Libraries Can, Should and Do Facilitate the Use of the Internet by the Homeless: A Look at the Programs, Barriers and Political Climate.” 18th BOBCATSSS Symposium, January 25-27, 2010 Parma, Italy.

Mehra, Bharat, Cortez, Edwin M. “Developing an Intercultural Toolkit for LIS Education.”IFLA, 75th General Conference and Council. August 23-27, 2009. Milan, Italy.

Cortez, Edwin M., Colon-Aguirre, Monica. “What Libraries and Information Professionals Can Learn from Knowledge and Project Management.” 17TH BOBCATSSS Symposium. January 28-30, 2009. Porto, Portugal.

Allard, Suzie, Cortez, Edwin M. “Coping in a 2.0 World: A Toolkit for Librarians and Information Professionals.” 4th Shanghai International Library Forum. October 22-24, 2008. Shanghai, China

Cortez, Edwin M., Sandusky, Robert.Aristeguieta-Trillos, Simon. “A Cross-Cultural and Bilingual Experience in LIS Education—a Case Study.” Open Roads Conference. May 15-16, 2008. Melbourne, Australia.

Cortez, Edwin M., Britz, Johannes. Kigongo-Bukenya, Isaac. “Strategies for Human Development of LIS Faculty in Sub-Sahara Africa.” IFLA, 74th General Conference and Council. August 19-24, 2008. Quebec City, CA.

Cortez, Edwin M., Britz, Johannes, Albright, Kendra, Kigongo-Bukenya, Isaac “Forging Partnerships across the World: International Collaborative Initiative between LIS Programs.” IFLA, 73rd General Conference and Council. August 18-23, 2007. Durban, South Africa.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Sustaining Economic Development through Knowledge Management Practices in the Caribbean region: Challenges and Opportunities.” ACURIL XXXVII Conference. June 3-9, 2007. San Juan, Puerto Rico

Cortez, Edwin M. “Designing the REEIS Knowledge Management Collaboratory.” Proceedings of INSCIT 2006. Merida, Spain. October, 25-28, 2006.

Cortez, Edwin M., Kazlauskas, Edward J., Dutta, Sanjay K.“What the Information Professional Can Learn from the Information Technology and Project Management Knowledge Areas.” portal: Libraries and the Academy, 4(1): 131-144, 2004.

Kazlauskas, Edward J., Cortez, Edwin M. “Strategic Information Policy Audit: From Inventory to System Requirements and Interventions.” Proceedings of School Business Officials International Conference.Charlotte, NC. October 31-Novemeber 4, 2003.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Designing a Knowledge Management Collaboratory: Re-conceptually REEIS Using Convergent Technologies.” Dynamics of Convergent Media Conference, University of South Carolina 2002, Columbia, SC. November 14-16.

Cortez, Edwin M. “In the Field: Ethnographic Methods in Information System Design, Development and Evaluation.” AACE Proceedings of Webnet 2001, Orlando, FL. October 23-27.

Cortez, Edwin M., Kazlauskas, Edward J. “The Strategic Information Audit as a Front-end to the Development of a Large-scale Web Accessible Information System.” Proceedings of AACE Webnet 2000, San Antonio, TX. October 30-November 4.

Cortez, Edwin M., Kazlauskas, Edward J. “Using Theory Elaboration for Building a Knowledge Management Apparatus.” Proceedings of the ASIS 2000 Conference, Chicago, IL. 2000, (Contributed paper).

Cortez, Edwin M. “Planning and Implementing a High Performance Knowledge-Base.” Proceedings of the ASIA 1999 Conference, Washington D.C. 1999. (Contributed paper).

Cortez, Edwin M. “Metadata Vocabulary for Data Retrieval.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 50 (13), 1999, pp. 1218-1223.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Research, Education & Economics Information System: An Engine for Strategic Planning and Information Policy Development at the USDA.” Journal of Government Information, 26 (2), Spring, 1999, pp. 119-129.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Information Policy Audit: Method and Use.” Proceedings of the ASIS 1997 Midyear Conference, Scottsdale, AZ. 1997. (Contributed paper).

Cortez, Edwin M., Kazlauskas, Edward J. “Information Policy Audit: An Organizational Analysis Tool for Strategic Planning, Innovation and Change,” Special Libraries. Spring, 1996, pp. 88-97.

Cortez, Edwin M. Park, Sang C., Kim, Seonghee. “The Hybrid Application of An Inductive Learning and a Neural Network for Intelligent Information Retrieval,” Information Processing and Management. 6 (31), 1995, pp. 789-813.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Tearing Down the Fences: The Intellectual Property Debate in a Postmodern Society.” Proceedings of the 16th National Online Meeting, 1995. New York, NY.

Cortez, Edwin M., Rice, Robbin. “The Role of Online Reference in Public Libraries,” Public Library Quarterly. 14 (2-3), 1994, pp. 7-21.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Library Automation Consultants: Current Realities and Trends,” Library Hi Tech. 9 (2), 1991, pp. 99-109.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Library Education and Accreditation” The Information Profession Facing Future Challenges: State-of-the-Art Institute. November 4-6, 1987, SLA: Washington, D.C.

Cortez, Edwin M., Bunge, Charles A. “The Communication Audit as a Library Management Tool,” Journalof Library Administration. 8 (2), 1987, pp. 41-63.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Development in Special Library Education: Implications for the Present and Future,” Special Libraries. 77 (4), 1986, pp. 198-206.

Cortez, Edwin M. “DOCGEN: A Documentation Inventory Control System Using the SPIRES/DBMS,” Library Software Review. March/April 1986, pp. 74-78.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Design of In-house Automated Library Systems,” Library Hi Tech. 2 (4), 1984, pp. 15-23.

Cortez, Edwin M. “Library Automation and Management Information Systems,” Journalof Library Administration. 4 (3), 1983, pp. 21-33.

Cortez, Edwin M. “New and Emerging Technology for Information Delivery,” CatholicLibrary World. 54 (5), 1982, pp. 214-218.

Cortez, Edwin M. "Invented Control Using the SPIRES Database Management System." Proceedings of the ASIS 1981 Conference, Chicago, IL. 1981 (Contributed paper).

Other Publications:

Library Information Systems: From Automation to Distributed Access Solutions, Kochtanek, Thomas R. and Matthews, Joseph R. In portal: Libraries and the Academy 3(4), 2003. (Book Review). pp. 690-692.

Jaquelina Alvarez, Lynne Chase, Edwin Michael Cortez, "Online Educator’s Forum Report Part I: Online Course Curricula," Journal of the Association of Library and Information and Information Science Education. Fall 2001

Lynne Chase, Edwin Michael Cortez, Jaquelina Alvarez, Online Educator’s Forum Report Part II: Knowledge Management Journal of the Association of Library and Information Science Education. Winter 2002.

Information Services for Innovative Organizations. Maguire, G. et. al. In Journal of Documentation. 52 (3), 1996. (Book Review). pp. 379-381.

Library Information Technology and Networks. Grosch, Audrey. Dekker, 1994. In Journal of Information Processing and Management. 32 (3), 1996. (Book Review). p. 394

Insider’s Guide to Library Automation;Essays of Practical Experience, Greenwood Press, 1993. In Journal of the American Society for Information Science. June 1994. (Book Review), p. 315-316.

Gateways to Comprehensive State Information Policy: Conference Proceedings. The Council on State Governments 1988. In Information Processing and Management. 27 (4), 1991. (Book Review) p. 395.

Managers, Micros and Mainframes: Integrating Systems for End-Users. Edited by Mathias Jarke. New York. John Wiley, 1986. In Information Processing and Management. 24 (2), 1991. (Book Review) p. 395.

“Grant Evaluation Methods using Management Information Systems,” Foundation News. Fall 1986. (Review article by research editor).

The Teaching of Computer Appreciation and Library Automation. A.J. Oulton, et. al. Report No. 5647, British Library Research and Development Reports. Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, London. 1981. In Library Research. 4(3), 1982. (Book Review) pp. 331-333.

Research and Grant Activities:

Institute on Museum and Library Service. Library Anchor Models for Building Diversity Awareness (LAMBDA). $189,500 (2013).

Institute on Museum and Library Service. Latino Scholars Cambio Leadership Academy (La SCALA). $339,000 ( 2012).

Institute on Museum and Library Service. Latino Scholars Cambio Leadership Academy (La SCALA) Planning Grant. $31,134 (2011)

Institute on Museum and Library Service. The Intercultural Leadership Toolkit for Library and Information Professionals (2009)

Institute on Museum and Library Service.Preparing Future Interdisciplinary Library Leaders (FILL). Submission (2008)

U.S. Department of Agriculture. “The Research, Education & Economic Information System (REEIS).” $175,000 (In support of an information audit and comprehensive needs assessment). 1997-1999.

Department of Education Fellowship. “Information Resources Management,” $14,000 (1992-95).

"A Critical History of Special Library Education." Special Libraries Association, $3,000 (1986).

"Supplemental Grant: Citation Analysis of Publications Resulting From Tinker Foundation Support, 1986 ($10,000).” Tinker Foundation, 645 Madison Avenue, New York, NY.

"Citation Analysis of Publications Resulting From Tinker Foundation Grant Support, 1984 ($47,000)." Tinker Foundation, 645 Madison Avenue, New York, NY.

"Videodisc Information Delivery System for Pharmacogenetics." New Investigators Research Grant, NIH. Washington, D.C.$20,000 (1979-1981). This project resulted in the establishment of online thesaurus for Pharmacogenetics and a clearing-house for Pharmacogenetics literature.

"Diffusion of Library Services to Hispanic Groups in Orange County, California." 1979 (California State Library, $96,000).

"Accreditation and Library Education." Challenges for the Future Institute. SLA, Washington, D.C., 1987.

"The Current Library Automation Market Place." VLA/DCLA Conference, Crystal City, VA, 1987.

"Contracting for Library Automation Services." LITA: ALA Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1987.

"Special Library Education: A Content Analysis Study." Special Library Association. Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, 1987.

"Social Implications for Library Technology." 2nd National Science, Technology and Society Technological Literacy Conference. Washington, D.C., 1987.

"A Comparison of the 69 ALA Accredited American and Canadian Library Schools by Information Science Curriculum." Reported at the 1983 Mid-Year ALA Conference.

"Information Policy Formulation: Effect on Low-Level Information Handling Groups in the U.S." ALA, 1982.

"Impact of New and Emerging Technologies on the Publishing Industry." Association of American Publishers, New York City, NY, 1984.

"Information Delivery in Latin American Countries." Academic Commission of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, 1981 (Invited Paper).

"A Feasibility Study for the Implementation of a Distributive Automated System." A 20 page paper prepared for the Northern Regional Library Cooperative (Alpena, Michigan), May, 1983.

"An Evaluation of Turnkey Automated Library Systems." A 19 page paper prepared for the Ann Arbor (MI) Public Library. February, 1983.

"A Study of Regional Resource Sharing." A 50 page paper prepared for the Capital Area Library Network (Lansing, MI). October, 1982.


Papers, Seminars, and Presentations:

“e-Portfolio as a Capstone Experience. ALISE Conference . January, 2013. Seattle, Washington

“Africa Information Ethics for Children and Young People” at the “Teaching Information Ethics: Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges Conference.” September 6-7, 2010 Botswana, Africa.

“Conversations with the Chancellor”, “The School of Information Sciences and the Future of the Profession”, (with Carol Tenopir). Knoxville, TN. Jan. 8, 2007

“Conceptionalization of Research Questions in LIS.” Makerere University, East Africa School of Library and Information Science. Uganda, Feb. 14, 2006.

“Atmospheric Sciences Libraries and Their Importance for Patron”, Ninth Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Feb 1-3, 2006.

“What an Environmental Scan Tells Us about the Future of Libraries and Library Education”, 30th Annual Mary Utopia Rothrock Lecture, Knoxville, TN 2005.

Keynote Speaker. “Partnering for Success”, TennShare Conference, Nashville, TN 2005

"Information Audit at the U.S. Department of Agriculture", Research, Education & Economic Information System (REEIS) National Steering Committee, Washington, D.C., 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.

"Specifications for REEIS", U.S. Department of Agriculture, (REEIS) National Steering Committee Washington, D.C., 1998.

REEIS Final Report, (REEIS) National Steering Committee, Washington, D.C., 1999.

"Information Anxiety; A view from both sides of the Reference desk", University of Buffalo, 1994.

"The Role of the Librarian in the 21st Century" WLA, 1992.

"System Analysis for Problem Solving." UW-Madison, Continuing Education Workshop, 1991.

"Library Automation and System Analysis." University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, 1991.

"Microcomputer Applications in Special Libraries." Northern Regional Special Library Association, Chicago, 1986.

"Shopping For Automated Library Systems." Drexel University, Office for Continuing Professional Education, 1982, 1983, 1984.

"In-house Design of Automated Library Systems." Michigan Library Consortium Lansing, MI, 1984.

"Automating the Library." Michigan Library Consortium, April, 1983.

"Using the New Information Technologies." Wayne County (MI) Community College, April, 1983.

"The Automated Integrated Library System." SMALLNET, Detroit, MI, March, 1983.

"Computers in Libraries." A.J. Seminars, Detroit, MI. October, 1982.

"Alternatives for Bibliographic Conversion." California State Library, August, 1982.

"Management Institute: Upward Mobility for Minority Librarians." University of Southern California, July, 1981.

"Institute on Automated Circulation Systems: Selection, Evaluation and Implementation." University of Michigan, July, 1980.

Research Activities and Publications in Progress:

Knowledge management applications in an R&D organization: An audit of Michelin, NA.

Application of the communications audit for assessing management communication effectiveness in for-profit organizations. (Application of model developed in previous research).

Using citation analysis as an evaluative measure of bibliographic products resulting from funded research. (Second stage of the Tinker grant.)

Development of a knowledge management apparatus as an integrated component of comprehensive information systems.

Information Policy Audit: An Organizational/Analysis Tool (Sabbatical Leave, 1995-96 and ongoing).

Designing a knowledge management collaboratory.

Consulting Services:

Automation Consultant, Panhandle Public Library System Cooperative. Provided system, RFP and contract specifications,1999.

Faculty. 1997 CLR Senior Fellows Institute, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Long Island University. Long Island, NY.

Automation Consultant. Oconee Regional Library 1992; 1996.

Automation Consultant. University of Michigan, Dearborn. Involvement in Contract Negotiations, 1989-91.

Automation Consultant. Flint Area Library Cooperative Online Network (FALCON).

Responsible for validation of RFP, candidate selection and contract negotiation. Helped to design their telecommunication network. 1989-91.

Automation Consultant. Ann Arbor Public Library. Responsible for Validation of RFQ and contract negotiation. 1989-90.

Automation Consultant. Fairfax County Public Library. Responsible for the development of the RFP and provided technical assistance in the evaluation and selection of a Turnkey Automation Library Systems. 1987-88.

Automation Consultant. Connecticut State University System. Provided automated networking capabilities to the four State University Library Systems. Developed bibliographic conversion specifications and negotiated data conversion contract with OCLC. 1985.

Automation Consultant. Ann Arbor Public Library. Provided guidance for the testing and implementation of a turnkey automated library system. 1984.

Special In-house Consultant. Data Phase Systems, Inc. Provided the direction and strategy for developing additional revenue streams by the introduction of library technologies for marketing. 1984.

Automated Library Network Consultant. Capital Area Library Network (CALNET), Lansing, Michigan. This was a three-phase project establishing an electronic network system for resource sharing among 42 multitype libraries. Included preparation of a grant proposal to the Kellogg Foundation. 1983.

Automation Consultant. Northland Library Cooperative, Alpena, MI. Included a needs assessment, bibliographic conversion and identification of options for automating catalog production and interlibrary loan among the 35 member libraries. 1983.

Automation Consultant. Catherine McCauley Health Center Library, St. Joseph's Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI. Evaluation and selection of an integrated library system. 1983.

Contracted Consultant. Planning Systems International, Inc., Falls Church, VA. This agency has retained my consulting services for international contracts with Latin American library organizations. (Pending funding by the Agency for International Development). 1983.

Special Consultant. California State Library. Statewide database development plan. Responsible for planning an integrated bibliographic database for California libraries. 1982.

Automation Consultant. Genesee District Library, Flint, MI. Responsible for technical guidance in preparing the RFP and its validation for the automation of circulation, administration and acquisitions subsystems. Coordinated the bibliographic conversion project. 1981.

Automation Consultant. Ann Arbor Public Library, Ann Arbor, MI. Selection and evaluation of vendor turnkey circulation systems. 1981.

Information Consultant. Presidential Committee on World Hunger. Washington, D.C. 1980.

Library Automation Consultant. National White House Conference on Library and Information Services, Washington, D.C., 1979.