Canada in the 20th Century

Canadian History – Final Essay – ISU

Mr. Woo


The Twentieth Century was a challenging century. Both good and bad events challenged Canada to respond and to grow.

Student Task:

Research a twentieth century event or movement from the attached list. Students are to write an essay discussing their chosen topic’s challenge, change and impact on Canadian Identity.


q  Works Cited

q  Footnotes – Minimum 15

q  Double Spaced

q  Title Page that includes:

o  Instructor Name

o  Student Name

o  Course Code

o  Essay Title

o  Due Date

q  12 Font

q  Rough Notes

q  Mind Map

q  1500 – 2000 words

q  Visual Supports that are:

o  Relevant

o  Appropriately Embedded

o  Located in a Timely manner

o  Have descriptive captions

Due Date: T.B.A.
Topics: Choose any of the lettered sub-topics as essay topics.

1.  Sources Energy

a.  Atomic Power – Candu Reactors

b.  Oil and Gas

i.  Alberta -Tar Sands

ii. Newfoundland – Hibernia

iii.  Quebec - Churchill Falls

2.  Genocide

a.  Holocaust – Canada, UNDHR, & S.S. St. Louis

b.  Somalia & Rwanda – Canada’s Role

c.  Bosnia – Canada and the UN

3.  Weapons of Mass Destruction

a.  Atomic Weapons & Arms Race – Canada & US common defense pacts

b.  NORAD – History and Function

c.  NATO – History and Function

d.  American Weapons Testing in Canada

4.  Immigration – Cultural Mosaic

a.  Canadian Immigration History

b.  Multiculturalism – Royal Commission on Multiculturalism

5.  Canada – US relations

a.  American Economic Domination – Branch Plants, Auto Pact, NAFTA

b.  CRTC, Canadian Culture and Content - Cultural Domination of American Movies, Music, fashion, and Culture

6.  C.C.F. and N.D.P.

a.  Father of Medicare – Tommy Douglas

b.  Socialism – Left Wing – Canada’s Social Conscience

7.  Liberal Party of Canada

a.  Great Prime Ministers

b.  Formula for Dominance, Corruption, Scandal, and Criticisms

8.  Western Protest Parties

a.  Western Alienation Parties i.e. Progressives, Social Credit, Reform, and Canadian Alliance

9.  Progressive Conservatives

a.  Great Prime Ministers

b.  Conservatism to Neo-Conservatisms

c.  Reagan, Thatcher, and Mulroney – 1980’s Rise of the Right Wing Agenda

10.  Quebec – Distinct Society?

a.  History Separatism – PQ, Levesque, and BQ

b.  Language Laws – Bill 22

c.  Referendum 1980, 1995 and National Unity

d.  Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism

11.  Eastern Canada – Poverty & Raw Deal?

a.  Newfoundland – Joey Smallwood

b.  Newfoundland last to Join Confederation

12.  Constitution

a.  BNA Act, Repatriation, Charter of Rights and Freedoms – Criticisms, and Challenges today i.e. gay marriage, marijuana, Canada Healthcare Act

b.  Constitutional Reform - Meech Lake, and Charlottetown Accords - “Not Withstanding Clause”

13.  Human Rights

a.  South Africa – Canada’s Foreign Policy & Ending Apartheid

b.  China – Relations with Canada – Norman Bethune to Pierre Trudeau, to today

c.  International Courts – The Hague

d.  Crimes Against Humanity – i.e. Nuremberg Trials

e.  War Crimes and International Court

14.  Challenges of the Global Village - Economy, Conflict, and Security

a.  Peacekeeping – PM Pearson in Cyprus, and Egypt

b.  Korean War

c.  Gulf Wars I and II – Canada’s Foreign Policy and Response

d.  International Developmental and Humanitarian Aid - CIDA

e.  AIDS – 3rd World

f.  Global Pandemic – H5N1 Bird Flu: future predictions based on global experience with WWI Spanish Flu

g.  Globalization – Flight of Capital, SEC, Sweatshops & Corporate Power

h.  Global Warming – Kyoto Protocol and Beyond – Canada’s Environmental Policy and Record

Canada in the 20th Century Essay Rubric

Catagories / Level 1 (50-59%) / Level 2 (60-69%) / Level 3 (70-79%) / Level 4 (80-100%)
Knowledge and Understanding / Knowledge of terms and concepts poor and incomplete / Knowledge of terms and concepts is fair and somewhat complete / Knowledge of terms and concepts are mostly complete / Knowledge of terms and concepts is excellent and complete
Research and Inquiry / Terms and concepts were inaccurate and incomplete / Terms and concepts were fair and somewhat complete / Terms and concepts were mostly accurate and complete / Terms and concepts were accurate and complete
Communication / All issues and questions in Mind Map were not included in final essay
3+ Format Components were not met
Poor flow of arguments that were organized and logical / All issues and questions in Mind Map were somewhat included in final essay
2 Format Components were not met
Fair flow of arguments that were organized and logical / All issues and questions in Mind Map were mostly included in final essay
1 Format Component was not met
Good flow of arguments that were organized and logical / All issues and questions in Mind Map were thoroughly included in final essay
All Format Components were met
Excellent flow of arguments that were organized and logical
Application / Student demonstrates poor understanding of interrelationship of concepts
Essay makes poor conclusions that are logical and complete
Poor speculation of consequences to Canadian History and issues / Student demonstrates fair understanding of interrelationship of concepts
Essay makes fair conclusions that are logical and complete
Fair speculation of consequences to Canadian History and issues / Student demonstrates good understanding of interrelationship of concepts
Essay makes good conclusions that are logical and complete
Good speculation of consequences to Canadian History and issues / Student demonstrates excellent understanding of interrelationship of concepts
Essay makes excellent conclusions that are logical and complete
Excellent speculation of consequences to Canadian History and issues