Marshall Trust Fund

What is the Marshall Trust Fund?

The Marshall Trust Fund is available to helpprovide items of uniform for members of Girlguiding North West England.

Who is it for?

The grant is available to those who, due to their circumstances, experience hardship themselves or in the family. Applications can be made by either an individual or a unit.

How do I apply?

The applicationform should be completed, signed by the relevant Commissioner, and returned to the Region Office:

Girlguiding North West England

Guiding Road


PR25PDTel: 01772 791 947

In the case of individual applications, please complete sections 1 and 3. Details should include the number in the family, whether parents are unemployed or receiving benefits, whether a single parent and any other details to support the application.

If the application is for a unit, please complete sections 2 and 3, indicatingthe itemsrequired & sizes. If the application is for an existing unit, the District/Division Commissioner may ask to see the unit accounts for the previous year.

How will I receive my grant?

The grant will be issued in the form of Members’ wear, to the maximum values shown below.

Leader & Senior Section£35.75


Brownie & Rainbow£22.00

Unit £110.00

The item/items of uniform requested will beforwarded directly to the Unit/Commissioner from the Region Depot.

NOTE: It is important that this application meets the criteria listed above and demonstrates financial hardship. Lack of information may result in the form being returned or the application not being considered.

Marshall Trust Application Form

Date of Application:
Have you previously received funding from the Marshall Trust? /
Yes No

Section 1: Application for Individual

Individuals will receive item(s) of uniform of their choice, which should be specified in section 3.

Name of Applicant:
Section: /
Rainbows Brownies

GuidesSenior Section

Young Leader Adult Leader
Unit: (Registered Title)

Section 2: Application for Unit

Uniform will be supplied directly to the Unit. Items, including sizes required,should be specified in section 3.

Note: The itemswill remain the property of Girlguiding and should bereturned to the Unit when a member leaves.

Unit: (Registered Title)

Section 3: District/Division Commissioner Authorisation

Supporting Information from the District/Division Commissioner:
NOTE: Please ensure that this application meets the criteria as listed on the front of the form and demonstrates financial hardship.
Signature of Dist/Div Commissioner
Membership number
Commissioner Address
Item/items required (including sizes)