APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists



You are invited to participate in the 7th Annual APhA-ASP PharmFlix Video Contest! This year’s theme is inspired by APhA-ASP National President Lucy West’s presidential theme and is entitled, “What’s Your Why.

The PharmFlix short film platform has proven to be a popular and creative way to advocate for our profession. These films play online throughout the year, exerting their influence well beyond the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition and APhA-ASP Closing Ceremony. Your efforts at relating the professional knowledge, compassion, and vision of the pharmacist, whether in the setting of patient care projects, grassroots advocacy, or the workplace, can inspire an enhanced perception of the pharmacist’s role in patient care.

What motivates and inspires you? Why do you want to be a pharmacist? Why did you join APhA-ASP? This year the PharmFlix competition gives you an opportunity to share with your student pharmacist teammates your purpose. With provider status on the horizon, this is a time to not only advocate for the profession of pharmacy, but also to focus on patient care and improved health outcomes. But why do you want to achieve provider status? Why is patient care important? Through your PharmFlix video, please show us how you use your purpose to make an impact within your community and your patients’ lives and what you do in your communities that inspires others. This is your opportunity, as APhA-ASP members, to show your national teammates, “What’s Your Why.


These short films can be of various genres including, but not limited to, documentaries, parodies of pop-culture, commercials, music videos, and movie trailers. You are encouraged to work with your chapter members to create your video.Only one video submission will be accepted from each chapter.

In keeping with the theme, you must include one of the following phrases, either vocally or using text:

We are <insert your names> from the APhA-ASP chapter at <college/university name> and this is our why”

“I am <insert your name> from the APhA-ASP chapter at <chapter name> and this is my why”

The placement of this phrase is up to you.



All videos must:

  1. Be relevant to this year’s theme: “What’s Your Why”.
  2. Include the phrase:
  3. “We are <insert your names> from the APhA-ASP chapter at <college/university name> and this is our why”
  4. “I am insert your name> from the APhA-ASP chapter at <college/university name> and this is my why”
  5. Be 90 seconds or less.
  6. Be uploaded to YouTube. We strongly recommend that you use a Chapter YouTube account or an account that is not connected to videos that might be considered inappropriate or unprofessional. The link must be public and included in the submission form ( which is due by 11:59pm PST on December 1, 2015.
  1. Include the following tags:
  2. APhA
  3. APhA-ASP
  4. PharmFlix
  5. Whats Your Why
  6. Insert Your Chapter’s name

*** All submissions that have not completed the above criteria and submitted the forms located on page 6 will be disqualified. ***



Selection will be based upon:

  1. Overall Impact and Relevance
  2. Creativity and Originality
  3. Motivation and Inspiration
  4. Humor or Informative Value
  5. Message Clarity and Execution
  6. Professionalism and Adherence to Theme

Awards given out during the APhA-ASP Closing Ceremony at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition include:

  1. Best Overall Picture
  2. Most Humorous
  3. Most Informative
  • A panel of judges will evaluate all entries and select the Top 10 videos, which will consist of the Top 5 videos from each of the two submission categories.
  • The Chapter Delegate from each APhA-ASP Chapter and each member of the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee will cast a vote for the top entry in each category during the APhA-ASP House of Delegates at APhA2016.

C A M P A I G N R U L E S, Q U E S T I O N S, & A N S W E R S


Q: What is the prize?

A: The Top 10 winners will receive certificates and will be recognized during the APhA-ASP Closing Ceremony of the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition on Monday, March 7, 2016. The winners of each category (Most Humorous and Most Informative) will each receive a certificate and the Best Picture winner will receive the PharmFlix trophy. The top 10 videos will also be showcased during the 2016 APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore, Maryland, so get creative and work together to show the nation your why!

Q: Has the competition changed this year?

A: No. Chapters will have the opportunity to submit their video into one of two categories, informative or humorous, based on their approach to the theme “What’s Your Why”. Chapters will indicate their video’s category on the Video Submission Form. Only one submission will be accepted from each chapter.

Q: How will the winner be determined?

A: A panel of judges will choose the Top 10 entries, which will consist of the Top 5 videos from each of the two submission categories. The Chapter Delegate from each APhA-ASP Chapter, as well as each voting member of the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee will cast a vote for the top entry in each category and Best Overall Picture during the APhA-ASP House of Delegates at APhA2016.

Q: Do I have to obtain written releases from everyone that appears in my video, including crowd scenes?

A: Written consents are required if you are interviewing someone, show someone looking at the camera (who can be identified by viewers), or use an actor. If you are using a minor, you will need to get permission from their legal guardian. No written releases are needed for wide‐angle shots of crowds, people walking down the street, or a huddle of people. Please refer to the PharmFlix Authorizationand Release Form for sample permission/release form and submission information.

Helpful Tip: Fill out the written release form prior to filming.

Q: Are there any restrictions on content?

A: Please keep all videos professional, as they will represent you, your school, your chapter, APhA, and the profession. APhA retains the right to refuse use of any video on the APhA-ASP YouTube Channeland pharmacist.comthat is deemed unsuitable for public viewing. This includes the use of music without the written permission of its owner and videos containing explicit material, use of subjective referencing, and use of material which conflicts with the goals and standards of APhA.

Q: Should I include titles and credits?

A: You can include a title slide at the beginning and credits at the end of your film, if you choose to recognize the individuals that assisted with your video. The title and credits will count in your 90-second time limit for your video. Use of any APhA logos,including thePharmFlix logo, will not be permitted for videos that are submitted without APhA approval. For prior approval, please send a copy of your video to Keith Marciniak, APhA Senior Director of Student & New Practitioner Development at .

Note: If using the PharmFlix logo, use the most recent version (with stars in color).

Q: What kind of music can I use?

A: Since the videos will be shown publicly, you must have the rights to use any music you include in your video. You can accomplish this in different ways.

  • Use music that you create yourself. There are many different computer programs like GarageBand or Midi Player that can help you to do this.
  • Use original music of artists that give you expressed, written permission to use it in this video. Try local musicians.
  • Use music that is in the public domain. This is music for which the rights have expired (typically older than 70 years) or the artists have explicitly placed a piece of work into the public domain. Sites like start you in the right direction.
  • Use royalty‐free music. This is typically “studio” or “production” music that is produced for use in films, commercials, etc. There are many online sources such as Some tracks can be downloaded for free, although most require a small fee.

Please note that purchasing or downloading music does not permit you to use it for your video according to copyright laws. The music for your video must be exempt from copyright law (original work that belongs to you, public domain, or royalty-free) or you must ask permission from the creator of that specific piece of music.

Q: I have never edited a film. Is there a special computer program that I need?

A: No, any video editing program is acceptable. All current computer operating systems have a built‐in “movie maker.” Mac has iMovie and Windows has Movie Maker. Video cameras are also normally packaged with a video‐editing program. You can also reach out to the IT or Creative Services departments at your school for equipment and advice. For a really short film, editing may not even be needed. For more information or advice, try visiting

Q: What will APhA do with my video?

A: Videos may be posted through various mediums, including (but not limited to):pharmacist.com, APhA-ASP YouTube Channel, APhA-ASP Facebook Page, and at Midyear Regional Meetings.The Top 10 videos will be shown during the APhA-ASP House of Delegates and the winners will be announced at the APhA-ASP Closing Celebration at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition.

Q: Is there a sample video available?

A: Yes. Visit last year’s top videos under playlists. Please keep in mind that:

  1. The theme was different for the previous years.
  2. Your choice of style, theme, or message should not be limited by what was submitted last year. Please refer to the judging criteria for further clarification.

Q: Will I receive a confirmation e-mail?

A: Yes, you will receive an email by December 15th, notifying you if your submission is complete and will be accepted.

Q: Should I go to APhA2016 in Baltimore, Maryland?

A: Yes! If your chapter’s video wins, you will want to be there to accept the award.

Q: How do I submit my Chapter’s Pharmflixforms?

A: Uploads it via the PharmFlix Video Contest Form

Q: How do I submit forms via Dropbox?

A: Open your Chapter Dropbox account. Click the upload button, then select “Choose files.” Select the files where the forms are saved on your computer and press “Open.”

Q: Who should I contact with Questions?

A: If you need assistance, have questions, or need more information, please contact Crystal Atwell,

Director of Student Development by phone at (800) 237-APhA ext. 7586 or via e-mail .



August12, 2015: Launch of theme during Webinar Week

December 1, 2015: All video submission forms due by 11:59 PST to

February 1, 2016:Top 10 videos for each category are announced

March 7, 2016: National winner announced at APhA2016 in Baltimore, Maryland

Authorization and Release Form

I hereby grant to ______(“Video Maker’) permission to photograph, film, and/or record on film, tape, or otherwise, my image, likeness, and/or voice for use in the video ______(the “Video” title.)

I hereby authorize Video Maker to edit at his/her discretion and to include it with the performance of others and with sound effects, special effects, and/or music and to submit the video to the PharmFlix Video Contest by December 1, 2015.

I further acknowledge that Video Maker owns all rights in and to the results and proceeds of my services rendered in connection with the Video, and that the American Pharmacists Association, owns all rights in and to any compilation video that includes the Video.

I hereby release and waive to Video Maker and the American Pharmacists Association any and all rights and privileges, including without limitation the rights of privacy and publicity, that I may have in or arising out of my participation in the Video, and waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished products or the use to which they may be applied.

I agree to hold Video Maker and the American Pharmacists Association harmless for any liability to others arising from anything I may say or do in the Video except as set forth in a written script provided by the Video Maker.

Name (Print): ______

Signature: ______

Address: ______

Telephone: ______E-mail: ______

Date: ______, 20__

Name and signature of parent or guardian if above‐named person is a minor:

Name (Print) ______

Signature: ______

Submission Instructions

Once you have completed your video, follow the steps below to submit your video to APhA-ASP.



Upload your PharmFlix video to your own YouTube account. The link to the YouTube page containing your video must be included on the Video Submission Form that you will upload to your chapter’s Dropbox account.

  1. Click the “Upload” link at the top of any YouTube page.
  2. Click the “Upload video” button to browse for the video file you would like to upload. Select the file you want to upload and click “Open.”
  3. As the video file is uploading:
  4. Enter the title of your video which must match the submission form
  5. The link must be public.
  6. Add the following tags:
  7. APhA
  8. APhA-ASP
  9. PharmFlix National Entry
  10. Whats Your Why
  11. Humorous/Informative
  12. <Insert Your Chapter’s name>
  13. Click the “Save changes” button to save the updates you have made to the file.
  14. Make sure your video is public. If the video is public, a white globe on a blue square will appear to the right or the video in the video manager screen. If a white lock on a blue square is there instead, click on it and use the drop down menu in the lower right corner of the new screen to select “public.”

Please note that APhA is not responsible for incorrect URL submissions or inaccurately labeled videos.



Once you have uploaded your video to YouTube and filled out all information the PharmFlix Authorization and Release Form(s)then submit the Video Submission Form[SG1]:

  • Scan or create a PDF of all of your forms into ONE document.



Failure to submit the PharmFlix Authorization and Release Formvia your chapter’s video submission will disqualify your entry:



APhA will request your video only in “.mpg” or “.mp4” format. You will receive detailed instructions from APhA by February 1, 2015 should this be the case.

If you need assistance, have questions, or need more information, please contact Crystal Atwell,

Director of Student Development by phone (800) 237-APhA ext. 7586,or via e-mail .

APhA-ASP PharmFlix 2015 Video Contest


[SG1]Update link

[SG2]Update link